Five Important Things To Pack For Your Travels
Originally posted on https://www.pointsandtravel.com/carry-on-packing-list/
Travel is good for the soul, and it’s something that everyone should be doing more often in my opinion. Like American Airlines says “there’s so much to see in this world” and we have very little time to do it. No matter where you go, I have listed the five essentials that are needed for your adventure in my carry-on packing list. Here are five important things not to forget and to pack for your travels.
Travel Documents
It’s the most obvious, but it’s one important thing to pack that can sometimes be forgotten about. To help you remember, it’s good to have a wallet or travel document holder that can keep everything in one place and will help you to remember packing. Make sure you have your passport, any print-offs of your travel insurance, and any confirmation emails that you may need while traveling.
A Universal Travel Adaptor
Connection to those at home and with the outside world, in general, is very important. We rely so heavily on technology, but in a foreign country where no one may speak your language, it’s a lifeline. So make sure you’ve packed yourself a universal travel adapter that will pretty much work anywhere you go. That way, you’ll be safe in the knowledge that you always have the ability to charge your phone and important electronic devices.
First Aid Kit
You never know where an accident may happen, and it’s more likely that you’re going to injure yourself abroad than you would in your own home. You’re likely to be much more relaxed and unaware of any dangers. A first aid kit can provide very useful for those minor injuries that you sustain to your health, while on your travels. Think band-aids, anti-itch cream, anti-bacterial cream, and painkillers as the main four. Hand sanitizer is also important where general hygiene may be limited or if you’re in an environment where there’s more possibility of transferring bacteria onto your hands, i.e. public places.
A Laptop Or Tablet
A laptop or tablet provides entertainment for you on your travels. I always carry mine. It gives you a bigger screen to do work on and to message or skype your friends and family while abroad. Some of those who travel will also use these electronic devices to work, process photos, or create videos from their trip. If you’re wanting to try it out for yourself, then there’s plenty of guidance online, including how to record video on Mac if video content is something you’re interested in.
Local Currency
Travel currency is what will help you enjoy your trip while away, and it’s important to have a few options should the inevitable happen. Currency in cash is the first form that you’ll need and then your usual debit or credit card. This means that if your cash goes missing, you’ve still got two options. I either order my currency online before I go on a trip or use my debit card at the airport when I land to obtain the local currency.
A checklist certainly comes in handy when going traveling, so as long as you have the essentials, you can probably get away with sorting out anything you’ve forgotten at your destination. Remember the essentials, sort out options for your travel currency and enjoy your next adventure, wherever it takes you.