Funnel Hacking Secrets Review (2022) – Create Effective Funnels
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Education and innovation are always a huge part of every business owner’s everyday life. Therefore, finding out new techniques and tips to apply to your marketing efforts is pretty essential. Hence, with happiness we inform you that Russell Brunson just announced his New ClickFunnels Funnel Hacking Secrets Masterclass that you can watch live in 2022 so you keep ongoing your business’ progress.
This is by far the best webinar Russell has ever done, and the offer that goes along with it is incredible!
Unfortunately, you can get the Funnel Hacking Secrets web class only for a limited time. So, if you are interested in getting the best deal we have seen so far, hurry and apply as soon as possible! As you understand this article is a review of what funnel hacking secrets is and what you can get with this exclusive offer.
If you do not want to read till the end, when you get Funnel Hacking Secrets, you will also get 6 months of Clickfunnels Platinum, the Traffic Secrets Training Course, and the ‘ClickFunnels UNLIMITED’ BONUS all for Only $997.
What is funnel hacking secrets?
Funnel hacking secrets is a free training program which was created by Russell Brunson. It will educate you on how to create effective sales funnels that convert. But most importantly it guides you to use ethical funnel hacks.
Funnel hacking secrets comes with a bundle of 6 months of ClickFunnels Platinum and many other bonuses. Once you complete the training program, you will be able to access this exceptional offer with which you will also get access to traffic secrets training course, funnel hacks secrets masterclass, and other bonuses.
What is funnel hacking secrets masterclass?
Funnel hacking secrets webinar includes three major funnel hacking lessons. In particular, if you decide to attend to it, you will learn about:
1. Funnel Hacking: How to spend $100 in order to ethically steal your competitors’ funnel hacks.
2. Funnel Cloning: How to take their proven funnels and clone them to create your successful ones.
3. The #1 Traffic Hack: How to attract your competitor’s customers to come to your website and make them move through your great funnel.
Who should attend Funnel Hacking Secrets masterclass?
Funnel hacking is the process of strategically getting to know and develop your marketing and sales process while you clone all the best marketing efforts your competitors are applying to their businesses.
This web class is designed for people who either don’t have a funnel or a product. Additionally, it is for those who have a funnel, but they intend to get more traffic to it.
Specifically, it is for you if you are an entrepreneur or an online marketer. Also, it is for you if you are a business owner, freelancer, or even if you run a marketing agency.
Funnel hacking is one of the most essential ways to develop your business. It is the #1 skill all entrepreneurs must become good at! Therefore, if you can analyze your competitor’s funnel secrets and what they intend to achieve with their funnels, you can find out if their strategies can apply with success to your business.
Referring to online businesses, this could be anything like price points, landing pages, re-targeting ads and email sequences.
The point is that if you take advantage of the funnel hacking culture, you will be able to to understand and analyze your competitors’ marketing processes. As a result, you will know how they became so successful and what this is you need to do to become too, so you will get similar results in your business.
Of course, you will not see results immediately, but you will know what is working or not. Even more, you will know what brings faster results to your field. Normally you would have to go through all the steps, build your offers and the funnels. Then, you would need to test them and see how your leads react to your offer, while spending thousand of dollars testing, paying traffic, copywriters etc.
Ditch your copywriter today! Check how Funnel Scripts can cover your copywriting needs and save you money in our Funnel Scripts Review: Can It Help You Create Compelling Copy?
Now you can avoid all that trouble, and follow the proven steps successful people follow, without reinventing the wheel. You just have to get out your wallet and buy your competitor’s products to see their offer sequence.
What is inside of funnel hacking secrets masterclass bundle?
It is a special offer from ClickFunnels. The web class which comes with it was created by Russell Brunson.
If you claim for this bundle you are going to get:
1. Six months of ClickFunnels platinum ($1,782 Value)
Get your funnels built in as little as 10 minutes, using their SIMPLE “drag n drop” editor!
No tech or coding experience required!
Clickfunnels users SAVE $1,000 or more the second they start using ClickFunnels…because of all the things that they can get rid of!
To clarify ClickFunnels platinum usually costs $297 per month. However, with this bundle you get free access to it for 6 months, instead of paying for it $1782 for 6 months. It is almost like getting a 50% discount and still get all the bonuses as well.
If by any chance you do not know what to expect from Clickfunnels, read our article ClickFunnels Review 2022: Details, Pricing, and More
With a ClickFunnels platinum account you can build unlimited funnels and contacts and you can get unlimited traffic of visitors to your funnel. Of course FunnelFlix is included. You do not want to miss that library of valuable courses!
If you do not know what to expect inside FunnelFlix, read our recent article: Funnelflix Review: Courses to Help You Create Better Funnels!
2. Free Funnel Hacking Secrets Masterclass (Value: $1,997)
This is an outstanding course. People who don’t know what to sell or how to sell their services or products can get a total advantage of it. It teaches you how to create your own information products and services such as online courses. However, you still need to have some expert knowledge to turn it into a product.
What you are going to get:
- Funnel Hacking Secrets
- Lead Funnels… Get their Squeeze Page, Survey, Summit, and Brick & Mortar Funnel templates
- Unboxing Funnels… Get their Book, Cart, Challenge, Membership, and Supplement Funnel templates!
- Presentation Funnels…Get their VSL, Webinars, Autowebinars, and Product Launch Funnel templates
- Phone Funnels… Get their Application funnel templates!
3. Free Traffic Secrets Training Course (Value: $1,997)
Traffic secrets training course is based on Traffic Secrets book. However, this course gets the information to the next level, while Russel teaches you making sure you will understand all the details. With this course, not only you will learn how to find out new traffic source hacks, but how to get traffic to your built funnels effectively.
In particular, you will get to know all the traffic secrets hacks about media buying secrets, Facebook traffic secrets, affiliate secrets, ad secrets, social media secrets and many more.
4. Unlimited access to virtual Hack-a-Thons (Value: $5,776)
These are daily sessions that push you to build your funnel. With this you will learn all the strategies and tips you need to build different funnel types. At each live Hack-a-Thon you can decide what type of funnel you want to build and build it live while the clickfunnels team shows you how to do each step, making sure your funnel is ready to receive your traffic, after testing that everything is working correctly.
Or you can Watch and follow along as their experts build all sorts of different funnels step-by-step, like:
- Lead FunnelsBook Funnels (Free + Shipping)
- Challenge Funnels
- Cart Funnels
- Webinar Funnels
- High Ticket (Application) Funnels
- Summit Funnels
- And many more!
5. ‘ClickFunnels UNLIMITED’ BONUS!
- Create up to
70 FUNNELS… UNLIMITED Funnels! - Have
20,000 CONTACTSin your account… UNLIMITED Contacts! - And, have up to
As a ClickFunnels platinum user, you will get a priority support. In other words, you will get all your questions about funnels and ClickFunnels answered as soon as possible. You will be prioritized to get support and help, so you face any obstacle you might come up to without frustration.
Funnel Hacking Secrets Masterclass: What are the 3 Core secrets?
There are 3 Secrets you will learn when you join the Funnel Hacking Secrets Masterclass. It is really exciting to learn things noone knows. There are different ways to learn, thus usually you have to spend a lot of time and money to get the knowledge yourself.
Why not get it from someone that has seen countless funnels, thousands of companies, millions of products and how they work or not? For just a small amount of money you sneak peak into Russell’s knowledge and you know that is gold!
Funnel Hacking Secrets Masterclass: Secret #1?
They have uncovered a “New Secret Funnel Strategy”, that almost nobody knows about, and has the ability to grow your company faster than anything else you have ever experienced.
Russell has been working on the slides for this week’s “Funnel Hacking Secrets”, and he got SO EXCITED about what he is creating for you, that he made a quick video for you…
It’s less than 4 minutes long, but I think it’ll help you get as EXCITED as me about this Masterclass. You get access to the video when you register for the free Funnel Hacking Secrets Masterclass!
How do funnels actually work?
How do you know which funnel you should be using for your specific business?
Do you even NEED a funnel?
He answers ALL of this (and way more) inside Secret #1 of the “Funnel Hacking Secrets Masterclass.” Don’t forget to mark your calendar for the Masterclass!
If you are in the Clickfunnels community you are certainly familiar with the term “funnel hacker”. Someone even got a tattoo with the term which was insane! That is the core of what you are going to learn in the masterclass, funnel hacking.
Of course if you want to learn the details, strategies and tactics on how things work the best advice is to read the DOT COM Secrets book.
Additionaly, if you want more info on HOW to build a funnel, read our review or grab your FREE copy of his best selling book called “DotCom Secrets: The Underground Playbook For Growing Your Company Online With Sales Funnels.”
They looked behind the scenes of six million funnels, and 103 thousands of split tests and they have learned: The single biggest secret to selling more inside your funnels without driving any extra traffic!
As you can probably guess, there is a BIG difference between having a funnel… and having a funnel that actually makes money, right?
It makes sense, but most people don’t know WHAT that reason is…
There is another “Sneak Peek” video for you, because THIS is the EXACT TOPIC he will be teaching during Secret #2 of the “Funnel Hacking Secrets” masterclass. Check out this quick video he made…
It’s 3 minutes, and gives a GREAT peek into Secret #2 when you register for the free Funnel Hacking Secrets Masterclass.
They have been watching people, that after reading the DOT COM Secrets, started building funnels. They understood funnel structure, and how they work, and they started having some success.
But some people that built their funnels correctly, started quiting. So they took the time and observed.
Why some people are having success while others do not?
That is when they found the number one reason that differentiates the people having success with those who do not!
People who have success know how to tell their story in a way that moves their people through their funnel!
Think about every ad you see on Facebook or Instagram, has a person telling a story. That story gets the people to click on the ad.
When they get to the landing page there is a video telling them about, what the product is, how it works, telling the story behind it. Stories move someone from step to step and so on.
Most of you already should have a copy of Expert Secrets. But in case you do not and want to learn how to master your story. The story is what makes people through your funnels. The way that selling happened in the past, a person went from door to door telling their company’s story.
He is going to go deep in this on the masterclass, to make you guys understand how to tell your message and craft it in a way that, literally grabs somebody who is on their Instagram or Facebook feed. Grab their attention, tell them your story and send them through your funnel!

Furthermore, if you want more info on HOW to to get your funnel to actually convert, read our review or grab your FREE copy of his best selling book called “Expert Secrets: The Underground Playbook Converting Your Online Visitors Into Lifelong Customers.”
Funnel Hacking Secrets Masterclass: Secret #3?
The third Secret: “How to get the right traffic (AKA Your Dream Customer) to find You online”
There’s something I need you to understand…
You could have the best FUNNEL…
And the most amazing MESSAGE…
But if you don’t have any TRAFFIC, then it’s useless.
That’s why Secret #3 in my Masterclass training is going to be so CRITICAL for growing your business online. You can get the first peek into Secret #3 when you register for the free Funnel Hacking Secrets Masterclass!
You see, if you don’t have PEOPLE (Traffic), then you don’t actually have a business.
So he is going to show you how to discover where your people are hiding, so you can drive them straight into your funnel…
There is so many people, driving traffic from Facebook ads. Thus that is their only source. We see so many people though, who’s Facebook ad accounts are getting shut down, who’s ad costs go through the roof. And they only have one way to get traffic.
It is time to talk about all the ways to get traffic. That is why he introduced “Traffic Secrets”
There are questions people ask all the time:
How do I get traffic when Facebook shuts me down?
How do I get traffic when I have no money?
There are three types of Traffic. You will learn about it in the free masterclass or in the book!
Moreover, if you want more info on HOW to to get TRAFFIC into your funnels, grab your FREE copy of his best selling book called “Traffic Secrets: The Underground Playbook for filling your websites and funnels with your dream customers.”
To summarize, if you decide to buy funnel hacking secrets through the link in this page, you will get:
- -6 Months of ClickFunnels Platinum ($1,782 Value)
- -Funnel Hacking Secrets Masterclass ($1,997 Value)
- -Traffic Secrets Course ($1,997 Value)
- -Daily Virtual Hack-a-Thon ($5,776 Value)
- -ClickFunnels priority support
The total value of this bundle is $11,552.
However, through this link you can get all these bundled for only $997! To point this out, if you wanted to purchase only ClickFunnels platinum, you would have to pay almost double the price for six months. Specifically, you would have to pay $1782 for using it for 6 months.
I am sure you are now thinking if it is an excellent investment for your business. To help you answer this question, I ask you, “How much do you value your funnels?”.
Every business is unique. If you have a highly converting funnel which drives traffic, generates leads and gets your products sold, then you may not feel like it is worth it. However, if you want to get even more results from it, then it is worth it. Consider even the fact that most people pay $10K or $20K to hire someone to create their funnel, and they do not even know if it will bloat.
On the other hand, if you don’t even have a funnel or a specific product you want to sell, then you really can get almost everything with this funnel hacking secrets web class bundle. You can learn how to create your amazing product and how to sell it to those who will buy it from you.
Given the fact that you are one funnel away from your goal, it is totally worth it.
If you are already a Clickfunnels user and you are not sure what happens to your account don’t sweat it. After getting the deal you will get the 6 months added to your account and get charged again after that 6 month period is over.