Analyze That: Your Guide to Finally Understanding Web Analytics
Analytics can help identify opportunities, improve processes, and help your marketing team know who to target.
Analytics don’t have to be a confusing jungle of information. When website metrics are explained and the question, “what is web analytics?” is answered simply, you will be armed with vital information.
To simply understand what a professional web analyst knows in the most basic sense continue reading this article. You will learn information you can apply in your business right away.
What Is Web Analytics and How Does It Work?
Just because analytics are set up on your site, it doesn’t mean you understand them. Learning what they are, how they work or how to use the information is vital. Whether you use Google Analytics, Funnelytics, CrazyEgg, Clicky, or Spring Metrics, you need to learn what you are looking for in your dashboard and reports.
Whether the analytics tool you are using is complex or simple, the most important part is understanding the analytics data that is gathered.
Some of the information analytics will allow you to review are as follows:
- Traffic
- Conversions
- Referral Sources
- Keywords used to locate your website
- And more
Benefits of Reviewing Analytics Data
You don’t have to spend a lot of time reviewing your analytics data to notice a piece of information that can change your strategies. Noticing a trend, a slump or some other happening in your data can mean changing course in your strategy. Read on to learn more about how you can make decisions based on analytics.
1) See What Campaigns Are Bringing the Most Traffic
If you are starting a new campaign, you might go through your previous campaigns and see which ones performed best. You can craft your new content marketing strategy based on which campaign brought the most visitors.
For instance, if you see a certain piece of content you are using in your article marketing is doing well, you might decide to continue promoting that piece. Instead of creating a new article, you could add more data and information to the article.
2) Determine Where Your Best Audience Is Located
Have you thought about advertising on a site like Facebook? Advertising platforms will ask you where you want to target your ads. If you know people from a certain area are visiting your content a lot, that area is a good place to start.
3) See What People Are Searching for on Your Website
Analytics can show you what terms people are using to find your content. Knowing what people are searching for to land on your website can help you decide what other terms and content to add.
4) See Your Most Popular Content
Analytics will show you which content visitors are viewing most. When you see a popular piece of content, you can create more content that is similar.
Make Smart Decisions Based on Real Data
When you use data, you now know the answer to “what is web analytics?” and you can optimize your content and use a strategy you are sure works. Read more of our training to find out how to propel your business to the next level.