Have You Suffered a Lifting Injury at Work?
Originally posted on https://www.injuredcalltoday.com/have-you-suffered-a-lifting-injury-at-work/
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If you have suffered a workplace injury due to heavy lifting or any other hazardous activity, then you should seek urgent medical care in order to diagnose and treat your injury as soon as possible, while also claiming your right to worker’s compensation.
Have You Been Injured at Work?
There is a certain procedure you must follow in order to fully claim your right to worker’s compensation in the state of New York:
- Inform your employer
- Seek medical attention
- File your legal claim
You have 30 days to notify your employer about a work-related injury in order to qualify for worker’s compensation benefits. You will have to provide a detailed, written account of the incident to your employer. Make sure to submit your statement in a timely manner. The following step would be to schedule an appointment with a doctor authorized by the Worker’s Compensation Board (WCB), except in cases where urgent medical attention is required. There will be no need to pay out-of-pocket or use private insurance because these consultations will be covered by the Board. Lastly, you will need to file a C3 Employee claim form with the NYC WCB. Although technically you have up to two years to file a C3 claim, always remember to file your claims as soon as the incident occurs.
Types of Lifting Injuries
There are many types of injuries that can result from hazardous lifting accidents, including:
- Muscle Strain
- Nerve damage
- Back-related injuries
- Neck-related injuries
- Arm or leg related injuries
The most common occurrence of a workplace injury is a muscle strain which refers to a muscle tear or pull caused by the sudden lifting of heavy objects. Similarly, nerve damage can occur when there is excess compression placed on nerves due to heavy lifting. A back-related injury can take place when muscles or ligaments in the lower back region become damaged due to excessive lifting. Also quite common are neck injuries, which can occur in two forms: either as a pinched nerve or a disc injury. Lastly, arm and leg injuries can also be caused by strenuous lifting at the workplace. In any case, you should seek prompt medical attention if you have experienced any of these symptoms after a work-related injury.
Treating a Hernia
A hernia is one of the most common examples of a workplace injury. Some of the symptoms include, but are not limited to:
- Arm or leg pain
- Numbness or tingling
- Weakness
The occurrence of pain in the arms or legs commonly indicates the presence of a hernia. Numbness or tingling in the extremities also hints to the same diagnosis. Moreover, any weakness in the extremities or difficulty walking and maintaining balance are quite common as well.
Here are some options when it comes to the diagnosis of a hernia injury:
- Physical examination
- Imaging test
In common cases, a simple physical examination should be sufficient in order to reach a diagnosis. During the exam, the doctor may assess your walking ability, reflexes, muscle strength, etc. In more complex cases, imaging testing such as: X-rays, CT or MRI scans, etc; can be utilized in order to obtain a proper diagnosis.
Once your doctor has properly diagnosed the hernia, you will then move on to the appropriate treatment. There are many forms of treatment that can reduce the pain and discomfort caused by a hernia. Here are some viable options:
- Medication
- Physical therapy
- Surgery
- Alternative medicine
Your doctor may prescribe several different medications (pain-killers, muscle-relaxers, etc.) in order to mitigate the overall pain and discomfort. If the pain still reoccurs, your doctor may refer you to the services of a physical therapist who could assist in minimizing and managing the pain through certain positions and exercises. In some severe cases, your doctor may recommend minimally invasive back surgery in order to address the source of the injury. Finally, there’s the option of alternative medicine notably ranging from chiropractor consultations to massage therapy which could prove effective for some patients. Ultimately, It is up to you and your doctor to decide the best course of action. Always consult with your doctor before proceeding unto any form of treatment.
Find the Right Doctor Today
If you live in the greater New York City area, take a look at these links of several reputable doctors with experience in treating workplace-related injuries. Do your due diligence in order to find the best option for you.
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