How Much CBD Oil Should I Give My Cat?
Originally posted on https://intrinsichemp.com/how-much-cbd-oil-should-i-give-my-cat/
As a pet owner, there’s nothing worse than seeing your beloved furry friend stressed out or in pain. Trips to the vet can get expensive fast, they can often make your pet feel even more out of sorts. In some cases—particularly when it comes to age-related ailments—there’s relatively little your vet can do to alleviate your cat or dog’s symptoms. Enter a new option that’s gaining popularity for many pet health concerns: CBD oil!
You may already be familiar with the rapidly growing number of CBD products on the market for human use. CBD has gained popularity as a safe and effective remedy for conditions including anxiety, sleep disorders, arthritis, acne, eczema, and much more. Even if you’re a CBD user yourself, you might not know that it can have similar benefits for your dog or cat!
If you’re the owner of a cat that is struggling with health issues, you might have lots of questions about administering CBD to your pet. We’ll cover the answers to common questions, including: “How much CBD hemp oil should I give my cat?” “What conditions can CBD treat in cats?” “How can I give CBD to my cat?” and more. Read on to see how this natural compound could offer improved quality of life for your feline friend.
How Does CBD Work for Cats?
Like all mammals (including humans and dogs!), cats have an endocannabinoid system made up of receptors scattered throughout their bodies. These receptors interact with the compounds found in CBD—known as cannabinoids—to help regulate bodily functions including mood, inflammation, memory, and pain. The endocannabinoid system works to maintain homeostasis and general well-being in your cat’s body, and CBD can help to trigger physical processes that make this possible.
Which Feline Conditions Are Treatable with CBD?
Because CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system in so many ways, it can be an excellent treatment for many ailments common to cats, particularly as they age. CBD could be beneficial if your cat suffers from:
As cats get older, they often experience pain associated with arthritis or hip and joint stiffness. The anti-inflammatory effects of CBD can reduce the symptoms of these conditions and help your cat feel playful and young again.
Stress and Anxiety
Just like humans, cats can suffer from stress and anxiety; it may be caused by changes in their environment, new people and pets in the house, or simply a more high-strung personality. CBD can be used to treat cats that experience separation anxiety, panic attacks, depression or stress, creating a calmer atmosphere at home for both you and your pets.
Many dog owners rely on CBD as a treatment for seizures in their pets, and CBD is an equally effective way to alleviate seizures in cats. A daily CBD regimen can work to reduce the frequency and intensity of seizures in cats to boost their quality of life.
If your cat suffers from a sensitive stomach, CBD can work to reduce the symptoms of nausea and vomiting—so your cat can feel better and you can avoid cleanup duty! If your cat is a picky eater, CBD can also improve their appetite to make sure they’re getting the nutrition they need to thrive.
How Much CBD Oil Can I Give My Cat for Pain, Seizures, or Anxiety?
Once you’ve decided that CBD might be an effective treatment option for your cat, the next step is determining an appropriate dosage. As a general rule, it’s best to start with the smallest possible dose and gradually increase the amount of CBD until you see the desired effects in your cat.
Most veterinarians recommend a dosage of 1 to 5mg of CBD for every 10 pounds of your cat’s weight. As noted above, it’s best to start with the lowest dose—1mg per 10 pounds—and work up slowly. You can also consult with your vet to establish a baseline dosage of CBD for your cat.
How Can I Give CBD Oil to My Cat?
Every pet owner knows that cats can be notoriously picky eaters, so finding the right way to administer CBD to your feline friend can be a challenge. For pets, the most common CBD options are oil or infused treats.
CBD Oil for Cats
CBD oil is the fastest-acting option for cats, and is ideally administered by applying drops under your cat’s tongue, where it can be absorbed directly through the mucus membrane. Most cats, however, are likely to resist this method, so you can also mix CBD oil into their food or water and expect to see its effects in around 45 minutes.
CBD Treats for Cats
CBD treats for cats are a bit less common than oil, but they’re simpler to mix into your cat’s food. It can take longer to see the effects of CBD treats in your cat, but those effects are generally longer lasting. Most CBD treats for pets also contain a set amount of CBD per piece, making dosage easier to calculate.
Are There Risks Associated with CBD for Cats?
Overall, CBD is a safe and effective option for treating many common ailments in cats. However, you should be sure to monitor your cat’s behavior when beginning a CBD treatment plan. The most common side effect of CBD in cats is drowsiness; if your cat seems lethargic, try a lower dosage. Other side effects, including anxiety, nausea and vomiting, or appetite changes, are rare but may occur—if you notice these, discontinue CBD for your cat until you consult with your vet.
The most important thing to remember when giving your cat CBD is to use only high-quality products designed especially for pets. Any product you choose must contain CBD only; THC and other marijuana products are harmful to cats and dogs. Finally, avoid any edible products meant for human consumption, which can contain substances like xylitol, nuts, and chocolate that aren’t safe for pets.
Due to FDA Regulations, we recommend that you do your own research on CBD products. We also suggest that you read the reviews on our website, where our customers record their real-world results of using our products.