Garage Door Upgrade: Top 10 Reasons to Replace Your Garage Door
In today’s busy world, it can be hard to find time to invest in home improvement projects. Still, as a responsible homeowner, you understand the value of doing so.
That’s why you’re interested in investing in stronger security for your home and assets. One way to accomplish that goal is by investing in a garage door upgrade for you and your family.
After all, even experts recognize the importance of staying relevant to today’s home security technologies and efforts. If a new garage door can benefit your family’s sense of protection, it’s worth the cost.
If you’re not sure that a new garage door is in your and your family’s best interest, that’s okay. The good news is that you’ve come to the right place by reading this article. Detailed below are ten key signs you need to recognize telling you it’s time for a new, upgraded garage door.
1. Your Home Is Worth the Financial Investment
You’ve put in the effort to buy a property to live in. Your home is a financial investment that could be of value to you in the future if you take proper care of it.
Perhaps you want to sell it to another family in a few years. In that case, it’s worthwhile to invest in continued repairs and maintenance. That way, you can ensure the property maintains its value and you don’t lose equity when you do sell it.
Maybe, though, you want to keep this home in the family. In the ultimate future, upon your personal passing, children will inherit the home. Even in such a situation, you’ll want the home to maintain as much of its original value as possible, right?
That’s why it’s essential that you continue efforts of repair and maintenance throughout the duration of owning the home. You’re not alone in doing so, by the way. On average, homeowners throughout the country spend one to four percent of the home’s overall value on improvement projects each year.
You don’t want to buy a potential home if you and your family are just going to lose money on it in the long run. For more detailed guidance, check out this article on whether a potential fixer-upper is worth your potential investment.
If your home needs a new garage door for whatever reason, be willing to put down the finances for it. It’s worthwhile when it comes to investing in the financial value of the property itself.
2. Your Garage Door Got Damaged During a Natural Disaster
There could be any number of reasons you think it’s time to get a new garage door. In particular, you’re going to need a new garage door if your old one has been damaged beyond repair. One source of such significant potential damage is that of a natural disaster.
It’s an unfortunate truth that these major natural accidents to happen. Floods, tornados, or even severe thunderstorms can bring serious damage to your home.
If your garage door suffered from such a disaster, it might need to be upgraded. This is of particular importance in the event that your garage door is so damaged it can’t even close properly. That can leave you, your family, and your belongings insecure and open to the elements, too.
Well, one thing to consider in such an event is the fact that insurance might cover some of the cost of repairing it. It’s up to you, though, to do the research into your family’s home insurance coverage. If you can get the finances to upgrade your garage door, all the better.
3. Your Garage Door Got Damaged During a Burglary
Another source of potential damage could be from an actual burglary. Sometimes, thieves go for the garage door because it’s easier to break down than a regular door, for instance.
In addition, some people can tap into garage door opening technology to make their illegal entrance. If your home has experienced a recent burglary, you’re not alone.
Consider the following statistic provided by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). It indicates that in the year 2017 alone, over 1.4 million burglaries were reported throughout the United States.
If your home’s garage door got damaged as the result of a burglary, it’s time for an upgrade. Plus, a more sophisticated garage door could go a long way in preventing future burglaries. You and your family deserve the peace of mind that comes with a more secure home.
These days, modern garage doors come with technology that can alarm the rest of the house if the door is getting tampered with. That way, you can rest more assured knowing your garage door is better protection.
4. You Want to Keep Your Items in the Garage Safer
In fact, increased protection due to an upgraded garage door is a reason in and of itself. You want to ensure that you, your family, and even your physical belongings are safe with a high-quality garage door. In particular, your belongings in the garage itself are safer when the garage door functions well.
A brand new car shouldn’t be out in the open to be at risk of theft or vandalism, for instance. Plus, the unfortunate truth is that even a new car’s key fob can get hacked in this modern Digital Era.
For that reason, keeping the car locked in a secure garage might be its best bet. To keep a car and other valuables stored in the garage as safe as possible, update your garage door. That way, you can have more trust in its security concerning your financial assets.
5. You Think a Different Garage Door Design Would Suit Your Home’s Aesthetic
Perhaps you want a new garage door for a rather different reason: its appearance. There’s nothing wrong with wanting a new garage door for aesthetic reasons alone. This is true, in particular, if you place a high value on the curb appeal of your home.
In fact, the curb appeal of your home is of particular importance when you’re trying to sell it. The truth is, most people judge things based on their first impression. This is even true when it comes to the value of a potential home.
Perhaps you’ve taken the time to invest in the exterior design of your home. You’ve painted the outer walls and bought some lawn decorations. The last thing that’s out of place is the outdated, old garage door.
If you want to impress potential buyers of your home, don’t underestimate the importance of an attractive design. Updating your garage might be just the thing you need to boost your home’s curb appeal.
6. You Want to Enhance Your Home’s Energy Efficiency
It’s essential to note yet another significant benefit of a modern garage door. A garage door that has a proper thickness and sealed edge can help your home’s overall energy efficiency.
Think about it. Your garage door is, in essence, a wall between the garage and the natural elements. In challenging weather, it’s the garage door that keeps your belongings and anyone in the garage safe.
In higher temperatures, your garage door could keep some of the cold air within the home itself. That can help cut down on your electricity in the long run, too.
In colder weather, you recognize how critical a sturdy garage door can be. You don’t want the wind breaking through the barrier into the garage. A colder garage can mean your home’s heater is working that much harder to keep the rest of the house warm.
7. Your Old Garage Door Isn’t As Efficient Anymore
As mentioned above, a modern garage door can increase your home’s overall value. This value can take the form of added utility, too. In other words, if your old garage door isn’t working well enough, it’s time for a new one.
For instance, imagine your garage door stops working out of nowhere. You’ve just gotten home from a long day at work and you’re ready to relax.
You pull into your driveway and open the garage door opener only to find out that’s it not working. The garage opening technology has been fickle for a while now, but you haven’t gotten around to replacing it. Now, you’re out of luck and have to get creative.
It’s true that you can figure out some sort of solution in no time. That’s why emergency locksmith services exist for homeowners in the first place.
Still, it’s understandable to get frustrated in these kinds of situations. If you could avoid all of that hassle with a garage door that functions better, it’s worth the investment. That way, you don’t have to worry about such an annoying situation happening again any time soon.
8. A New Garage Door Can Help with Noise Pollution
Do you have noisy teenagers in the home who need room to expel some energy? Does anyone in the family have a musical hobby or talent that they like to practice on a regular basis?
Well, the garage is a perfect place for such situations. Not only does it give the participant in the noisy hobby some privacy. In addition, everyone else in the home can benefit from a little bit of distance from the noise, too.
Don’t forget about other people in the neighborhood, though. It’s in your best interest to suppress noisiness from them, too. You don’t want an angry neighbor knocking on your front door to complain sometime in the future.
For that reason, if your teenager wants to start being a drummer all of a sudden, it might be time for a new garage door. Modern garage doors go a long way in reducing noise pollution, after all. If you’re willing to invest in a high-quality garage door upgrade, the rest of your neighbors will thank you for it.
9. You Want to Renovate the Entire Garage Space
Perhaps you’re interested in making the garage space a more intentional living space. You’re not alone in caring about the design and aesthetic of your home. After all, the home improvement market generated $190 billion in revenue in 2019.
It’s possible that you might need a new garage door to suit the new space you’re designing. This is true, in particular, if you want a comfortable living area in the garage and need strong protection from the elements. A new garage door would be just what you’d need.
10. Consider Potential Home Insurance Benefits
It’s obvious that a sturdy garage door can help protect assets as well as residents of a home. That’s why it’s possible to get a deduction on your home insurance policy costs on a regular basis.
Investing in this security measure will make insurance companies feel more secure covering you. When you’re ready for a garage door upgrade, check with your home insurance coverage provider. You might find that your coverage might go a little bit further with that modern and reliable garage door.
Invest in the Most Reliable Garage Door Upgrade Service
At this point in the article, you have a thorough understanding of why you might need a garage door upgrade. There’s no need to cut corners when it comes to making the most of investments in your home. Whether you want to sell it or pass it to your children, your property has value.
Still, there are a lot of ins and outs to navigate when it comes to proper home improvement decisions. You deserve the peace of mind that comes from knowing your home is safe and secure. That’s why you should work with professionals on securing your home’s exterior and interior.
In fact, that’s where we can come into play. We understand the importance of feeling and being safe while in your own home. We want your family and assets to remain secure at all times.
For that reason, we encourage you to browse through the rest of our website to see how our services can help you. To start, check out more details about our residential lock and key services. Stronger, better locks will make you and your family feel safer in no time.