Benefits of Co-browsing that Improve Customer Service
The days of customer service being just a hand-shake and a quick chat are long gone. How banks interact with customers has been transformed by advances in technology. But in the drive towards greater efficiency, it’s crucial not to lose sight of the importance of the human aspect of customer service. Trust is essential when discussing money and nothing builds trust like human-to-human interaction. At its best, technology should be harnessed to enable more effective but also more personal exchanges between bank and customer.
Co-browsing vs Screen Sharing
Co-browsing offers an innovative solution to the question of how best to deliver customer service. Using the latest co-browsing software gives banking agents the chance to engage, interact, and collaborate with their customers within their online applications in real-time. As agent and customer operate within the browser simultaneously, the agent is able to offer customized advice. This offers a transformative bridge between the anonymity of online self-service and more traditional, face-to-face interactions.
While both screen-sharing and co-browsing involve sharing visual context, the latter offers clear benefits. Screen sharing allows the viewing and controlling of someone else’s screen – including any web browser tabs or other applications they might have open at the same time. Co-browsing only shares your browser – not your whole desktop. This makes it more secure in terms of privacy. Additionally, unlike screen sharing, it doesn’t require any applications to be downloaded or installed, and, finally, the quality is far superior.
Co-browsing benefits
There are many benefits to employing a co-browsing solution. These include everything from improved efficiency to superior customer relations, as well as higher levels of security too.
Resolve customer issues faster
With agents able to see exactly what is going on, customer issues can be rectified much faster than with a phone call or chat without any visual context. Customers and agents can collaborate so they can highlight specific problems and find a solution together. Again, this enables both customers and agents to get to the point quicker and find a solution faster.
Stop abandonment and drop-offs
Providing a visual context for complicated transactions means agents witness issues as soon as they arise. Problems can be rectified quickly and agents can guide customers through points where they might otherwise leave the site – or drop-off. Agents are also able to ‘show’ rather than ‘tell’ customers how to resolve issues. The result? Less repeat problems.
Deliver a personalized service
Customers feel engaged and energized when they interact with a customer service team who can offer them individual help. With co-browsing, agents can customize their advice and feedback to suit each person’s specific problems. Compared to an impersonal automated service, co-browsing offers a solution that is the high-tech version of a face-to-face interaction.
Private and secure environment
Co-browsing offers greater security for both banks and customers. Agents and clients alike are able to see the website or application and nothing else. Unlike screen-sharing, they can only see the shared browser, rather than any open browser or application. Furthermore, the field masking function governs what an agent can see when customers is inputting their personal information during a session.
Improve conversion rates
With customers running into less issues, they are less likely to abandon and drop-off. This means greater customer satisfaction which, in turn, means they will respond to calls-to-action with increased frequency. In other words, better conversion rates. Simply by engaging with them at the right time and guiding them through tricky stages of the process, agents can improve conversion rates and encourage repeat sales.
Create loyal customers
The stats prove it. A co-browsing solution can lead to a 50% reduction in support costs time. With issues resolved faster, and with less repeat issues, customer satisfaction rockets. And happy customers are loyal customers, far more likely to return.
Co-browsing and Unblu
Unblu offers a bridge between advanced technology, knowledge and expertise, and the human power to build trust and connection.You would be hard pushed to find superior solution to conversational banking.
Learn more about Unblu’s Co-browsing solution here or book a demo through the product page and one of the Unblu team members will reach out to help you get started.