As the Government Loses the Fight Against Addiction, This Physician is Reversing the Epidemic with a New Tool
- Fentanyl and alcohol kill 35 per 100,000 Americans
- Rehabs drain resources with only an 8% success rate, while costing $15,000-60,000
- Self Recovery is <1% the cost of rehab, with a 78% success rate
- Anyone can access the holistic program via the internet and privately address underlying issues
AUSTIN, Texas, February 2, 2024— The United States government recognizes the national addiction epidemic and continues to fund billions in new programs to combat the problem. The issue is, deaths from substance use continue to rise. Fantanyl continues to stream across the border, now accounting for 22 deaths per 100,000 Americans. At the same time, deaths from alcohol have also grown to over 13 per 100,000 Americans, according to the National Institutes of Health.
Daniel Hochman, MD, founder of selfrecovery.org, is a psychiatrist concerned by the lack of effective treatments. “I’m pleased to see the concern for the issues, but the money and resources are funding ineffective programs, and failing to adjust to more updated treatment approaches.”
Long considered the gold standard of care, rehabs have only a 5-8% rate of success, according to the prestigious Cochrane Review. That is on top of increasing healthcare costs. At an average cost of admission over $15,000, rehabs have become accessible only to the wealthy or well insured.
According to the American Medical Association, less than one in 10 people with an addiction accesses care, and when they do, it’s ineffective. Hochman, faculty at University of Texas Dell Medical School, decided to create a more efficient, updated approach. “I felt a duty to create a program that provides people with updated strategies that are proven effective, and in a way that anyone can access.”
Self Recovery is less than 1% the cost of traditional recovery centers, and boasts a success rate of 78% for people who complete the program. “The reason it works is because it’s more holistic and addresses underlying issues,” Hochman says. “Rather than lecture on obvious things like avoiding the substance, we make the process engaging by looking at interesting questions, like: ‘why do I keep doing something that I know hurts me?’ We all turn to external objects and behaviors to numb or escape from life’s stresses and emotional pain. People need private, thought provoking programming to genuinely explore a different way of dealing with life.”
“Access has always been an issue. We have to be smarter about how we reach people. Rather than ask people to go away for a month or make their issues very public, we flip that on its head. We decided to match what science tells us,” says Hochman. Self Recovery is fully private and online so anyone can discreetly address underlying psychological issues. Enrollees make steady improvements in their natural home environment so changes are more permanent – which is the opposite of most programs where discharging back home is the riskiest period for relapse.
Self Recovery offers their flagship full program, as well as a course for loved ones to learn how to respond and help. They have an industry leading 30 day money back guarantee to remove the barrier of not knowing who to trust for help. Self Recovery also provides a training program for clinicians so that more providers can easily learn best practices and treat patients more effectively.
The program has now reached over forty countries, and has helped people from various demographics. “We’ve reached single moms, people in Sub-Saharan Africa, executives… there are all kinds of people who have been waiting for this kind of solution,” says Hochman. “This shows we can indeed reverse the addiction epidemic, and anyone can turn life around if they find a solution that works.”
Media Contact:
Daniel Hochman, M.D.
Self Recovery
4413 Spicewood Springs Rd #103, Austin, TX 78759
Originally posted On: https://syndication.cloud/as-the-government-loses-the-fight-against-addiction-this-physician-is-reversing-the-epidemic-with-a-new-tool/