How Long Does It Take to Build a House? The Process Explained
Maybe you’ve owned your home for a long time and want something new or want your first home to be your dream home. If you want to build your home from scratch, then you probably want to know how long does it take to build a house?
The reality is there are many factors that go into the timeframe for house building, so we created this article to give you an idea of the home building process and when you can expect to move in. We also provide the occasional home building tips to help you hurry the process along.
You’ll be moving into your home before you know it.
How Long Does It Take to Build a House?
Many factors go into building a house from the overall size to the number of crew working to build it. It takes longer to build a 5,000 square foot home than it does for a small one-bedroom. If you have the money to hire lots of builders, then they build it faster.
Assuming everything goes smoothly, and you have an average-sized home and crew, then the process takes about three to six months total. This is from day one of construction to ready to move in.
Building Permits and Blueprints
There are two major factors that influence how long it takes to build a home. Every home requires various building permits to be approved before construction begins. This often requires meetings with the local zoning board and other hoops.
If there are problems with the permits such as issues with the land, zoning, or construction, then it can add months to your home construction. These must all be hammered out before you can build.
If you have a custom home design, then it takes longer because you need to create everything from scratch. There are home designs that are like cookie-cutter houses that many home builders use to speed up the process.
Environment and Weather
The weather has a lot to do with construction timing as well. If you have several days of cold weather, storms, or even natural disasters, then it dramatically increases the time for construction. While a few rainy days add an extra day or two, a tornado or flood may require everything to start over.
Winter is also never a good time to build a home unless you live in a temperate region. A contractor won’t want to begin construction too close to winter unless the exterior can be finished before the snow and cold temperatures.
The environment you build on also has a lot to do with construction time. A home built on uneven ground or if the soil is filled with rocks or clay. It takes longer to smooth out a hilly lot than an already flat surface. Read about buying land so you pick the perfect parcel.
Enjoy Your New Home
How long does it take to build a house? It depends on several factors, but between three months to a year if there are complications. Be sure to take this into consideration when building your new home.
For more information about home building please explore our site.