Amazing And Affordable App Development: How to Hire Freelance App Developers
The world of mobile apps continues to grow. Indeed, people were expected to spend up to $120 billion on app downloads in 2019, up from $101 billion the year before. Needless to say, do it right and app development can be extremely lucrative!
But the popularity of mobile apps has made this a competitive industry.
For an app to succeed in the marketplace these days, its design and development must both be of the highest quality. And for that, you need to work with app developers who know what they’re doing!
Looking to hire freelance app developers for your app idea? Alas, not all developers are made equal; finding the perfect person for a project can be easier said than done.
Want some tips on how to do it? Keep reading to for 7 top tips for hiring an epic app developer.
1. Know Your Stuff
It’s your job to hire a developer who’s up to speed with their craft.
They should be au fait with all technical aspects of the process and be able to deliver on their promise.
More than that, they should be able to do it efficiently and with minimal fuss.
Yet hiring the perfect person is far harder when you lack adequate app development understanding. Basic insight into the terminology, processes, coding languages, costs, and platforms, and so on, will be an enormous help.
You can then vet prospective developers to ensure their skills align with your needs. It also means you’re less likely to be overcharged for the work involved.
Want to upskill yourself? IT training deals might come in handy to help you learn more about the craft.
2. Ensure They’re Experienced Enough
The journey ahead will be far easier with an experienced developer at the helm.
They’ll be more knowledgeable, confident, and, ultimately, capable. You know you’re in good hands.
Keep in mind that the type of experience is as important as the depth of it.
You want to work with somebody with experience making similar apps in the past, who has the references and portfolio to prove it.
Checking experience levels is particularly important when hiring freelancers.
Why? Because, otherwise, you only have the individual’s word to work from. Freelancers are lone wolves, meaning there’s no actual employer for you to talk to who could reassure you of their experience and talent levels.
3. Prioritize Communication
Few things are more frustrating than hiring a freelancer who’s hard to contact.
Remember, these guys often work all over the world. As long as they have an internet connection they can work from anywhere. Different time-zones and poor Wi-Fi connections can get in the way.
It’s of utmost importance than communication is made a priority. It facilitates the smooth running of the project and ensures that deadlines are met on time.
Pay close attention to their communication skills during the hiring process. Assess the speed in which they respond to emails and their willingness to take calls. Of course, quality at the outset doesn’t guarantee it down the line.
It does, however, offer a clue to the nature of any ongoing working relationship.
4. Invest in the Best
It’s tempting to try and save money by hiring a cheap freelancer.
But you get what you pay for.
If the asking price seems too good to be true, then it probably is! As a rule of thumb you can expect a positive correlation between cost and quality: the more you pay, the better the end product will be.
Treat this as an investment. Ignore the discount developers and pay extra. Chances are good that you’ll get that money back in better sales figures in due course.
Equally, don’t assume that high-prices guarantee quality! Make sure you go through all of the other tips in this article to ensure you get the best bang for your buck.
5. Ask for References
References are another classic way of finding out whether someone is right for the job.
They might not always be possible when hiring a freelance developer, but there’s no harm in inquiring about them. Before committing to hiring someone, ask if they’re willing to provide contact information for previous clients.
Hearing from the horse’s mouth about the quality of delivery (and the experience of working with someone) is the best way to ascertain somebody’s capabilities.
Of course, try to verify the reference too. It’s no good talking to a friend of the freelancer who’s just posing as an ex-client!
6. Don’t Limit Your Search
Though specific freelancer sites exist these days, there’s rarely one specific place to find them.
Thus, it’s foolish to limit your search to one particular source. Treat it like a treasure hunt! Look here, there, and everywhere to find the best person for the job.
Speak to friends in the tech world who might have recommendations. Speak to family members who might know of somebody in the industry. Frequent social media groups and check out the numerous websites (such as Fiverr, People Per Hour, and Upwork) where freelancers reside.
By targeting difference areas you stand a better chance of avoiding a bad hire.
7. Ask About Their Workload
You’ll want to assess their current working capacity.
In other words, how many other projects do they have on the go, and how will that impact your own timeline?
You could find the best developer in the world. Yet if they’re too busy to devote sufficient time and energy to your project, then it’s not worth it. You can expect missed deadlines and subpar delivery.
Have a frank chat in the hiring process about their workload and your expectations. Let it be known when you’ll want the project completed by and whether or not they think they can deliver.
Time to Find Your Freelance App Developers
The sky-high popularity of mobile apps has created an enormous pool of developers to choose from.
Alas, top-quality freelance app developers are harder to find.
Hopefully, though, this post will help you in the hiring process. Keep the tips in mind and you’ll be on your way to a winning app in no time.
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