Can You Vape CBD Oil? 7 Tips for First Time CBD Vape Users
Originally posted on https://trans4mind.com/counterpoint/index-health-fitness/vape-cbd-oil.html
The use of cannabis in the U.S. has a long history, being used by the government in the 17th century for the production of clothing, sails, and rope. While this plant has had its highs and lows throughout the years, today, it’s is gaining more and more traction as a viable medicine, recreational product, and more.
A popular product produced with cannabis is CBD oil, which is now legal in most states. A common question about this product from many people is, “can you vape CBD?” This is a popular question because many believe vaping is a safer alternative to smoking.
The short answer to this question is – yes. However, before you begin vaping CBD oil, it’s crucial to find out more about it. The tips here explore everything from CBD oil dosage to CBD oil types and more. All this information is going to help ensure you have the best experience possible.
CBD Oil: What is It?
Before diving into the information found below, you need to understand what CBD oil is, and what it isn’t.
Also called hemp oil, CBD oil has been used as an oil tincture for years. In contains MCT oil, which is derived from coconuts, and should not be inhaled. Inhaling an oil like that may result in serious health problems, such as lipoid pneumonia.
Unlike the CBD tinctures (mentioned above), CBD vape juice is safe to inhale. Just be careful about the product you choose, as not all are labeled clearly making a mix-up possible.
The main difference between CBD oral tinctures and CBD vape oil is that the tinctures are oil-based, and the vape oils are not. There are two basic types of CBD oil you can vape:
CBD Cartridges
These are like THC oil cartridges. They are disposable e-cig tanks that are filled with the CBD e-juice. You connect these to a standard 510 battery and offer a quick way for you to begin vaping CBD oil.
CBD Vape Juice
Some CBD that’s made for vaping is called “CBD vape oil.” While this is the case, it doesn’t actually contain oil. A better name for these products is CBD distillate or CBD vape juice. The quality of the vape juice matters, so make sure to research options to find the best CBD vape juice available.
The best options are going to be made with food-grade ingredients. This allows you to take them orally, but they are significantly different from the oil-based tinctures. Take a look at the ingredients, and if you see anything besides cannabinoids, terpenes, CBD extract, VG, or PG, you should avoid inhaling it.
Now that you understand what CBD oil is safe for vaping, it’s time to dive into the tips about this process and what you need to know…
1. Vaping CBD Oil: What’s the Right Dosage?
There’s no one-size-fits-all dosage when it comes to CBD. It depends on several factors, including the symptoms being treated, your tolerance, and body weight. Also, each person has endocannabinoid systems and metabolism that are slightly different, resulting in different results.
Most CBD vape cartridges contain approximately 100 mg of CBD, which delivers one to two mg of CBD every time you take a puff. But, if you use a CBD tank or vape pen, you are getting a little more with each puff. Again, this depends on the strength of the CBD vape juice you are using and your device.
The best way to find the right dosage for you is by starting low and then increasing it slowly over time. Begin with the lowest dosage of one to two mg of CBD, then wait approximately six hours to take another dose.
Increase your dose gradually every day by five mg and pay attention to how you feel after each dose. It may not be possible to notice the change right away or even the next day. But, when you finally experience the positive effects, you have found the right dosage.
An average CBD user takes between 10 and 30 mg per day. For more serious issues, such as inflammation and pain, you may need between 200 to 1,000 mg per day. This is something you have to figure out through trial and error.
2. Understand the Potential Side Effects of Vaping CBD
Research about CBD side effects is still limited. It’s believed some side effects may occur. The most common one is drowsiness, which is more prevalent in first-time users and often subsides with frequent use.
Drowsiness is typically the product of higher doses of CBD. Medium and lower doses often produce the opposite effect.
Some of the other side effects related to vaping CBD include red eyes, hunger, and slight euphoria. Compared to a significant number of prescription medications, the side effects associated with CBD are much less severe or pronounced.
3. The “High” Effect
Vaping CBD isn’t going to get you high unless the CBD is derived from marijuana, which contains THC. However, most CBD that’s used for vaping is derived from industrial hemp.
It includes small amounts of THC, which aren’t enough to achieve the “high” experienced with traditional marijuana. There are also several CBD e-liquids available that are free of THC for anyone worried about this substance.
4. The Legality of CBD
When you purchase CBD that’s made from hemp, you are buying a completely legal product. The only states where there are still restrictions include North Dakota, Nebraska, and Idaho. In these states, you may have to acquire a prescription from your doctor to use CBD.
If you live in a state where marijuana is legal, then you can purchase CBD products that contain over the 0.3 percent legal limit of THC.
The U.S. Senate introduced a new bill called the Hemp Farming Act in 2018, which removed the authority the DEA had on hemp and turned it into a commodity, rather than a Schedule 1 narcotic. THC and cannabis are both restricted to medical patients or illegal in 40 states.
5. Overdose Possibility with CBD
To date, there’s never been a documented case of a fatality attributed to an overdose of cannabis. CBD is extremely low in toxicity.
It’s been proven that a human would have to take hundreds of times the average dose of CBD each day (which is 30 mg) in a very short period of time to be at risk of an overdose. It’s extremely unlikely anyone will take enough cannabidiol to result in lethal consequences.
6. Take Time to Find a Trusted CBD Brand
In the past, there have been reports of CBD products being sold that don’t include the advertised CBD amounts. Others contained synthetic contaminants and chemicals that resulted in users feeling extremely high and uncomfortable.
Today, there’s a huge selection of CBD brands to choose from that use a strict quality control process. If you aren’t getting your CBD from a trusted source, there’s no way to know if it is safe.
All reputable brands are going to have professional reviews and a positive customer base. It’s these brands that are also testing their products using third-party, credible ISO labs and have made the results of the testing public or available on request.
7. Vaping and CBD: It’s Not the Only Option
Vaping CBD isn’t the only way for you to take it. While this is true, many agree this is a great option.
There are several alternatives, including CBD edibles, capsules, isolate powder, drinks, and oral tinctures. CBD crystal isolate powder is ideal for creating edibles since it usually contains 99 percent pure CBD. These crystals can dissolve into oil or butter and can be used for creating tasty CBD infused butter, or another recipe.
E-juice is not the only option if you want to vape CBD. You can vape CBD concentrates, CBD-rich marijuana, and raw hemp. The majority of CBD vape juice is created using food-grade ingredients. This means you can take them orally.
Remember, though, isn’t the case with all products. You should never try to vape a CBD oil tincture.
Can You Vape CBD: Now You Know
When it comes to the question, “Can you vape CBD?” the answer is “yes.” However, you need to keep all the tips and information here in mind to ensure you get the best products and the best results.
When you fully understand the process, what to do, and what to expect, your experience as a CBD vaper is going to be improved significantly.
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