Choosing the Right Pay-Per-Click Management Services and Company
45% of small businesses use pay-per-click advertising. This strategy makes sense, as studies show that businesses see a $2 return on investment for every $1 in paid ads.
If your company doesn’t use this advertising strategy yet, it’s time to start thinking about pay-per-click management services so that you can begin to reap the benefits of this kind of marketing.
Different digital marketing companies offer different strategies, techniques, and campaign management styles to their customers. How do you choose the right pay-per-click management services and company?
Take a look at our guide to help you figure out what you need and what kind of company can help you reach your goals
What Kind of Business Needs PPC Management?
Every type of business needs pay-per-click advertising management.
You can benefit from PPC and SEO efforts whether you’re a small online shoe store or a larger dropshipping store that sells internationally. Whether you’re in the legal, medical, sports, or food industry, pay-per-click ads work for you.
The only kinds of businesses that might not see outstanding results from PPC are the businesses that are in a referral-based or relationship-based industry.
However, even those kinds of companies benefit from certain pay-per-click strategies, such as building brand awareness or lead generation.
Pay-per-click advertising and SEO are right for your company if you have trouble:
- Attracting high-quality traffic to your website
- Converting visitors into actual leads
- Seeing traction from any of your marketing efforts
- Building awareness around your brand
- Figuring out your niche market
- Don’t know which keywords are going to convert at higher rates
If this sound like your business, pay-per-click marketing can help you.
The best part about this kind of marketing is that you don’t pay unless someone visits your website or landing page, making it one of the most cost-effective forms of digital marketing.
What Does a PPC Management Firm Do?
Now that you know a bit about whether this kind of marketing is the right one for you, it’s time to figure out what exactly goes into it.
Understanding what a pay-per-click management firm does will help you choose the right one.
A high-quality digital marketing firm should offer a full suite of PPC services, including:
- Full website analysis
- Keyword research
- Landing page design
- Campaign structuring
- Campaign monitoring
- Analysis and changes to campaign
- Remarketing
- Reports and analysis of results
While this list isn’t exhaustive, it’s a good place to start when researching basic PPC services.
A quality company will monitor your campaign and make the adjustments needed for full optimization and the highest click-through rates possible.
A pay-per-click management firm will get to know your business, formulate a campaign with optimized keywords, and then create and monitor your campaigns with individual ad groups.
If a company doesn’t offer this or only provides you with one part of the service, move on to the next.
Choosing the Right Pay-Per-Click Management Services
What’s important to look for when you’re choosing the right pay-per-click management company?
The answer depends on your goals and what your budget is.
If you’re looking to build brand awareness, you might find that one company is better at devising display ads than another.
If you don’t have the biggest marketing budget, a percentage fee of every conversion might be more feasible for you.
There are many factors, but here are the main things you should ask yourself and the pay-per-click management firm before signing any contracts and closing any deals.
What Are Your Goals?
Are you looking to increase the number of impressions on your website’s homepage, or are you looking for actual lead generation services? Does the previous question confuse you?
If so, don’t worry! As a business owner, chances are that you don’t quite know all of the paid advertising terms yet, and that’s okay.
A quality pay-per-click management company will help you determine what you need and then help you formulate goals surrounding those needs.
The goals that you set for your pay-per-click campaigns will determine how the company manages your entire account.
So, it’s not only important to ensure that you set these goals at the beginning, but that the management company understands them as well.
This is important as it will ensure that the company knows which metrics to track and focus on. This includes:
- Impressions
- Total clicks
- CTR (click-through-rate)
- CPC (cost per click)
- Cost per conversion
Again, it shouldn’t be your job to track or even think about these metrics. A good pay-per-click management company should be able to do this for you according to your overall business goals. You want a company that will make your life easier, not harder.
Choosing the right company will depend on what your goals are. Knowing what they before jumping into the process will help you make better, more informed decisions.
Campaign Management Fee Amounts
When it comes to choosing the right SEO and PPC management firm, think about the cost of these services.
You should develop a solid marketing budget before investing in paid ads and other types of search engine marketing.
Once you have that budget, you’ll then be able to figure out how much you’re looking to invest in paid ads per month.
It helps to think about what your ad spend is going to be, as a quality management firm should charge you based on that, not a costly long-term contract that you can’t get out of or change.
That brings us to the next point in choosing the right marketing company – flexibility when it comes to campaign management fees.
Never choose a company that makes you sign a costly long-term contract. This doesn’t make sense for you, and it’s shady on their end as well.
A company that’s confident in their services will provide you with the option to purchase monthly or a la carte services because they know they’ll do a good enough job to keep you coming back.
Make sure that these management fees cover all kinds of pay-per-click platforms, too, and not just Google!
All-Inclusive Pay-Per-Click Services
When you’re choosing your pay-per-click management company, it’s important to verify whether they manage paid ad campaigns across multiple platforms.
This includes pay-per-click advertising through search engine marketing on Google and Bing.
It also means that they should manage campaigns on all of the different platforms within both Google and Bing, as well as social media. This includes:
- AdWords
- Shopping List
- Display Network
It’s also worth mentioning that they should allow you to choose services to add on to the basic marketing packages.
You’ll need a high-quality landing page, for example, and perhaps even help with the design of banners for remarketing.
If they don’t offer this or charge thousands of dollars to create these assets for you, you need to look elsewhere.
This kind of all-inclusive service should focus on ROI and not clicks. Make this clear from the start. If they don’t agree, take your business elsewhere.
While paid ads are great for building brand awareness and generating website page views, conversions are what matters.
Getting a return on your investment is the end goal, and the marketing company you choose to do business with should believe that as well.
Does the Company Understand the Importance of Remarketing?
Think you’ve got a handle on what to expect when you pay for pay-per-click management services? Great!
Now, you’re going to want to ensure that you’re covering all of your bases by asking the company whether or not they provide remarketing services.
This is one of the most important and valuable aspects of pay-per-click advertising, and it’s something that a lot of companies either don’t do or charge extra to do.
Remarketing is something that they should include in the price of a standard PPC marketing package!
What is remarketing? It’s when you target someone who previously clicked on your ad or visited your website.
This is what happens when you visit an online store or website and then see graphic banners on the sidebar of the next website you visit, and it’s highly effective.
WordStream conducted a study and found that, with the help of remarketing, they were able to increase repeat visitors by 50% and boost conversions by 51%.
When it comes to Facebook, visitors are 70% more likely to convert after seeing a remarketing ad than they are after seeing the initial campaign.
If you don’t have remarketing set up as part of your paid ad campaigns, then you’re missing out on some serious conversion potential.
When choosing the right pay-per-click management services, be sure to bring this up. Make sure that it’s included in the monthly package fee.
While you’re at it, confirm that they offer additional remarketing services, like customer banner design.
This isn’t usually part of the remarketing service itself, but it’s a great add-on that they should at least offer to you for an extra fee.
Marketing Companies That Do it All
You must work with a marketing company that specializes in pay-per-click advertising and management.
However, it helps if you opt to work with a company that does other things as well.
They’ll likely have a pay-per-click or search engine marketing specialist work with you for paid advertising, but it’s better if they have other specialists on their team who can help you with other areas of digital marketing.
There’s a good chance that once you begin to gain traction and leads from paid advertising, you’re going to want to enhance the look of your website, build your social media accounts, or even begin to think about video marketing.
It helps if the company you work with can help you with all these various aspects of marketing. Not only will this help you save money in the long-run, but it saves a lot of time.
They know your brand, understand your goals, and know exactly who your audience is.
This makes it easier for them to get to work quickly on another area of digital marketing without you having to meet with other providers and explain what you’re looking for.
For this reason, the last and perhaps most helpful tip when deciding which pay-per-click management company to go with is to find a company that can do it all!
Make sure they’re well-versed in all areas of digital marketing as well as search engine marketing.
If it helps, talk with them from the beginning about what your year-long or five-year goals are with your company.
They might be able to help you formulate a larger, more in-depth marketing plan that involves pay-per-click advertising along with a few other things. Because they know where you’re headed, they can help get you there faster.
Getting Started with Pay-Per-Click Management
Ready to get started with pay-per-click advertising?
Take a moment to think about everything mentioned above and formulate an initial idea of what you’re hoping to get out of it.
Then, contact us to find out whether or not our pay-per-click management services are right for you.
You can text, email, or call us, whatever is easiest for you!
We’ll take some time to learn about your business and your marketing goals, then we’ll go over what kind of service and plan we think is best.