Groovin’ to the Beat: How to Increase Freelance Output with Productivity Music
Americans clock in over 32 hours a week listening to their favorite music. Yet, most don’t know that what they are listening to has a big impact on their work output.
Freelancers enjoy the freedom of flexibility in their careers. Yet, some days it can be tough to find focus, as distractions get the best of you.
Yet, listening to productivity music can boost cognitive function and mood. It can give you that extra motivational edge to get your work done.
Here’s a look at how music can make you more productive in the workplace.
Music Is About More Than Background Noise
Freelancers use music in the workplace to help create a more positive environment. While some work in the comfort of their own homes, others may choose upbeat coffee houses to get their work done.
Yet many of today’s freelance workforce rents a co-working office space. As at least 50% of coworking members are freelances.
For those who work in an open environment, they are often subjected to noise and distractions. This includes chatty coworkers, ringing phones, and food deliveries.
The act of listening to music helps to block out these disruptions. It lets you go with the mental flow, without breaking concentration. The right music for work keeps you staying in the zone, creating a nice pace for your day.
Yet, work music does more than serve as a pleasant distraction from working hours. As music can also create positive reactions in our mind and body. This includes an increase in your own productivity levels.
The Power of Sound on the Senses
Music is powerful because it has the ability to affect our mental, physical, emotional, and behavioral state. It does this by triggering chemicals and hormone production in the brain.
These chemicals can help enhance memory and boost cognitive functioning. They can also improve our mental health. Music therapy aids those who suffer from dementia, anxiety, and depression.
Music also provides a calming effect on the mind and body. This is ideal in stressful work situations, like working under tight deadlines. Or when dealing with a major crisis or annoying coworker.
Relaxing music can improve insomnia, helping you to get better sleep. This allows you more energy and a well-rested mind for your workday.
Music affects our behavior by triggering happy hormones. This, in turn, helps to balance your mood. It allows better concentration and an increase in focus for work projects.
Music can also be motivational. It can help to increase endurance and enhance a workout. As it gets your heart pumping and blood circulating.
It can boost creative thinking, helping with writing projects. It also makes us more efficient at managing day-to-day tasks. Especially repetitive ones that tend to lose our attention.
How Music Can Further Stimulate the Brain
Music’s effect is subject to your own unique personal preferences and past experiences. Yet, listening to the right type of music can stimulate brainwaves, both on the left and right side of the brain.
The type of music you listen to has a big impact on this though. The best music for productivity depends on what type of workload you have.
For deeper concentration, it’s best to go with music that doesn’t have any lyrics. As lyrics can sometimes distract us, especially if it’s a new song you haven’t heard yet. This can cause your brain to try to focus on the words and meaning of the song, instead of the work in front of you.
So choose music with instrumentals, paying attention to the beat and tempo. This can be a flowing list of focusing music or ambient music.
Classical music can also increase productivity when working. Those who study the Mozart Effect say it can even boost the brain’s IQ. This makes it a smart choice to use for study music or when trying to teach yourself a new skill.
Vocals and Volume
Your work music doesn’t always have to stay instrumental. Feel-good favorites can also put you in a good place, making you more productive. These work great for a mood boost during your morning commute or lunch break.
Songs with lyrics can also help make you more alert during that mid-day slump. These can be high-energy or low-key happy beats. A loud heart-pumping playlist can also help you tackle your jam-packed inbox.
Songs that evoke an emotional response can be great for creative writing. They can give you inspiration and help reduce writer’s block. Here are a few more creative tips to improve your writing.
Playlists with High Productivity Levels in Mind
To test the theory, start by making a productive music playlist to listen to at work. Spotify is a great source of pre-made playlists that you can stream all day long. Check out their Deep Focus, Brain Food, and Perfect Concentration playlists.
Some people also find focus when playing nature sounds or white noise in the background. Listening to white noise will also help you retain information better.
Or you can try listening to video game soundtracks. These get made to help people solve puzzles, complete quests, and concentrate on tasks. Check out The Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, and Metal Gear Solid.
Another trick is to try repeating a song over and over. This can help the mind better concentrate through an act of repetition. Blazo is a good artist to try this technique with.
One word of advice is to pick the right headphones to rock out to your productivity music favorites. For noise-blocking and sound quality, see page to check out the best headphone buys this year.
Playing Productivity Music in Your Workspace
Productivity music can get used for increasing motivation and cognitive thinking. Or as a distraction technique in a loud work environment. The best idea is to find out what style of music works best for you and run with it.
To improve productivity levels you should also pay attention to the ambiance of your workspace. You’ll want to have an environment free from clutter. As well as one that allows natural lighting and a comfortable temperature.
Organization techniques can also help create a better work station. Here is more on how to create a well-designed office space to boost productivity.