Hemp and Heal: Everything You Need to Know About the New CBD Trend
What if there was a magical elixir that could heal everything from pain to anxiety?
We’re not talking about something from a medieval fantasy adventure. Instead, we’re talking about the healing powers of CBD.
Wondering how you can benefit from the “hemp and heal” trend? Keep reading to learn more about the world’s hottest trend.
What Is CBD Oil?
You’ve probably heard a lot about CBD. The term itself is short for “cannabidiol.”
CBD comes from sources such as marijuana and hemp. And it has become an increasingly popular way of treating a wide variety of ailments.
Despite its connections to marijuana, CBD is not a psychoactive substance. That means that using it won’t get you high, though many people are still wary of its ability to help people treat their pain and misery.
With that being said, it’s important to understand all of the potential benefits.
What Are the Benefits?
So, what all can CBD help to treat? According to many fans of CBD, just about everything!
Many use it to help them deal with anxiety. It can also help with addiction, pain, and even epilepsy!
Because of these benefits, it’s understandable to ask “does insurance cover CBD oil?” Unfortunately, most insurers cannot cover it because it is considered a Schedule I drug.
Ultimately, there are many benefits to CBD, and it’s available in a variety of oils and gummies. However, there are a few drawbacks you should be aware of.
Any Drawbacks?
Nothing comes without a price. CBD is no exception, and there are several potential side effects to watch out for.
Some who use CBD experiences changes in their appetite. While this can be a good thing if it stimulates appetite for those with an eating disorder, it is possible for it to suppress appetite as well.
This substance can also cause diarrhea and fatigue in users. And there is evidence that it may cause more serious problems with the liver.
A new CBD related liver study suggested that too much CBD could lead to liver toxicity. And while many are skeptical of the research methods, it is still well known that CBD can keep the liver from processing certain needed medications.
Buyer Beware
What’s our verdict, then? If you’re interested in using CBD, we recommend trying it. But go into the experience with eyes wide open.
If you experience positive results and little to no side effects, then you don’t have much to lose from continued use. But if you are taking regular medication, we recommend that you consult with your physician to make sure CBD is safe for your body.
CBD may be the miracle treatment you’ve been looking for. As long as you watch for warning signs and consult with your doctor, your own “hemp and heal” treatment plan should be fine.
Hemp and Heal: The Bottom Line
Now you know why “hemp and heal” has been getting more and more popular. But do you know how to learn more about it?
We have a constant supply of awesome articles coming at you every week. To see how we can make your life more stress-free, check out our guide to CBD and workplace anxiety today!