Gerontologist L.J. Rohan Provides Insight on Preventing Hyperkyphosis
Dallas, TX, September 27, 2022— Hyperkyphosis, also known as kyphosis or by some of the more common names of Dowager’s Hump or buffalo hump, impacts two out of five older adults. It’s most commonly diagnosed in women over the age of 40 and can cause or predict more health issues. Luckily, there are ways that the majority of older adults with hyperkyphosis can help reverse their hump, and plenty of ways for younger adults to prevent it from becoming a problem in the first place.
A small amount of curvature in the thoracic, or upper, spine is normal because of the natural shape and curve of our vertebrates and discs which compose the structure of our spines. When our spines have a 40° or greater curve, we have Dowager’s Hump. The degree of curvature can even be greater, with more serious consequences, and progress to an average of a 43° angle in women just postmenopausal (age 55 to 60), and a whopping 53° angle by the time we reach 76.
“The most surprising news,” shares L.J. Rohan, Gerontologist, “is that researchers found an unexpectedly high percentage of women age 20 to 60 – 35% – already had the beginnings of Dowager’s Hump. That stat is from 1993, and the number today is actually closer to 65%, and climbing, thanks to our posture when we use computers and cellphones.”
Some of the obvious consequences of hyperkyphosis is visual impairment, as our head pitches forward it impacts how we read the world around us. A decrease in mobility such as rising from a chair and loss of balance are also results of Dowager’s Hump. It can also cause larger problems. According to UCLA Health, studies link hyperkyphosis to poor health– impaired physical function, cardiac issues, an increased fall risk, and fractures. All these issues leading to a shorter life span.
“The prevalence and impact of hyperkyphosis means that we should become aware of simple lifestyle changes that we can and should make, no matter our age, to help prevent and reverse Dowager’s Hump,” states Rohan. “That’s exactly why I’ve brought together a team of experts and designed a five-module online course to teach people simple modifications they can make to address this spinal curvature.”
Lifestyle changes that have been proven to positively impact Dowager’s Hump include changes to diet, developing proper posture, and strengthening exercises to stretch and improve muscle tone. “Spine-strengthening exercises performed three times per week showed a decrease in the angle of the spine curvature by 11% in several studies,” said Rohan.
Joining Rohan in this titled “Dump the Hump: Preventing and Reversing Dowager’s Hump” is Dr. Mary Warren, an author and chiropractor studying and researching in the field of wholistic health care for 25 years; Dr. Michael Williams, practicing Chiropractor with three decades of experience who focuses on helping older adults achieve and maintain an optimum level of health without pharmaceuticals; and Dr. Brooke Ryan, Physical Therapist who works with adults of all ages on rehabilitation after surgery and whole-body strength training to aid injury prevention.
After reading this you might wonder, how do I know if I have Dowager’s Hump? For a limited time, this course is available at a discounted rate to allow more people who may be experiencing Dowager’s Hump to gain the information that will be helpful in working towards reversing this disease of the spine. More information is available at https://www.ljrohan.com/vibrant-aging/dump-the-hump/.
About L.J. Rohan: L.J. Rohan earned a Graduate Certification in Gerontology from the University of Southern California’s Davis School of Gerontology. L.J. is also a Certified Aging in Place Specialist – CAPS. L.J. also holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from Southern Methodist University. In her previous career, L.J. was an award-winning interior designer for more than three decades. Additionally, she was an instructor at SMU, the University of Texas at Arlington, and Northwood University and has been a frequent speaker at universities, museums, and cultural institutions throughout the United States. L.J. currently provides information on the latest research on aging and preventing Dowager’s Hump at her website https://ljrohan.com.
Media Contact:
L.J. Rohan, Gerontologist
Originally posted On: https://syndication.cloud/gerontologist-l-j-rohan-provides-insight-on-preventing-hyperkyphosis/