How to Create a Marketing Calendar for Your Rock Clothing Company
When you run a small fashion brand, you’re likely to invest considerable marketing dollars to stick-out as unique. That’s especially true for brands that specialize in wardrobe-choices for rebels and rockstars.
But one thing that’s not unique about your rock ‘n’ roll clothing brand is your need for a strategic marketing plan.
When things start picking-up, a calendar simplifies marketing processes and takes out the guesswork.
Here’s how to create a-rockin’ marketing calendar for your clothing brand.
Covered in This Blog
In the following article, you’ll learn:
- The do’s of topic creation
- Selecting the right tools to start an editorial calendar
- Post scheduling; and more
If the lack of a comprehensive marketing plan is holding your fashion brand back, keep reading.
How to Choose Topics for Great Content
It’s no secret anymore that content plays a big part in any good marketing plan. According to experts, your marketing calendar should be a hodge-podge of all different kinds of content and media.
When planning content, you have to make two considerations:
- Planning original content
- Planning everything else
Here’s how to navigate the decision of what kinds of posts to have:
All Content
All content should be topical and relevant. You should choose things that have mass appeal to your audience. Tools like BuzzSumo make it easy to see what articles are trending on a specific topic.
Original Content
Planning original content is a little more complicated. It involves the following:
- Look out for relevant trending topics: those you could use to reproduce a new blog with a fresh take
- Research keywords: use a wealth of free and cheap resources
- Plan content: use special events that make sense for your audience — like writing about the 40th anniversary of the Enlightened Rogues album to attract those looking for Allman Brothers t shirts
- Write it down: put your ideas into an editorial calendar.
- Schedule it: use a scheduling tool to implement.
If the last two bullet points look familiar, it’s because we’ll be flushing each of them out below.
How to Create an Editorial Calendar
There are a number of templates available for working up an editorial calendar of your own. You must choose your preferred source:
- Google Docs or other collaborative platforms: this choice is great for easy sharing
- Google calendar or preferred calendar program: some people live and die by their calendar, and their marketing schedule is no different
- Excel spreadsheet: if you’re comfortable in Excel, it’s a great place to start collecting topic ideas and making a calendar worksheet
- PDF template: PDF templates can be printed or edited in a PDF editor
A quick google search of marketing calendar templates offers a number of formats from which small business owners can choose.
How to Implement a Social Scheduler
Tools like Buffer offer free or cheap social scheduling capabilities.
In most cases, the free versions are limited and monthly subscriptions are available for those who have more than basic needs.
Using a social scheduling tool to plan your marketing simplifies the process and takes less valuable time to complete.
Start Your Marketing Calendar Today
With these trade secrets, you can start a marketing calendar today. Make it your best year for:
- Lead generations
- Conversions
- Followers
- Downloads
Whatever marketing goals you’re looking to achieve, a calendar will help your rock clothing brand get the reputation it deserves! For more information on digital marketing, return to ArticleCity.