Hire Externally! 7 Ways to Scale Your Business By Outsourcing Services
Ask just about every company what the biggest costs of doing business are and most every single one is going to put labor near the top of the list. If it’s not the most important expense, it’s surely one of the biggest drains on your profits.
With outsourcing services, you get a plethora of staff members to help you grow and compete with the other companies around you.
Here are four reasons why your business can grow as big as you imagine with outsourced staff.
1. Manage the Ups and Down
Every business sees ups and downs. It’s hard to weather the volatility of changing markets and those long cold seasons when sales dip or your profits are struggling. At the same time, a sudden spike in sales makes it hard for you to catch up to the needs of your customer base when it happens.
With the help of outsourcing services, you can scale as needed based on your revenue. All you need to do is to make a quick phone call and you’ll be able to scale your business in the direction you need to go.
Has one of your products picked up speed, causing you to have a lot more sales than you anticipated this quarter? Are you struggling to fulfill requests from tour customers or to field problems with your digital platform based on volume? This can be fixed with the help of outsourced workers.
If sales dip momentarily, you can take off workers as quickly as you add them. So long as you’re constantly in contact with the company you hire, you can order any kind of services a la carte. Read more here about how to use managed IT services with a growing business.
2. Put More Money into Generating Revenue
If you’re worried about staffing your IT department or other parts of your business that don’t generate revenue, you’re going to play a balancing act. You can’t support both your internal business needs while growing externally.
With staff costs climbing higher and higher, especially when you need high-tech services, you’ll run out of money quickly. While you want to hire great talent, you’re going to have to pay for it without outsourcing. When you outsource, you get great people at a much lower cost.
While you’re diverting your budget to staffing, you can’t spend as much on marketing, outreach, or business development. You’ll be stuck with old products as your competitors lap ahead trying to move onto the next big thing. If you’re spending your money on maintaining your business, you’re going to fall behind.
When you cut back on the cost of having good staff on your side, you’ll be able to stay competitive and balance out your priorities.
3. Use Less Space
When you use outsourcing, you’re able to devote less space to the staff you don’t need all of the time. An office for IT staff or bookkeepers who only need to be at your office a few times a week requires you to have a lot of office space. Cutting back on space brings a lot of benefits.
If you have a retail element to your space, you can expand your floor space for that when you don’t need extra offices. If you want to spend less per month on your office, you could downsize without impacting your business in any way. USing less space has a lot of benefits.
You could even store more products when you shrink down your office space. Your warehouse or shipping space could grow into space you once reserved for desks that barely got any use.
Outsourcing your front desk or receptionist streamlines your business. Not only do you save that space, but you also get the calls you need to be routed directly to you. With an answering service in place, you won’t miss any calls or waste any extra time fielding calls that could be answered by a service.
4. Experiment in New Territory
When you outsource your services, you also get access to a network of outsourced workers with specialties in just about everything. that means, if you find the right network of people, you can get help doing just about anything.
If your industry is changing faster than you can keep up, you’re going to need all the help you can get. The only problem is being able to afford it.
Take for instance the need for app developers in just about every field out there. Everyone is trying to get a piece of the App Store pie. If you don’t have talented application developers on staff, you’re going to need to find some.
However, it could cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars to employ them permanently. That doesn’t even account for the costs of recruiting, training and insuring them. These costs add up fast, all before you’ve even got them sitting in a room working on a project.
When you choose to hire a company that could outsource these services, you’ll have a high-quality app built by talented designers without having to hire them. As soon as your project is done, you can part ways and still own the app that they built. This means that you’ll get the work you need to be done without having to worry about keeping the tech staff busy with project after project.
Outsourcing Services Are Your Key to Success
If you’re looking to grow your business this year, outsourcing services are going to give you what you need. While you might not think that outsourcing services are for you, you’ll be surprised in the ways they can help your business. From tech services to management, you can get a lot of benefits from outsourcing.
If you’re wondering what freelancers get out of working for you, check out our latest guide.