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9 Marketing Secrets Used By Social Media Marketing Agencies

Social media platforms now boast of having at least 3.8 billion active users and growing. As smartphone ownership rises, businesses will be the greatest beneficiaries. The future success of your business depends on how well you drive your social media marketing campaign.

Social media helps businesses reach a broader audience. This is on top of providing tools that help in market segmentation. However, you need to have techniques in place for you to succeed in your social media marketing journey.

Such techniques are fundamental for social media marketing agencies to keep their marketing campaigns active all year round.  Are you wondering which social media marketing strategies guarantee conversion? These nine tricks are all you need as you model your social media marketing campaign for success.

1. Always Design Your Ads with Mobile in Mind 

Nearly three-quarters of all the global internet users will access the web through smartphones by the year 2025. This rattling statistic reveals the rate at which mobile phone ownership and usage continue to evolve. Most social media marketing agencies are making concerted efforts to design mobile-friendly ads.

Now more than ever, the majority of social media ads will be viewed via mobile phones. With this reality in mind, you should build your social media marketing ads focusing on a small screen.

Your images, texts, and mobile-related ads should be in a way that’s accessible on pocket-sized devices. The changing approach is in contrast to the traditional focus of advertising for large screens.

The modern consumer is constantly on the go. It follows that the mobile phone is the only device they have easy access to while on the go.

Do you want to expand your social media platform’s reach? You might need to focus more on mobile phone users.

In the next few years, the mobile phone penetration rates globally will double. As such, social media marketing agencies are finding new ways to make their advertising campaigns more mobile-oriented.

2. Influencers Are the Face of Social Media Marketing 

The process of building a following on social media is never easy. You need a few thousand followers to create a solid social media marketing campaign. However, in case you are unable to build your following, you can use influencers.

Influencer marketing refers to a social media marketing approach that depends on renowned individuals’ endorsements, product mentions, and direct posting. Most of these influencers have millions of followers on their social media pages. Some influencers could also be experts in the specific niche.

Instagram has 500 million active users on the platform every day. Cristiano Ronaldo has the highest following on this platform, with more than 244 million active followers. Such a massive number of followers means that any product or service advertised on his forum will likely attract enormous attention.

Such a level of influence based on followers underscores the importance of hiring an influencer to push your products and services. The footballer currently endorses Nike as a brand. You may not get access to such high-end influencers, but you can still look for influencers within your local context.

Half of YouTube users would be willing to make purchase decisions based on recommendations from influencers. The fact that influencers appear to have a higher social standing means that they are likely to attract the attention of potential buyers within an influencer’s circles. Your collaboration with influencers can turn your digital marketing agency around and push your conversion rates.

3. Be Experimental

Social media marketing agencies that excel have their act together when it comes to research. You should never be afraid to try out new techniques and approaches to marketing.

The social media marketing landscape keeps evolving. With these trends, there’s a need to focus your attention on experimentation.

The extent of innovation among social media marketing agencies means that you must test new ideas and strategies to suit the modern consumer. One way to keep your social media marketing campaign on course would be to conduct regular A/B tests. This will help you assess what works and what doesn’t work in your marketing journey.

When a client approaches a social media marketing agency, they expect results. With this in mind, it’s upon the agency to know what is working and what is not working. This way, they can develop creative ways of pushing ads and consecutive sales.

Innovation requires that you remain patient as you experiment with the multiple options available.

You can combine your existing knowledge with new findings to develop ideas that can revolutionize the digital marketing landscape. This means that there could be outdated approaches to social media marketing, which you might need to discard. Social media marketing agencies often seek to shun complacency in their marketing journey.

4. Integrating Social Media with Email Marketing Is a Sure Bet

As of 2019, Gmail had close to 1.5 billion active users. Gmail was launched in the year 2004, which means there could be millions of users who could be potential customers but aren’t on social media. Some of these uses could be on Gmail but not on social media by choice or due to other reasons such as a general disconnect with technology.

The first thing you should do is to invite subscribers from both platforms. The approach will have an automatic effect of adding new followers to your media. Once you get more opens and click-throughs with this approach, you can be sure of a greater conversion rate in the future.

The main advantage of integrating social media marketing with email marketing is to segment and customize content to target individual customers. You can use effective subject line techniques to ensure that you reach more customers at a personal level. Email marketing also allows you to send email updates with link backs to your social media adverts.

It would help if you considered providing your customers with the incentive to connect with your social media platforms. With buttons such as follow or like our page, you present an incentive for the recipients to interact with your social media platforms. Once there, they will then see the social media posts with your products and services you offer. A common trick social media marketing agencies use is the incorporation of newsletters.

In such cases, they entice their social media users with freebies and other informative material. The user must subscribe to the email service for them to access the newsletters and freebies. This way, the agency can keep the clientele up-to-date with new products or services.

5. Create a Community

The whole idea behind social media was to create a community where people with like minds could converge. Today, social media marketing agencies understand that sustaining a rigorous campaign on Facebook or Instagram depends on consolidating a community. As such, you can’t overlook the social element when building a social media marketing strategy.

As long as your marketing campaign is impersonal, you’ll struggle to make a mark in your marketing journey. Maintaining social character is one critical secret an online marketing agency will always be cautious to keep. This means that you must constantly seek ways to engage instead of looking for ways to sell.

The sales come automatically as long as you create proper rapport. The shares, likes, and comments are often a reaction to your engagement with the community. Once you win over the community, the loyalty that follows can convert your adverts into sales.

It starts by building trust and a personal relationship. If you can achieve these two, then the rest of the process will be straightforward.

6. Utilize User-Generated Content 

The process of buying on social media involves a journey of winning over your customer’s emotions. Your audience also wants to know how much your brand values the customers. This is why you need to craft your social media content in a way that can stir emotions.

Appealing to the pathos of the clients allows them to connect with your products and services through the content you share. Most successful social media marketing agencies develop an all-inclusive approach in the content development phase. This helps to communicate to your audience what your company or brand represents.

Including a realistic user, experience element is a deal breaker. You only need to find a way to incorporate stories of real user experience in your social media advertising. Once this is done, it will be a matter of time before you win them over.

Do you want to become a content marketing agency with high conversion rates?  You must look beyond pushing your products and services by cold pitching. If you can utilize user-generated content, you’ll have made critical inroads into the market.

7. Link Back to Your Website

Most social media marketing agencies won’t tell you that the marketing journey doesn’t end on the social media platform. A common problem social media markets face is the limitation of terms and conditions for use when posting adverts. You also have restrictions on matters such as checkouts when the client wants to buy.

While social media is an effective way to push products and convert sales, you also need to have a platform that can take your clients safely through the purchasing journey. This is where websites come into the picture. From an eCommerce point of view, a website is the online version of a physical store.

Once you have informed buyers of the products and services you offer on social media, you need a platform to provide more details about these products. You won’t be able to provide comprehensive information about all your products on a Facebook post. As such, a website helps you take the purchasing process to the next level.

Websites provide a structural advantage where you can categorize your products and offer additional information. You can therefore use social media marketing to create adequate traffic to the website. This way, every buyer who visits your social media platforms can go all the way to the checkout stage and even engage your customer care desk with ease.

What successful social media marketing agencies won’t tell you is that having a website is a significant advantage in your marketing journey. Social media marketing helps you get the following. Beyond that point, you need a website that allows you to navigate the customer purchasing journey.  Last year 29% of small businesses in the United States committed to develop their business websites based on this critical realization.

8. Social Media Marketing Is About Numbers 

Converting sales on social media marketing is impossible without the numbers. Most seasoned social media marketing agencies know that volume wins when it comes to social media marketing. Companies that boast of having a sizable following online often convert more than those with average social media followers.

Building a solid social media marketing strategy also depends on investing in techniques that can help you secure a considerable following. It doesn’t happen overnight. Building a following online is a brick-by-brick process that needs patience.

Just as building a solid marketing strategy offline, social media marketing also requires time and patience. Once you have enough followers on board, you can then look forward to building crowdfunding campaigns.

Success in your social media marketing depends on how big a following you can consolidate over time. Working with an expert in the social media marketing landscape, therefore, helps you develop a solid following over time. This is among the main benefits of working with a marketing agency.

9. Social Media Marketing Comes At a Cost 

Most businesses think that social media marketing is cheap. The assumption is that you only need to post and then wait for followers to buy products. On the contrary, it takes money and effort to see results when focusing on social media marketing.

Businesses pay a hefty cost to bring social media marketing teams on board. Social media marketing agencies need to pay specific attention to the actual cost of boosting ads and keeping up with trends. This affirms the fact that social media marketing is an expensive undertaking.

Establishing a budget before embarking on social media marketing is critical. This is because you cannot overlook the cost of sustaining a vibrant social media strategy.

This Is How Social Media Marketing Agencies Navigate the Online Marketing Process

The business landscape is changing at a rapid pace. More businesses today are willing to spend more on hiring social media marketing agencies. Are you wondering how social media marketing agencies navigate the complex process of online marketing?

These nine tips count as critical pointers in your future success. Once you master the art of remaining vibrant online, your adverts will begin to convert.

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