Can You Overdose on CBD Oil?
Originally posted on https://intrinsichemp.com/can-you-overdose-on-cbd-oil/
CBD oil has been known to help people get relief from a wide variety of illnesses. However, when taking anything for relief, it is important to know whether or not there is a lethal dose. For example, accidentally taking too many sleeping pills could result in not waking up. Is CBD oil the same way? Can you overdose on CBD?
A 2017 data report shows that over 72,000 Americans died that year because of a drug overdose. This data includes illicit and prescription drugs. CBD oil could provide a safer, and in some cases, more effective alternative for relief.
CBD Oil is Not Addictive
Addiction and substance abuse are serious and dangerous problems which can lead to overdose. It is perfectly reasonable to have concerns about taking too much CBD. But, let us put your mind at ease.
CBD—short for cannabidiol, is one of many compounds known as cannabinoids. Cannabinoids are found in the cannabis plant. THC is also one of these cannabinoids. THC produces mind-altering effects and is an addictive compound. CBD does not contain any psychoactive properties. This means it will not produce mind-altering effects like THC, and will not get you “high.” CBD is also not addictive. In fact, studies being done show that CBD may help people recover from drug addiction.
CBD oil does not contain THC. With CBD oil you get the natural benefits like potential relief from stress, inflammation, anxiety, depression, nausea and insomnia without the downfalls of THC. CBD is not addictive, which adds to the unlikelihood of overdose. But, you still may be asking—can you overdose on CBD oil?
Can You Build a Tolerance to CBD Oil?
One reason some prescription and non-prescription drugs can become dangerous is that you can build a tolerance to them. The dose you were taking no longer works, so you up the dose. However, a high enough dose could kill you.
You may be asking, “how many CBD gummies should I eat?” and “what do I do if I build a tolerance to them?” Well, there is no perfect answer, but according to different studies, it seems people are not likely to build a tolerance to CBD oil or CBD oil products. Some people go years without ever having a problem with building a tolerance to CBD oil. This would add to the difficulty of a CBD overdose. In some cases, people have reported that they feel they could build a tolerance to it. However, they have found ways around it.
Some people find changing their assigned serving schedule, taking short breaks, or only taking CBD when they need it for a specific symptom, help them avoid building a tolerance.
Can You Overdose on CBD?
CBD is not toxic and has very few side-effects. CBD and CBD oil have been known to produce incredible benefits and help many people who are searching for recovery or relief.
Still, you can’t blame people for wondering about CBD overdose. So, can you overdose on CBD oil? Fortunately, there are hundreds of cases of people experiencing the benefits of CBD and no known reports of fatal overdose from CBD or CBD oil. CBD oil seems to be a safe alternative to other potentially dangerous medications and illicit drugs.
It appears close to impossible for someone to have a fatal overdose from CBD. According to the National Cancer Institue “Because cannabinoid receptors, unlike opioid receptors, are not located in the brainstem areas controlling respiration, lethal overdoses from Cannabis and cannabinoids do not occur.”
How Much is Too Much CBD?
When asking, “can you overdose on CBD oil,” your mind can be put at ease knowing that no fatal cases have been reported. But, it is still possible to have too much CBD.
CBD oil is well tolerated by most people, and it is considered safe. It is difficult to take too much CBD because the amount you would need to take is way more than the average person would need. In most cases, taking too much CBD oil will result in lethargy or diarrhea. Although the chances are low, CBD oil can have other adverse side-effects such as:
• Anxiety and depression
• Psychosis
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Drowsiness
• Dry mouth
• Dizziness
• Diarrhea
• Changes in appetite
As far as how much is too much CBD—everyone reacts differently to different amounts. As with any dietary supplement, people will react differently. It is best to follow the recommended serving size indicated on the CBD bottle you purchase. Start small, and you can gradually increase the amount if you feel you need more. One study done in 2011 indicated that doses of CBD up to 1,500 mg per day were well tolerated in humans.
How to Take CBD Oil
Taking CBD oil is simple and easy. We at Intrinsic Hemp even offer different flavors of CBD oil to make the experience more enjoyable. Each of our products has instructions on the package to help you through the process as well.
First, you will want to shake the bottle to blend the oil. Next, simply squeeze the dropper top to fill the pipette with oil. After that, you can dispense the oil under your tongue and let it sit for about 60 seconds before swallowing for max benefits.
CBD can reduce or increase the effects of other medications. But, even eating grapefruit while on medication can have the same effects. Still, if you are on other medications, it is best to check with your doctor before using CBD. You should also check with your doctor if you are nursing or pregnant before taking CBD or any other dietary supplement.
Choose a CBD Brand You Can Trust
Bottom line, can you overdose on CBD oil? Considering zero cases have been reported, it is very unlikely. But, not all products or companies are created equal. When looking for a product that may relieve your pain, it is vital to go with a company you can trust. Intrinsic Hemp works hard at being that company.
When searching for a CBD oil to help with your needs, look for a product that is organic to reduce exposure to pesticides and chemicals. Avoid any additives and unnecessary ingredients. Look for a full-spectrum product to ensure you get all of the benefits possible.
Intrinsic Hemp is proud to offer products that are grown in America and are produced using the latest extraction processes. Try our organic full-spectrum CBD oil and start getting the relief you need today.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products discussed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Due to FDA Regulations, we recommend that you do your own research on CBD products. We also suggest that you read the reviews on our website, where our customers record their real-world results of using our products.