Strapped for cash? If you’re facing financial troubles and can’t wait until your next paycheck, then a no-hassle loan might be just the help you need.
However, if your credit is not great, you might find it hard to get approved, especially if you can’t provide proof of income. But don’t worry; you can still get a personal loan, even without income verification.
Here is how to get the best payday loans for bad credit in 2019.
The Flexibility of Personal Loans
Most loans take a long time to process. If you need money right now, it’s nearly impossible to get funding through traditional loans. Things are even worse if you have a bad credit score, as lenders will be less willing to lend you money.
Our take:Lender focused on poor credit, based out of Chicago currently offering loans in 29 statesAPPLY NOWLender: OppLoansCredit ScoreLoan Size/AmountLoan TermAPROrigination Fee350 – 600$500 – $5,0009 – 2459.00% – 199.00%0.00% – 3.00%
Lenders might want to conduct a soft credit check, which just takes time, or a hard credit check that might damage your credit score even further.
However, money shouldn’t stop you from living your life. That’s where personal loans come in. While personal loans might not be suitable for long-term lending, they are ideal to keep you afloat in-between payday checks. Personal loans are also ideal if you find yourself strapped for cash while transitioning from one job to the next.
The process of taking out a personal loan is easy and straightforward. Most lenders allow you to set a number of parameters to create the ideal loan for your needs. These parameters include the total amount, interest rate, number of payment installments, and more.
All you need for your bad credit loan is some basic information, and possibly some documents, which you can usually submit online. The money becomes available almost immediately and you usually have up to 18 months to repay the loan.
Circumventing Bad Credit and Avoiding a Credit Check
Securing a loan with bad credit might seem impossible. Conventional lenders will demand a ton of documents and a good credit rating. In some cases, your lender might run a credit check on you, which takes time and might damage your score even further.
On the other hand, personal loans allow you to circumvent the restrictions of bad credit and get money without a credit check. Some personal loan lenders even allow you to complete the process online and take a personal loan with your smartphone.
Our take:Online marketplace to find you a personal loan offer that matches your needsAPPLY NOWCredit ScoreLoan Size/AmountLoan TermAPROrigination FeeAll can apply$100 – $15,0001 – 605.99% – 35.99%Varies by lender
Looking for Advice on the Best Payday Loans for Bad Credit?
Here at Bonsai Finance, we help you find the best payday loans for bad credit. Through our platform, you can find numerous personal loan offers without income verification, get solid advice on bad credit loans, and find assistance in identifying the best loan offer for your needs.
Come on in and try our advanced bad credit loan search engine that will allow you to find the loans that match your requirements with a few clicks. Got questions? Our loan experts are here to guide you into making a financially sound, informed decision!