At Home Color Versus Salon Hair Color: Is There a Difference?
Originally posted on https://www.inscapebeautysalon.com/blog/2019/6/13/at-home-color-versus-salon-hair-color-is-there-a-difference
It’s no secret that in our society we have plenty of options when it comes to expressing ourselves through our appearances. One of the most common ways that we achieve this feat is by altering our hair color. You can find nearly any color you can dream of in both local pharmacies and top-rated Florida salons like Inscape Beauty Salon. Whether time constraints or a strict budget is the motive, it can be hard to resist the allure of a fast and cheap DIY hair color. But, is there truly a difference between at home color and salon hair color?
Quality of Hair Color
In short—the answer is yes. For starters, the hair color offered in at-home varieties is of a lesser quality than those you find in salons. This is because they contain harsher, more concentrated chemicals and often skip out on the protective ingredients used in a salon setting. Because of this, you are more likely to experience damage, breakage or hair loss at home than under the guidance of an experienced hair professional. This is both because of the quality of the dye and the lack of experience of the individual dying their own hair.
Experience and Know-How
Although using an at-home color seems fairly cut and dry, a salon professional does much more than apply dye to your hair. Before any hair coloring service begins, your stylist first conducts an initial evaluation. At this point, they are checking for many different signs of your hairs’ health, such as: elasticity, moisture, and dermal irritation. If your hair is not healthy enough to withstand hair color, your hair stylist will make you aware of this beforehand. This step alone drastically reduces the risk of hair loss and extensive damage. From there, they will discuss your desired results, consult a color wheel and mix a color according to your existing hue. All these factors play a large role in the final results of your hair color in Davie.
Lack of Personalization
When it comes to at-home colors, however, there is a “one-size-fits-all” approach. Dry and damaged hair is dyed using the same chemicals as healthy hair. A brunette and redhead can choose the same box dye and are led to believe that their results will be the same, but this is rarely ever the case. Despite the color guide, the results are never quite as expected. The color may be brassier than expected or a even a completely unexpected shade. This is especially true when making a drastic change at home, as many box dyes are not intended to lighten or darken the hair more than two or three shades from the existing one. To correct these hair color mistakes, it may take a salon expert several weeks and can be a costly venture.
The Dangers of At Home Hair Dye
Along with these undesirable results, it is easy to forget that at-home dye kits can also be dangerous when applied by inexperienced individuals. From allergic reactions to burns, stains and severe irritation, these chemicals are better off in a properly equipped salon environment where they are handled and applied carefully by professionals.
Interested in hair color around Pembroke Pines, Plantation, Davie or Hollywood, Florida? From bombshell blonde to vibrant violent, Inscape Beauty Salon offers top quality hair color that is customized to each client’s personal needs and desires. Contact us to discuss your needs or book your appointment online today!