EV Sales in Wisconsin: Support the Future of Clean Transportation Post author
Photo from graydonschwartz
Originally Posted On: EV Sales in Wisconsin: Support the Future of Clean Transportation | graydonschwartz.com
In Wisconsin, new legislative measures are beginning in connection with the legalization of the sale of electric vehicles.
It’s very easy to get in touch with our elected officials and make your voice heard by using the tools Tesla has provided for us.
Contact your State Senators and State Representatives in support of EV direct sales in Wisconsin. Encourage your legislators to back a solution that allows Tesla and other EV manufacturers to sell directly to consumers in Wisconsin.
If you’re a registered Tesla owner, you should have received an email from Tesla recently asking for your support. Take a look at the bill’s main points (one page) and then just click auto-sign to automatically send your pre-formatted message to your representatives. If you’re not a Tesla owner, you can still take action by forwarding this email to your friends and family.
Tesla owners want to make electric vehicle sales legal in Wisconsin, but there are many freshman lawmakers who don’t know about the history of Tesla owners and the desire to make EV sales legal in Wisconsin.
If you didn’t receive the email or can’t find it. You can view the article here:
Support direct sales in Wisconsin by making your voice heard. Please consider contacting your lawmakers today and encourage them to support direct sales for EV manufactures.
It is now time for you to make your voice heard and contact your lawmakers to ensure that Wisconsin will support direct sales for EV manufactures.