8 Curb Appeal Landscape Ideas To Sell Your Home in a Jiffy
Did you know that your home’s landscaping can have a significant impact on its sales price?
You can get anywhere from 5.5-12.7 percent more for your home depending on the appearance of the landscaping when you put it up for sale.
If your house is on the market and isn’t selling, or if you want to make sure that it sells quickly when the time comes to move to a new place, you definitely ought to pay attention to the landscaping.
Try these curb appeal landscape ideas today to attract the right buyer and sell your home.
1. Start with the Basics
Before you go all in and try to plants tons of flowers or create a garden, let’s start with the basics.
What kind of impression does your yard give off when you drive or walk past it? Does it seem well-kept? Are leaves and debris strewn across the lawn?
You can make your yard look a lot more inviting by doing some basic cleaning. Rake up leaves and twigs to reveal the grass underneath. Spray down the sidewalk and driveway to get rid of dirt.
These simple changes can make a big difference.
2. Don’t Forget the Backyard
Many people get so focused on making their front yard look nice that they neglect the backyard. Remember, though, that lots of homeowners are looking for a house with a great backyard.
You could set your house apart from the competition if you took the time to make the backyard as inviting and attractive as possible.
Start by completing the same basic clean up in the backyard that you did in the front. Rake up leaves or twigs and spray down the patio. You might want to consider investing in some patio furniture, too.
3. Make It Nice at Night
Remember, many home shoppers drive by the houses they’re considering in the evening. They mainly do this to make note of how noisy the street is at night and to see if anything questionable happens when it gets dark.
Prepare for these potential nighttime drive-bys by making your home look great even when the lights are out. Install some lights along your walkway or in the front garden. Make sure all your lights are working properly, too.
These little touches will help your house to stand out from others on the block and make it more enticing to people who might be on the fence about buying it.
4. Add Some Potted Plants
Depending on where you’re at in the home sales process, you might not have time to plant flowers or put in a garden in your yard. That’s okay. You can still improve your house’s curb appeal by adding some potted plants.
Potted plants still provide some much-needed greenery and pops of color. They’re easier to maintain than gardens and flower beds, though, so they might actually be more appealing to some buyers.
You might want to add some potted plants to your backyard, too. Try to bring in a variety of plants to really help the place feel like home.
5. Maintain the Lawn
Always make sure your lawn is well-maintained when you’re selling your home.
At the very least, keep it trimmed and edged. Try to water it on a regular basis and fertilize it so it’s green and inviting, too.
A well-kept lawn makes a big difference to the overall appearance of your house. It’s one of the first things people will notice when they pull up to the curb.
6. Lay Down Fresh Bark
If you already have flower beds in your front yard, try to spruce them up with some fresh bark.
This simple adjustment will help to make them look their very best when people show up to look around the house. Even if you don’t plant a single new flower, having fresh bark will liven up the flower beds and make them seem as good as new.
If you have any trees or shrubs in your front yard, you may want to consider laying new bark down around them as well.
7. Trim Shrubs and Greenery
Speaking of trees and shrubs, be sure to keep them neat and trimmed, too. They can be a huge asset to your house and liven up the yard. They have to be in good condition, though.
Trim them on a regular basis so they maintain their shape and add to the overall look of the house.
If you’re not up to this task, it’s worth it to hire a professional to come and do it for you. After all, if it helps you get more money for your house, it’s going to be worth paying for now, right?
8. Establish a Clear Path
When you’re selling your house you want to make it seem as open and inviting as possible. One way you can do this is by establishing a clear path from the curb to the front door.
Consider laying down a brick or stone pathway that leads up to your house. This is a nice way to add some personality to the yard, and it naturally invites more people to walk in and take a look around.
Laying a pathway like this doesn’t take a lot of money or effort, but it can spruce up your yard in a big way.
Put These Curb Appeal Landscape Ideas to the Test
As you can see, there are lots of ways you can improve your landscaping and boost the curb appeal of your home. Which one of these tips are you going to try first?
Whether your home is already on the market or you have plans to sell it in the near future, these curb appeal landscape strategies will help you make your home more enticing to buyers and increase your chances of selling your house for the price you want.
Do you want more ideas on how to sell your home quickly and for a great price? If so, don’t forget to check out the other real estate articles right here on our site today.