Awareness & the Most Dangerous Roads for Bikers in the East Midlands
Originally posted on https://superbike-news.co.uk/wordpress/awareness-the-most-dangerous-roads-for-bikers-in-the-east-midlands/
While there are thousands of motorbikes on the road, they only account of a single percent of traffic. Yet they make up 19 percent of all fatal accidents. With 83 percent of vehicles being cars in 2016, 30.5 of the 36.7 million on the road according to the United Kingdom’s Department for Transport, bike accidents and deaths are overrepresented.
Awareness of Dangerous Roads
As the public has realised that bikers account for an overrepresented percentage of the road deaths in the UK, many people and organisations have become focused on the most dangerous roads in the country. It turns out that 9 out of the ten most dangerous roads in the UK are located in the wider London area, but there are dangerous roads everywhere. The specialists at the site MoneyPug, an online resource to find the best bike insurance, the figures show that road deaths increased by four percent in 2016, to a five year high of 1,792 people killed.
The East Midlands is not the most hazardous region for roads, but it’s not the safest either. Many studies and online platforms have begun examining the danger of the region’s motorways. With this comes an awareness surrounding them.
The Roads Crash Index
Created by the Road Safety Foundation, and in collaboration with the insurance company Ageas, the Road Crash Index is designed to map the risk of injury and death on the UK’s roads. In a recent study, it found that half of all the deaths on the road in the country were concentrated to just ten of its roads, which mainly consisted of A roads outside city limits and other motorways.
The report also identified 550 sections of road, covering less than 4,000 miles, they have listed as black or red, which means that they pose a high risk to people who use them. The Roads Crash Index has helped the public visualize the danger of the UK’s roads, but they are not the only people determining the hazardous motorways in the UK.
Accident Studies
One organization conducting studies of the danger on UK roads is Swinton, an insurance company that has been analyzing government data to discover the most risk-ridden roads for bikers. Using this data they have compiled lists of the most hazardous in the country, including some specialized lists concerning regions. One of their lists is the top ten most dangerous roads in the East Midlands.
Hazardous Roads in the East Midlands
By determining the most dangerous roads for bikers in the East Midlands, they have compiled a list for public to spread awareness about the risk of specific highways. Out of the most dangerous roads in the East Midlands, there are five in Nottinghamshire and only one in Derbyshire. While these roads are not as dangerous as the ones in London, they show patterns and specific roads to avoid.
Out of the five roads in Nottingham, three of them are in the top five most dangerous. The A6002, the A6130, and the A611 are three of the most hazardous motorways in the region. Other ones include two in Leicester, the A563 and the A594. High Peak 457 made the list and Mansfield A60 and A6009 did as well. The most dangerous road in the region, however, is in Worcester. The A38 is the most risky road for bikers in the East Midlands.
How to Use this Information
This study suggests that some of the roads can be particularly dangerous for bikers. Revealing that there were 584 motorcycle incidents in 2017, the figure is 400 more than the North East, which they determined is the safest road in the UK, and 3,000 less than the most dangerous roads in London.
The study found out that the biker accident rate has gone down six percent, and weekends, specifically Friday and Sunday, are the most risky time to ride. To successful utilize this information, show extra caution on the roads and avoid them if you can. Furthermore, if the weather is bad take a different route or ride another day. Finally, the most pivotal aspect of riding is your mindset. Don’t take these dangerous roads unless you are clear-headed and capable of being completely safe and defensive as you ride.