Generator Replacement: The Top Signs You Need a New Generator
If there’s anything that’s certain in this world, it’s uncertainty. You never know when a big storm will blow through and knock out the power.
The number and length of power outages doubled in 2017, thanks to a changing climate. This is creating larger, more powerful storms that can easily knock power out in an instant.
You need to be prepared and a working generator is a must-have in these situations. However, your generator may need to be replaced. Read on to find out whether it’s time to replace or upgrade your generator.
1. It Doesn’t Start Right Away
When was the last time you started your generator? Did you have an issue getting it going? If it takes a few tries to start it up, you may need to replace the generator.
It could be something simple like replacing the ignition and topping off the oil. If you’ve maintained your generator over time and it stutters every time you start it, it’s a good time to replace it.
2. Your Needs Changed
Generators are meant to power so much space.
You will need a new generator if your needs change. For example, if you moved into a new home that’s much larger to accommodate your growing family.
You’ll have more appliances and much higher power requirements. While the generator you have is fine to power a smaller home with one or two people, a larger generator would be needed for more space and more people.
It’s the same for a business. Let’s say that you moved your business into a larger space and you need a commercial generator to keep everything running smoothly in case of a power outage. In that case, you’d check out places like Bellwood Rewinds Limited.
3. Higher Fuel Costs
Have you noticed that it costs more to keep your generator powered up? It may not be due to rising fuel prices.
That’s because your generator’s parts are wearing down. As these parts wear down, it becomes less efficient. You can replace the worn down parts, but it’s going to be more cost-effective to replace your generator.
4. The Age of the Generator
At a certain point, you’re going to have to weigh repairs vs. replacement. Does it make sense to sink more money into repairing an aging generator, or should you just replace it?
Generators have an estimated lifetime, which can be as much as 10,000 hours of operation or as little as 1,000 hours. You’ll want to check your owner’s manual to see how long your generator is supposed to last.
It’s Time for a Generator Replacement
As it becomes more and more likely that you’re going to experience power outages, you want to make sure that you’re prepared to handle them.
You don’t want to wait until the power goes out to realize that it’s time to replace your generator. If you find that your generator is old, in need of repairs, or has trouble starting, then it’s time for a replacement.
Would you like to know more about keeping your home running smoothly? Check out the articles in our Home Improvement section.