“Harmony”: The new Sergionicr Album with Ethnic and Relaxing Melodies
The new album by the influencer Sergionicr that is gradually taking hold.
North Dakota, May 20, 2021 – “Harmony” contains inspiring and soothing sounds for the ears and melodious melodies that will resonate well with fans of chill-out music. The motivational melodies have rhythmic instrumentation flavored with a pleasant scent of India and contemporary sounds. Additionally, “Harmony” serves as a wonderful presentation of what listeners can expect to hear from Sergionicr in the near future. In addition, his new album serves as motivation and entertainment in any field. For more information, you can find Sergionicr on Spotify and on Instagram.
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Sergio Nicolas R
6910 NW 46ST
Originally Posted On: https://syndication.cloud/harmony-the-new-sergionicr-album-with-ethnic-and-relaxing-melodies/