How To Create A Successful Social Media Marketing Campaign For Your Antique Business
Are you looking for a way to get more customers through the door of your antique business?
Running an antique business can be difficult, especially if you’re just starting out.
Statistics show that the antique industry isn’t enjoying the boom it’s had in the past, so it can be tough to attract a steady flow of customers.
Luckily, a social media marketing campaign can go a long way in promoting your business.
Read on to learn more about how to create a successful social media campaign.
1. Know Your Market
Posting ads for your antique business on Facebook are definitely worth the effort. But posting ads without a target market or niche isn’t so helpful.
Begin by identifying your market for a specific campaign. Are you targeting college students hungry for vintage furniture? Retirees nostalgic about their past?
Choose a specific market and then identify a need or struggle these individuals may have. For example, those college students may be looking for an affordable way to furnish their new apartment and look classy.
In your campaign, you’ll play up this need or struggle and show how you can satisfy it.
2. Do Your Research
No matter how large your marketing and development team is–it may just be you–it’s important to research the field before plunging in.
Research competition in your area. What are other antique stores doing for marketing, and how can you be better? How is Westland Antiques doing?
What ads do you see for antiques on social media? Are there any in your area currently?
Assess the competition but also consider demographics in your area.
3. Establish Goals
Before you start posting wildly on Facebook, set up some clear goals. What outcome do you want to have with your social media marketing campaign?
Be as specific as possible. If you want to attract more customers, put a number on it. If you want to boost sales, also put a number on it. Maybe you just want to acquire emails to build a list of leads.
Establish clear and actionable goals directly related to your needs as a business.
4. Pair It With Email
Social media campaigns aren’t just about making Instagram posts. Start by sending an email to current subscribers to give them a heads-up about your social media campaign.
Then, make sure that your campaign gets you new email addresses. You’ll want to send follow-up emails after you obtain these to stay with these leads and turn them into recurring customers.
5. Write Relevant Content
The key to successful social media campaigns lies in the content. It’s important to generate fresh, intriguing, and useful copy for your customers.
Yes, customers will perk up when they see discounts or special offers. But don’t forget about the power of video, for example, or images of your current antique inventory.
A top-notch content strategy will keep your customers coming back for more and get more email addresses on your list.
Your Social Media Marketing Campaign
Social media is a powerful tool, and it’s important to leverage it as you’re establishing your customer base in the antique industry.
Make sure you do your research and identify your market before launching your social media marketing campaign. Have clear goals that go along with your strategy and always follow up marketing efforts with email.
Want to learn more about what inbound marketing can do for your antique business? Sign up for free advice today at Article City!