How the NBN is changing the way you do business
Photo by Thomas Jensen
Originally Posted On: How the NBN is changing the way you do business | Nexgen
How many times have you or someone you worked with complained about internet speeds? Whether you work alone or within a large organisation, you definitely rely on the internet for at least some part of your job. By now, you’ll probably have heard about the National Broadband Network (NBN) and are wondering how it will affect you and your business as it rolls out across Australia.
As it is introduced, people will see a range of benefits and changes in the way they do business. The greatest impact will be seen in our communications and it’s important that you know what is best for you when the time comes. Whether it is office phone systems, NBN, or data needs, there are tailored solutions available that can work effectively for you.
So, what is the nbn
Funded by the Federal Government of Australia, the NBN is a countrywide project that aims to ensure that every single home and business has access to a fast and reliable internet connection. Sounds like music to all our ears. So, whether you’re out in the bush or running your business in the centre of a busy city, you won’t have to worry about your internet.
The NBN will have a range of advantages – from improving productivity in the workplace to have the capacity to expand your business. New opportunities and increased revenue will be a positive by-product of the NBN
. Every business has its own unique needs in this area, so it makes sense to talk to your internet service provider (ISP) about what works specifically for you.
So let’s look a little closer at the benefits:
Moving your business to the cloud
Remember when we used to put everything on a hard drive or USB sticks? Maybe you still do, but you’ve probably also experienced when one no longer works or you get that terrifying message telling you the files are corrupted. With NBN, you can move into the future and store all your business data in the cloud.
You can store your data, software and servers in the cloud, which is much more secure than physically storing them on computers at your office or warehouse, and when you access it through the internet. Instead of always having to maintain and upgrade your servers, you can simply buy more data space for a month and save money. If you need to expand or adapt your business, a reliable internet connection will pave the way for this, as you’ll have access to the latest software tools and infrastructure technology.
Cloud computing also means no more worrying about backup as you will always be able to access your files once you are connected to the internet. If your PC crashes, the work will still be there in the cloud, giving you peace of mind and preventing any delays.
Currently less than 50% of Australian small to medium businesses are taking advantage of cloud web hosting, storage and applications but it is expected that number will skyrocket with the introduction of NBN. Regardless of what industry you’re in, cloud computing gives you more freedom.
You or your team can have more flexible work arrangements
It’s becoming more common for employees to work from home, abroad, or even a beach somewhere. New technology and work policies are making this possible. The availability of widespread, fast broadband means that you now have a choice of where you want to work. It also means that you can hire staff in remote locations if they have the right skill set for the role. All they’ll need to do is have access to your network and cloud-based services. Even if staff need to come into the office for certain tasks, you can give them the option to work from home one or two days a week, which has been proven to increase employee satisfaction. Less time in traffic also creates a better work-life balance.
The cloud allows your staff to access the software they need to do their jobs on any device, wherever they are.
Having fast, reliable internet also opens up new opportunities for collaboration with people in different towns, cities and even across the world. This could mean that you can diversify, expand your business and improve your customer service. So you can save money by having smaller premises and lower overheads, and you can make money through new opportunities!
Everything moves faster
If your internet speed is faster, then things will get done faster. See the impact on your company’s productivity and performance levels with the nbn. Quicker, smarter technology and processes make for productive, happier staff and the overall efficiency of the business will go up.
You can take advantage of internet-based subscription software to introduce new processes in your business. Use tools such as QuickBooks for your accounting, Adobe Analytics and CRM technology to manage your customer relationship management. You’ll find your operational efficiency goes up when you have the right tools at your fingertips.
Discover new markets
Even if you’re located in a rural area, the NBN will allow you to explore business prospects elsewhere. With reliable, quick internet you can reach a larger market without the need for a huge spend on marketing services. Year on year, retail spending online is rising and Australian businesses can be at the forefront of e-commerce because of the NBN
How to join the NBN
Many landline and internet services are being disconnected as the NBN rolls out across the country. Customers will have 18 months to move their services across from their existing network once the NBN becomes available in their area. Be proactive and speak to your ISP before you’re forced to change in order to avoid any disruption. It’s also a good idea to discuss what plan will suit your requirements.
The government is controlling prices in order to ensure every business can get connected and in most cases, the government will also cover the cost of installation. You will just have to pay your provider a monthly access fee and you’ll be good to go.
Find out more
If you’d like to know more about plans or availability of NBN, call Nexgen today on 1300 063 943 and we’ll be happy to help.