All About Area Rugs
In almost every home in every part of the world, there is an area rug covering the cold, hard floor. From contemporary to modern, area rugs come in a wide range of styles and colors that enhance the space and style of the room. They add elegance, warmth, and sophistication, and have been incorporated into many cultures across the world. It’s possible you have been casually browsing area rugs for sale and picturing it in your home, but have you ever thought about where rugs came from?
This article will give you a taste of the deep rich history that lies within the bold colors and intricate knots on your floor. There is no doubt about it, area rugs are a timeless piece of art that has withstood the test of time. A quality rug is an investment piece and after reading this article you will have better insight to make an informed decision if you are looking to buy a rug.
For thousands of years, area rugs have been handcrafted by different cultures all over the world. They didn’t start as the work of art they are today, but for practical reasons like protection and warmth.
The existence of rugs has been found in ancient cave drawings, tombs in Egypt, and even frozen burial sites in Siberia. Rugs have made their mark in all different cultures around the world but it wasn’t until Nomads in Asia began mass-producing rugs from sheep wool did they began to gain popularity.
There is some debate on where the first woven rugs were initially created, but experts agree that it was the Persians who perfected it. Amazingly, techniques created thousands of years ago are still used to create rugs today.
All different types of materials have been used to make rugs. For example, in cold climates, the fur and hide of animals were used as rugs for comfort and warmth as well as a cozy place to sleep. In tropical climates area rugs were made out of plants and reeds that were woven together for durability. They were used for protection from thorns, rocks, and wildlife that lived in the dirt. Two very different climates, but rugs still had the same purpose – protection.
Rug making became an important task in many cultures which required an enormous amount of time and energy to create. They often became family heirlooms as they were passed from generation to generation. In cultures where the tribes traveled often and didn’t stay in one place for long, rugs were taken whenever possible because of the vast uses they provide.
Gaining Popularity
Area rugs tend to coincide with historical events, especially in war zones as they were traded for goods. Since these mass-produced rugs started making their way to different countries, they were becoming a desirable commodity and a status symbol of wealth and importance.
As rugs gained popularity their purpose also changed. From humble beginnings to provide warmth, these handcrafted works of art were adapted to become symbols of something greater. Different colors, patterns, plant or animal design and even the material used all meant something. For example, a rug with a duck on it represented a faithful marriage while a camel represented wealth. Bamboo represents wealth and honor while a lily represents purity. Even the colors used mattered, just as they do today. Black represented destruction while represented purity and peace.
Materials Used
Rugs have changed over time, but what’s incredible is that the purpose of area rugs hasn’t changed drastically from the original intended purpose. Even the materials have very much stayed the same. While it’s no longer a necessity for survival, area rugs still provide warmth, comfort, and beauty that people crave to transform a space and make it feel like a home.
The main types of materials used to create area rugs today include; wool, silk, cotton, synthetic, and natural fibers.
Wool – There is a reason wool rugs are still popular today just as they were thousands of years ago. Wool is a renewable resource, warm, durable, and extremely versatile. It can hold up to the beatings that feet bring, while still keeping its appearance for a long time.
Silk – Silk is the epitome of luxury, wealth, and quality. Something that is 100% real silk is worth the investment. It’s strong, durable, holds dye which makes exquisite vibrant colors while giving it a gorgeous sheen. You must make sure you are truly buying a real silk rug if you’re going to spend the money on it. There are impostors out there that will blend the silk with other materials, or use different materials altogether and claim it’s silk.
Cotton – Cotton is a popular choice for a rug because of the durability, ability to hold color and softness. Cotton rugs are generally braided and an ideal choice for busy families on a budget. They are much less expensive than wool
Synthetic – Synthetic rugs can be made by several different materials. Polyester, nylon, and polypropylene are the main synthetic fibers used. These rugs are mass-produced by machines and can be purchased for cheap. These are the types of rugs generally found in big box home stores. They are cheap to produce, durable, hold color well, and the design possibilities are endless since they are programmed into a computer and the machine does the weaving.
Natural Fibers – Natural fibers like jute and sisal have become increasingly popular. They provide a very natural look but these rugs aren’t soft and don’t hold up to high traffic areas as well as a wool rug might.
There is no shortage of the type of rug you can find today. Any style, color, print, size, shape, and material is on the market. The most important factor to consider when shopping for an area rug is quality. This is an investment piece as well as a piece of art for your home that will be with you for years. So the next time you are looking for area rugs for sale, consider shopping with Rug Source. We will provide you with the high quality you are looking for. Let us help you find the rug of your dreams to make your house a home.