7 Tips to Blogging About Alcoholism Recovery
According to a recent survey, more than 14 million American adults have been diagnosed with alcohol use disorder. That number represents about 6% of the adult population in this country.
If you fall into this category, then you know first-hand how difficult it can be to overcome alcoholism and put the pieces of your life back together. It can also be just as hard to keep yourself on the neverending road to recovery.
Starting a sobriety blog is a great way to keep yourself busy when you’re going through the recovery process. It’s also a great way to help others who might be going through a situation similar to yours.
Just make sure you go about kickstarting a sobriety blog in the right way. Here are seven tips that will help you with blogging about alcoholism recovery.
1. Stop Waiting for the “Right” Time to Start a Sobriety Blog
When you first start walking down the road to recovery following a long fight with alcoholism, you genuinely might not be ready to start a sobriety blog. You don’t have to feel pressured to do it the moment you step out of alcohol rehab.
But far too often, people who have been checked out of rehab for months make the mistake of sitting around and waiting for the “right” time to start a sobriety blog to come along. They don’t realize that there isn’t a “right” time to do it.
As long as you’re physically and mentally able to start putting together blogs for a sobriety blog, you should do it. There is no time like the present to get your blog up and running, even if you’re still trying to sort your life out and get back to some semblance of normalcy.
2. Read Other Sobriety Blogs to Help You Establish a Voice
What “voice” are you going to use when you begin writing sobriety blogs?
Are you going to be a super-serious blogger? Someone who takes a more lighthearted approach to blogging about alcoholism? Or a combination of the two?
You can begin establishing a voice for your writing by spending time reading other sobriety blogs. You can see what you like, what you don’t like, and what seems to resonate the most with you.
Over time, you’ll be able to create a unique voice for yourself that people won’t find on other sobriety blogs. It’ll add value to your blog and give it a much better sense of direction overall.
3. Get Into the Habit of Writing Down Blog Ideas All the Time
Coming up with great blog ideas is one of the things that many people struggle with when they first set up a sobriety blog. They want to write about alcoholism and the road to recovery as much as they can—but they don’t always know where to start.
When you first launch your blog, you should spend an hour or two coming up with a long list of blog ideas. Then, you should add to that list over time as you come up with new ideas.
You never know when inspiration is going to strike you. You might be taking a shower one day when you come up with the perfect ideas for a blog.
Get into the habit of writing these ideas down so that you always have something ready to write about.
4. Keep Things Simple When You’re Writing Your Blogs
You’re not going to solve all the problems that people have when it comes to alcoholism with a single blog post. So why bother trying to do it?
You don’t need to post 5,000-word blogs every time you hit “Publish” for them to be worthwhile. In some cases, you don’t even have to write blogs that are over 100 words long for them to make an impact.
You should let the words flow naturally when you’re writing your blogs rather than trying to pen long pieces that take hours and hours to create. This will make blog-writing more fun for you and make your writing feel less forced than it might otherwise.
5. Aim to Inject Your Personal Experiences Into Your Blogs
If you’re in a position where you’re writing a sobriety blog, there’s a good chance that you have a long and storied history with alcoholism. Use that history to your advantage.
Find ways to sprinkle your personal experiences into your blogs when you’re creating them. This will make your blogs unique to you and help you create real connections with those people who read them.
6. Commit to Updating Your Blog on a Regular Basis
Is your ultimate goal to build up a big readership so that you can help as many people as you possibly can with your sobriety blog? If so, updating your blog early and often is going to be essential.
You don’t necessarily need to post a new blog every single day if you don’t have the time to do it. But you also shouldn’t allow weeks and weeks to go by in between your individual blog posts.
7. Use Social Media to Drum Up More Interest in Your Blogs
In this day and age, it’s never been easier to promote a sobriety blog and get people interested in reading it. Social media has made it possible for sober bloggers to cast a wide net when promoting their posts.
Sign up for social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more to promote your sobriety blogs to the masses. You can also use social media to field feedback from readers and to answer any questions they might have about your recovery.
Go Jumpstart Your Very Own Sobriety Blog Today
Studies have shown that anywhere from 40 to 60% of the people treated for alcoholism end up relapsing at least once. It’s not easy to stay on the straight and narrow following alcohol rehab.
One way to improve your chances of staying sober might be to start a sobriety blog. It’ll provide you with some much-needed accountability and make you feel like you’re making a real difference by staying sober and teaching others about how to do it.
Check out the other articles on our blog to learn more about turning yourself into a successful blogger.