Driving Toothy Traffic: 8 Content Marketing Tips for Your Dental Website
Do you want to bring new patients into your dental practice?
If so, the best way to do that is to utilize new marketing tips and trends, specifically content marketing. There is a common phrase marketers use that “content is king,” and it’s true that content is a great way to establish trust in the eyes of consumers and bring in new business.
Developing a content marketing strategy might sound complicated, but it’s actually quite simple once you break it down.
What is Content Marketing
If you’re not familiar with the marketing industry, content marketing is probably a foreign term. Content marketing is a relatively new trend, but it’s projected to really take off in the near future.
Like we mentioned earlier, content is king. And content comes in many different shapes and sizes, but you see it all the time. Social media posts, videos, blogs and e-books are all forms of content marketing. The form you choose will depend on your business and the resources it has.
One of the most valuable content marketing pieces a small business can easily produce is a blog. Blog posts build trust in the eyes of the consumer and give Google more opportunities to find your website.
This means it’s also a great search engine optimization (SEO) strategy and can boost visits to your website.
Now that you know why content marketing is worth your time, how can you start putting plans into action? Keep reading to find out.
The Best Content Marketing Tips for Dental Practices
How can you make your dental practice stand out above the rest? All it takes is a little time invested in marketing and you’re guaranteed to have more patients in your doors.
Here are the best content marketing tips for dental offices:
1. Do Your Research
The first step to successful content marketing is always researching. If you’re completely new to content marketing, you’re probably already confused on what topics you should write about and how to get started.
Researching what’s already out there will help get things moving. Check out other dental blogs to gather information on what other people are reading. You could even post about the latest dental technology and other breaking news in the industry.
If you’re still stumped, try searching for popular dental care brands that you carry in your office and see what they’re posting about. Oral B, for example, has a great section of their website full of health articles and tooth care tips.
2. Use Keywords
One of the main reasons you’ll want to use content marketing is to boost your organic ranking in local search results. The way to do this is to fill your content with keywords, or terms that people will likely be searching for in your area.
Researching keywords doesn’t have to be difficult. You can use an online tool or try brainstorming some yourself. For example, if you’re a dentist in Denver, you’ll want the term Denver scattered throughout your blog posts.
If someone is looking for a new dentist in that area, they’ll be searching things like “Dentists in Denver area.” to help your website rank higher, you should use Denver in your titles, such as “10 Tips for Finding a Dentist in the Denver Area.”
3. Pick Your Type of Content
Like we mentioned earlier, content marketing can take on a lot of different mediums. Written content can come in the form of blog posts, e-mails, e-books, social media posts and more.
Video is becoming more and more popular, but it can also be time-consuming to shoot and edit high-quality videos.
The best content marketing strategy has diversity across a lot of different platforms. This might not be possible for every business or dental office, but it’s best to try and maintain a blog, social media platforms and deliver e-mail content to your patients if possible.
4. Display Your Work Prominently
After you’ve put a lot of time and effort into your content marketing pieces, you want to make sure that they’re easy to find and navigate on your website.
Make sure you have a blog tab that is easy to find on your website. Also, make sure your blog posts are organized and easy to navigate. If you’re not sure what this should look like, this website is a great example.
5. Be Authentic and Clear
To make your content stand out, it needs to be authentic and have a voice. This might sound difficult, but all it takes is a little practice. Make sure your content is genuine and offers good advice to patients.
Don’t be afraid to use friendly tones rather than bombarding them with scientific facts. The average audience won’t be able to understand high-level content like that.
6. Write Strong Headlines
Even if the content of your articles is great, no one will want to read them in the headlines don’t stand out.
Again, you don’t have to rely on just your brain to come up with great titles. Use an online tool to help you write titles that will stand out.
7. Cross-Promote Your Content
Producing content takes time, so in order to get the most people to see it, you should cross-promote it as much as possible.
For example, if you write a blog post, share it on social media and also send out an email blast about it. You don’t need to create unique content for all of your channels. Save time and resources by promoting your content across every platform you have.
8. Check for Errors
Make sure your content is always clear and high-quality. You create content with the goal of showing that you’re an expert in the field and to build trust with potential patients.
The last thing you want is to produce content is incoherent and full of errors.
Learn More About Marketing for Your Business
One of the best marketing tips we can offer is to always keep learning. You can do this by staying up-to-date with the latest marketing trends.
Marketing is always changing, so check out the rest of our helpful articles for ideas to keep growing your business. No matter what area of marketing interests you, we have tips from small business owners that will help you succeed.
To get started, check out this article on digital marketing tips to help you bring in more clients.