Amanda Leon Launches American Polo Club Tour for Adventure Enthusiasts
Prominent social media adventurer, Amanda Leon, commences the launch of her 2021-2022 Tour of America’s Polo Club to empower women and promote the sport of polo
August 9, 2021 – Amanda Leon, an American Amateur Polo Player, begins her second United States cross-country road trip of 2020. The newly launched adventure targets all kinds of audiences, including sports enthusiasts, road trippers, RV road warriors, polo-aficionados, female athletes, luxury travelers, and American pull yourself-up-by-your-boot-strappers.
Amanda Leon has been described by many as the Badass Babe of Adventure, solo camping in 20+ U.S. National Parks, surfing the islands of the Galapagos, safari exploring in Kruger National Park of South Africa, and traversing the entire country of Egypt during a global pandemic. Leading by example, Leon inspires and empowers women to both travel solo safely and compete in male-dominated athletics.
However, Leon’s journey is not reserved for people interested in travel and athletics, it’s for anyone who’s ever had a dream to do something out of the ordinary or to live life differently. Free resources for people looking to travel, get into playing polo, or pursue their dream with a certainty of success.
“I am living proof that you don’t have to settle for what’s given to you or to stay stuck under the glass ceilings that people put on you. As a child, I never excelled at sports. I didn’t grow up wealthy or horseback riding, but I’ve found a way to pursue what I love – polo and adventure – and I’m pretty darn good at it.” Leon’s message is clear: You get to BE whoever you want, you get to DO whatever you want, and she is here to help and inspire you.
Many people perceive polo to be a rich sport with big hats and even bigger egos. To promote the sport of polo across America, Leon is breaking these myths by showing people the real down-to-earth, fun side of polo. “You don’t have to be rich or fancy to play polo. In fact, you don’t have to be completely prepared to do anything. The conditions are rarely perfect to pursue your dreams. You have to start now before success.”
Seeking to restore America as the global polo leader, the polo adventure trip is igniting a polo renaissance in the U.S. to curate more talented polo players, especially more female players. Leon wants to inspire young girls in America to compete. Polo is one of the few sports left in the world where there are no restrictions on women playing alongside men at the highest level that the sport offers.
In line with the tour’s goal of making polo more accessible and inclusive, Leon will raise funds for the Work to Ride Program, which aids disadvantaged urban youth through constructive activities centered on horsemanship, polo, and education.
Companies interested in never-before-attempted-adventure advertising opportunities can reach out. Tax-deductible sponsorship of the American Polo Club Tour or tax-deductible charitable donations to the Work to Ride Program are available.
For more information about the ongoing American Polo Club Tour and live social media adventures, please visit – www.AmericanPoloPlayer.com/ or follow @Amanda.Polo on Instagram.
About Amanda Leon, American Polo Player
You don’t have to be born into privilege to lead a wealthy life. You don’t need permission to live a life you love. Amanda Leon founded companies such as Unrth Strategic Design Lab and On The Rise Fine Art. She manages brands like the American Polo Player. Leon’s spent the last 13 years traveling the world in search of the best experiences, best food, and best people. As a Miss Texas USA and Miss California USA pageant contestant, she’s raised thousands for charity and served the community, representing Fortune 500 brands.
Media Contact
Name: Amanda Leon
Phone: 310-994-9046
Company: American Polo Player TM
Website: www.AmericanPoloPlayer.com
Originally Posted On: https://syndication.cloud/amanda-leon-launches-american-polo-club-tour-for-adventure-enthusiasts/