How to Create a Self-Care Plan That’s Right For You
Photo from elixirmindbodymassage
Originally Posted On: How to Create a Self-Care Plan That’s Right For You | Elixir Mind Body Massage
What’s a self-care plan? The term has no official definition but most people take it to mean any routine you create to make your life better, more healthful, more rewarding, and happier. Massages, facials, saunas, rejuvenating beauty products, relaxation aids, and smart skincare are often key parts of a comprehensive self-care routine. Something as simple as using an effective sunscreen can make a huge difference in your long-term health.
Of course, creating a smart self-care plan involves a lot more than just buying a product or two, enjoying a massage and facial spa day each year on your birthday, and leaving it at that. Self-care plans call for attention, planning, and making wise choices about what works for you.
Here are a few common points you’ll find in many self-care plans. Feel free to incorporate them into yours and adapt them as needed.
Mental Relaxation
Make sure to put mental relaxation routines into your self-care plan. For many, that means a regular dose of jogging, walking, bicycling, calisthenics, weight lifting, aerobics classes, dance lessons, swimming, or martial arts. These activities are about more than physical health; they help our minds establish a challenging, rewarding pattern of movement that helps us sleep better and stay alert during the day.
Meditation, prayers, and mindfulness sessions are other good, less physical ways to gain access to direct mental well-being and relaxation. Just sitting quietly for 20 minutes each morning is a powerful way to get a guaranteed bit of mental relaxation in on a regular basis.
Healthy Skin
Facials, saunas, and massage are excellent ways to put emphasis on skin health. The skin is your body’s largest organ and affects virtually every major physical and mental system. Weekly facials, daily or weekly saunas, and warm baths and showers are some of the most pleasant and effective ways to give your skin what it needs. Lotions, oils, and balms help seal in all those healthful benefits.
Treating the Muscles
Regular massages can mean a stronger immune system, better muscular fitness, enhanced mental health, and less stress. That’s why massage is usually a central component in every self-care plan. Once per month is good, but two or more one-hour sessions per month are ideal for maintaining a stress-free musculature and low-stress life.
Do Self Care Right
At Elixir Mind Body Massage, we focus on you. That means your self-care is our specialty. For that reason, we offer many kinds of massage therapy, facials, and skin care treatment packages, products, and services.
When you take the important step of creating a personalized self-care plan, feel free to give us a call, stop into our studio, or check out some of the information on our website for ideas and encouragement. We love it when our customers get proactive with self-care, body health, and positive lifestyles.
Our studio is located at 1518 Wazee Street, Suite A, Denver, Colorado, 80202, and our direct phone number is (303) 571-4455. Get started on your self-care plan today and start giving your body the attention it deserves.