Advice, Please: My Garage Door Won’t Stay Down When I Try to Close It
Photo From Garagedoorrepairtexas
Originally Posted On: https://garagedoorrepairtexas.com/advice-please-my-garage-door-wont-stay-down-when-i-try-to-close-it/
Did you know that over 7,550 Americans are injured by garage doors each year? If you notice your garage door won’t stay down, you’ll need to fix it immediately. It could cause injuries that can be harmful to you and your family.
With this guide, you can learn how to repair your garage door. From adjusting the limit settings to moving any obstructions, fixing your garage door is easy and simple.
Now, are you ready to get to work? Here are the best ways to fix your garage door:
Adjust the Limit/Travel Settings
One of the most common reasons garage doors won’t fully close is because the limit settings are misaligned. That means that the limits are telling the garage door that it’s open; however, it’s closed. This miscommunication comes from the system thinking when the door hits the ground; it’s actually hitting an obstruction sending the door back open.
Fixing the issue depends on the brand of your garage door opener. Every opener has travel adjustments; in fact, most brands come equipped with two set screws on the side of the housing unit. However, other brands may include trip levers, which can help adjust settings as needed.
To fix most models, all you’ll need is a screwdriver. You may have to fiddle with the settings to find the right one. Although, for some newer versions, it may be easier to fix due to its advancements.
If you’re unsure how to fix the limit settings, consult the manufacturer instructions. Don’t fret if you lost the manual; many companies have a copy online.
Align Garage Door Sensors
If the limit settings aren’t the issue, then you might want to take a look at your sensors. The sensors for your garage door may be unaligned with one another, causing your garage door to frequently open.
You’ll find the sensors are near the bottom of your garage door. They are located there to ensure that the door does not collide with any obstructions. Sensors are an essential part of any modern garage system as they prevent injuries and stop accidents.
However, for them to work properly, they must be aligned. Some sensors are very sensitive, and even the slightest rattle can shift them out of alignment.
There are a couple of ways to fix this issue, but first, you’ll want to visually inspect the sensors. Ask yourself: do they look dirty or rusted? If they do, then they should be cleaned.
Oftentimes dirt can block the light from the beam, and thus sensors don’t recognize the remote. When cleaning, make sure not to damage or scratch the sensor.
To clean each sensor, all you need is a soft cloth and mild streak-free cleaner. Just lightly wipe away any residue on the sensor and your good to go. Be careful not to oversaturate the sensors as extreme wetness can cause dirt to stick more quickly.
If your garage door is still not working properly, even after cleaning each sensor, then you should check the alignment. Look to see if one sensor is higher than the other or if they are pointed at slightly different angles. You can do this by using a level or a laser level. In order to function properly, both sensors need to point precisely at one another and at the same exact angle.
Reset Your Garage Door Opener
Another way you can fix a garage door that won’t close is by resetting the garage door opener. However, fixing the issue will depend on the model you have.
You can first try unplugging it and plugging it back in. The plug is usually on the garage ceiling. By unplugging, it resets the opener; that way, the garage will move according to the sensors.
If that fails, make sure your power source is intact. If your power source has become faulty, then your garage door opener will not work properly.
Although, if you have a more advanced model, you may be able to reset it via your wall opener. Just look for the reset button towards the bottom of the controller and hit it. You may have to wait a few minutes in order to use your garage.
Even after resetting it, if you notice problems such as loud bangs or slower closing times, you should be concerned. Most door openers last between 10 to 15 years; however, if you’re experiencing such issues, it might be time for a replacement.
Contact a garage door opener company, like Texas Garage Door. They can provide installation and repair services at an affordable price.
Reset Your Transmitters
Transmitters could also cause your garage door to not fully close. Each garage door has a transmitter combination and a specific range that it will function in.
The simplest reason that your garage might not close is because someone is hitting your remote without your knowledge, or your remote might be stuck under something. For example, the remote might be under your car seat or is being pushed on by something heavy like a textbook.
It could also be true that your kids have the remote and may be repeatedly pushing buttons. It’s best to always have the remote up and out of reach from small children.
A great place to keep the remote is on your car’s visor. That way, it’s visible and simple to press in needed moments.
If you witnessed that your garage won’t close once you’ve arrived home, it’s possible that your neighbors have the same frequency. When they open their garage, it could signal yours to open as well. If you want to make sure your neighbors don’t have the same frequency, you can change yours.
Each model has different ways of changing their frequency, so it’s best to consult the manufacturers manual. If you’ve lost the manual, don’t worry, just call the company hotline or visit the company’s website to find a copy.
However, if you find changing your transmitter frequency isn’t working, you can always reprogram your remote. Remotes usually have a learn button on them somewhere, so first you’ll need to find it.
Then press and hold the learn button for a few seconds until an indicator light starts flashing. While it’s flashing, press your remote button again to reprogram your remote. By reprograming your remote, you should have fewer frequency issues, and your garage should operate normally.
Position the Track Properly
If your garage door track is misaligned, it can cause serious problems. The metal track that your garage door operates on needs to be perfectly aligned for the door to move smoothly.
There are a few ways to know if it’s out of alignment first listen to how the garage door sounds. If you hear a rubbing noise when the door reaches a specific spot, then it’s most likely misaligned.
Also, look to see how your garage door moves. A garage door that’s misaligned tends to move slower in certain spots and faster in others.
To fix the track, you first need to inspect it. Dirt, grease, and debris are known to collect between the ridges. It’s important to clean it using a grease solvent or a brush and a rag.
You may need to lubricate the rollers at the end of the alignment. To do that, it’s suggested that you use a silicone-based lubricant.
However, if cleaning doesn’t work, you may have to fix the track manually. Loosen all screws that hold the track in its frame. Next, lightly tap the track with a rubber mallet to put the track back in its correct position.
You can use a level to ensure that the track is straight. Once you have proper alignment, tighten all screws so the track won’t move and cause further issues when opening your garage door. You may need to repeat this process as other tracks may be unaligned as well.
If your garage door becomes rigid and won’t move at all during your repair, don’t try to fix it as it can become dangerous. Call a garage emergency service like Texas Garage Door to help fix your problem. By calling, knowledgeable professionals should arrive at your home in 30 minutes or less.
Move Any Obstructions Preventing Closure
Garage doors are designed to reverse in order to prevent accidents from occurring. If you find your garage door closes then suddenly jerks to an open position, it may be triggered by an object blocking its path.
For example, toys, boxes, bottle caps, and even newspapers can all trigger a garage to open. To make sure such objects don’t regularly set off sensors, all you have to do is clean your garage.
If you have children, you can make cleaning into a game. Experts even suggest giving kids a mission to complete to make cleaning rewarding. That way, the garage will stop averting back to an open position every time you want to close it.
However, some garage models are extremely sensitive that even a buildup of dirt, rocks, and debris can signal to sensors that an object is in the way. Some senors require a clear path in order for the garage to close. It’s best to sweep the garage opening on a monthly basis and inspect the tracks for dirt and residue.
To inspect the tracks, all you’ll need is a damp rag, and you’re good to go. You may need a step ladder as the top of your garage will be hard to see from the ground. Just wipe over the tracks, and that should remove any dirt that’s lingering.
How to Know When It’s More than a Simple Problem
Sometimes, a garage door won’t fully close even if you’ve adjusted the limit settings, fixed the senors, and cleaned the tracks. In that case, it’s time to call the professionals.
Professional repair services will come to your house and diagnose the problem in a timely manner. Most likely, they’ll be able to fix the issue at an affordable price.
However, there is a chance that your garage door might have to be replaced. If so, most services have garage doors that can be customized and designed to increase curb appeal. If you’re worried about the cost, look on the bright side, most garage door installations increase the value of your home.
In fact, on average most installations increase a home’s value by $2810. That means if you replace your garage with a new advanced system, you’ll get a serious return on your investment. It will certainly come in handy if you want to rent or sell your house.
Troubleshooting When Your Garage Door Won’t Stay Down
The biggest reason why your garage door won’t stay down is because the sensors are misaligned. You may have to clean them, align them back in a correct position, or even clean near the openings in order for your garage door to operate normally. It’s best to inspect your garage door on a monthly basis to avoid recurring mishaps.
Just remember to call a professional if your garage becomes rigid as it’s potentially dangerous to both you and your family. For more information about garage doors, check out our services on our website.