All your overnight face mask questions answered
We all know that sleep is the ultimate beauty therapy, but our nighttime routines are becoming increasingly complicated owing to the emergence of the overnight face mask – something you wear while you sleep to deliver nourishing ingredients to your skin.
The trend for wearing overnight face masks began in Korea – a country now famous all over the world for raising beauty standards. These masks go against the tradition in the west of removing makeup (and anything else on the face) before bed to prevent breakouts.
What Is A Sleep Mask?
Sleep masks come in the form of a cream that you apply to the skin before you go to bed. It’s important to note that they are not like clay masks, which you need to wash off afterward. Instead, sleep masks slowly absorb into the face, nourishing the skin, and sometimes encouraging it to become more youthful.
Where Can You Get Sleep Masks?
You can now buy sleep masks from many online retailers. Many people, however, believe that you can find the best Korean Skincare at K Beauty UK. Korean companies began the trend towards face masks, so it makes sense to investigate them first before approaching other brands.
What Ingredients Should You Look For In A Sleep Mask?
Sleep masks are popular, but what is it that makes them beneficial for the skin?
Many sleep masks contain active ingredients like collagen, retinol, and hyaluronic acid designed to firm and plump the skin while you sleep. More adventurous brands also include potent plant compounds from fruits, herbs, and spices. The combination of natural and semi-synthetic ingredients creates a powerful combination that helps the skin to look and feel rejuvenated.
When choosing a product, look for one with an airtight seal. If oxygen can get into the container holding the mask, then it could damage the health-promoting components.
How Do You Apply A Sleep Mask?
The best time to apply a sleep mask is after cleansing and exfoliating.
First, apply your regular serums if you use them. Then add the face mask to “lock in” the moisturizing agents you apply to your skin.
Usually, the mask comes in the form of a cream or paste, not a putty. Gently apply it to your face using the tips of your fingers. Massage into problem areas on your skin and then allow the product to sink in. By the morning, there shouldn’t be any residue.
If you live in a dry area or have the air conditioning running during the night, then you may want to choose a face mask with moisturizing elements.
You don’t need to apply a face mask every night. Most Koreans use them twice or three times a week for long-term skin health.
Winter is the perfect time to start using face masks. The reducting in natural sunlight hitting the surface of the Earth means that skin needs help staying vital. Most people begin to see results in their skin after a couple of months on a face mask regimen.