Buildings IOT Announces Release of Adaptive Buildings Suite for Automated Demand Management, Demand Flexibility
With this release, the first in a series of energy efficiency measures can be implemented automatically and without compromising comfort or operator control.
CONCORD, California, November 22, 2023 – Buildings IOT today announces the commercial availability of its new suite of adaptive buildings features to make energy savings and cost reductions automatic for buildings of all types. Central to this technology is an equipment-level interface for operators to monitor enrollment and comfort from the same screen, so they can be sure optimization efforts are not impacting occupants. Included in the release is the ability to track energy savings in terms of reduced consumption and total cost avoided.
“We’re excited and motivated by this release,” says Brian Turner, CEO of Buildings IOT. “Our purpose is to improve the operational performance and reduce the environmental impact of buildings. Automated demand management does both of those things with an emphasis on operators that we believe has been missing in the market so far. This release is just the first in a series of new developments in the energy efficiency and decarbonization section of our product roadmap. We’re looking forward to sharing more as details are available.”
The first release of the adaptive building suite, available in the operator front-end onPoint as well as the data access layer IOT Jetstream, includes:
- Automated shifts of a building’s demand curve so bill payers can avoid peak demand charges associated with time of use or operational spikes;
- Flexible initiation for use during demand response events;
- Reduced electricity usage and lower utility charges.
Central to the adaptive buildings feature set is machine learning technology that optimizes a building’s demand reduction based on its unique historical performance. Operators, through the onPoint user interface or via mutation in the Jetstream API, can also manually establish a setpoint or schedule load reduction in advance. This ensures that special events or occupant requirements can be factored into a company’s automated management strategy.
“Increases in intermittent, renewable sources of electricity and the electrification of vehicles and heating systems has made demand flexibility extremely important for new and existing buildings,” says Jon Schoenfeld, Vice President of Energy and Building Technology at Buildings IOT. “Our approach to meeting this societal need will also give owners and operators the flexibility to reduce demand when it achieves the greatest benefit and manage enrollment at the zone level to maintain comfort. This results in flexible automation that can be configured by an operator while still achieving results in daily energy reduction, daily demand reduction, automated demand response and real, measurable savings for owners.”
With an understanding of the urgency of this need for portfolios, onPoint automated demand management is priced to deliver a one-year payback for most building types and equipment counts.
The adaptive buildings development release also includes several enhancements to onPoint, making it easy to:
- enroll equipment in the load reduction program,
- track established setpoints,
- monitor overrides,
- track load-shed status at the equipment level
- track, measure and quantify savings in both kWh and dollars.
These automated management features also solidify the value of Buildings IOT’s industry-leading fault detection and diagnostics, giving operators clear direction when equipment cannot be enrolled and suggesting a first line of defense for issue resolution so that maximum savings can be achieved.
Buildings IOT is the world’s leading adaptive buildings company, turning data into actions that are tailored to the needs, constraints and opportunities of properties and portfolios. We improve the operational performance and reduce the environmental impact of buildings because we understand deeply how they work and we’ve built that expertise into every facet of our products and services.
Media contact:
Natalie Patton
Buildings IOT
Originally posted On: https://syndication.cloud/buildings-iot-announces-release-of-adaptive-buildings-suite-for-automated-demand-management-demand-flexibility/