Coach Fawad Launches a 60-Day Body Transformation Challenge, Winner to Pocket Up To $3000
Coach Fawad has launched a 60-day transformation challenge where the winner will walk away with up to a $3000 cash prize. Participants will get a chance to transform their bodies into healthier forms in only two months. The coach will pick the winner depending on who had the most dramatic transformation. This challenge is not about losing weight or shredding fat but dramatic body transformation. Coach Fawad did his first transformation challenge in 2019, and the winner took home a $1500 cash prize. For more information, click here.
Maryland, September 29, 2021 – Coach Fawad, a certified nutritionist and personal trainer with over 10 years of experience, announced a sixty-day challenge to motivate individuals to transform their bodies for better health. This is the third challenge, and the winner will pocket up to $3000 in cash. The first-ever challenge by Coach Fawad was in 2019, and it was a success where the winner took home $1500.
“My 60-day transformation challenge is back! This is neither a weight-loss nor a shred fat challenge. It is a transformation challenge, and the winner will be the person with the most dramatic transformation in sixty days,” said Coach Fawad.
The cash prize may go up depending on the number of participants in the 60 Day Transformation Challenge. A participant is required to contribute $100 to enter the challenge,
“You enter by putting $100 on the line. If we have a total of ten people, the winning prize will be $1000. If we have thirty participants, the winning prize will be $3000 and so on,” explained Fawad. “So invite your friends to join, team up with your spouse, and let’s work together and WIN!”
And participants will receive a full 60-day workout plan to do at home or in the gym. This is complete with nutritional guidance, a sample meal plan to follow, a private accountability group for all participants, and weekly live check-ins.
The challenge will be happening through his social media platforms. The first challenge occurred in 2019, and interested individuals can look up past winners on his Instagram. However, such challenges need discipline.
“The very first challenge I did was in 2019, and Carla did an amazing job. Everyone worked hard, but most people stopped at week two. If you can follow the program, work on your nutrition, and submit your final photos, you have a shot at winning,” explains Fawad.
Many people gain upwards of 15 to 20 pounds over the holidays, and justify this by telling themselves that they’ll start working out in the New Year as part of their resolution. This program is designed to help them stay accountable for their health by focusing on their fitness goals before things get worse. Coach Fawad also offers online coaching for those who can’t train in person during the challenge (since spots are limited) and to stay active during the holidays so they can start the New Year off right!
“I help men and women achieve their health and fitness goals by educating them on what is right or wrong. Since I started this online program, I have helped my clients lose over twenty pounds in three months,” added Fawad.
About Coach Fawad: Coach Fawad is a fitness and nutritional coach based in Maryland, USA. As a certified nutritionist and trainer, he helps individuals achieve their fitness goals through personalized sessions, community forums, and transformation challenges. He specializes in both weight loss and muscle gain. Fawad does both in-person training and online coaching.
Contact information:
Name: Coach Fawad
Organization: Coach Fawad
Phone: 2404750607
Website: http://www.coachfawad.com/
Originally Posted On: https://syndication.cloud/coach-fawad-launches-a-60-day-body-transformation-challenge-winner-to-pocket-up-to-3000/