7 Tips To Promote Your Alcohol Recovery Blog
The road to alcohol recovery is a long and difficult one. It is a roller coaster of emotions and obstacles that sometimes make the temptation to go back overwhelming. Another reason why the road is so difficult to walk is because it never ends.
Reading about others’ roads to alcohol recovery helps, though. It lets others know they are not alone in their struggles. Additionally, building a successful alcohol recovery blog will let you know that you aren’t alone in your own struggles.
How To Promote Your Alcohol Recovery Blog
There are several marketing tactics that you can use to make your blog a success. The most important tactics, though, are as follows.
1. Create High-Quality Content
It goes without saying that if you want your blog to be a success, it has to contain high-quality content.
To produce such content, your blog needs to be unique. It needs to tell your story and what you’ve learned about your various struggles. Talk about how you took back control of your life.
Content like that is powerful stuff and allows your audience to connect with you on a personal level.
Something else you might consider including is statistics and quotes from experts. Facts speak volumes about your commitment to publishing reliable content. When it comes to alcohol addiction, they also stir powerful emotions in your readers.
Additionally, consider placing original images such as infographics and photos in your blogs. Humans are stimulated visually, so such inclusions grab your audience members who prefer viewing over reading.
2. Implement SEO
You could make a million great blog posts about self-improvement. But no one will read them if no one knows they’re there.
Search engine optimization (SEO) will help readers find your blog. SEO entails certain tried and true web tactics that enable consumers to easily find relevant content. Common tactics are as follows.
- keyword usage
- backlinking to internal links and credible external links
- tailoring content to target audiences
In the case of an alcohol recovery blog, your target audience is recovering alcoholics and their friends and family members. You may also want to include anyone wanting general information about the recovery process. Regardless, you need to tailor your content so it speaks directly to your target audience.
When writing, don’t forget to include keywords. Your keywords are the words potential readers are most likely to search. Include those words not only in your blog content but also in your headers, meta descriptions, and images’ alternative text.
When you backlink to your past content, you increase that content’s engagement. Including links to credible websites such as Alcoholics Anonymous and the National Institute on Drug Abuse boosts your own credibility. Additionally, search engines are more likely to rank your blog high if you’ve included internal and external links in your content.
You can track and analyze your blog’s engagement via Google Analytics.
3. Use Social Media
Another must for leading traffic to your blog is social media.
Social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter have the advantage of already having an audience. Your purpose on social media is to attract the portion of that audience that includes your target audience.
You can do this a few different ways. First, follow and like bloggers who also write about alcohol recovery. Doing so will put you on those bloggers and their followers’ radar.
Next, use hashtags to draw followers who also use those hashtags. Make sure the hashtags are relevant to your blog.
Finally, post links to your content. Use social media to tell your followers when you have new content available. The links will take them to the content, boosting your blog’s traffic.
4. Develop A Schedule
Developing a schedule has a few different benefits.
First, it will get you in the habit of posting new content regularly. In turn, your followers will expect new content from you regularly.
Second, you will know when you have a great window of opportunity for posting new content. Every search engine and social media platform experience higher traffic rates during certain times of the day. If you post then, you will increase your chances of engagement.
5. Engage Followers
Having great content and maintaining a social media presence isn’t enough. If you want to build a solid follower base, you need to interact with your followers.
Likewise, the online community is a kind of recovery village full of those who are part of your target audience. To become known in The Recovery Village, you must engage in conversation with the members thereof.
When followers comment on your blog entries, respond right away. Do the same when they comment on your social media posts. Engaging them in conversation shows them that you care what they have to say.
But don’t just engage your followers. Engage your fellow bloggers as well as subject matter experts in conversation. Developing friendships with them will cement your position as an expert within the online community.
6. Host or Participate in Events
Once you have established yourself, a great way to reach even more readers is hosting or participating in events.
The Internet has proven an ideal platform for various events, including contests, interviews, and webinars. Often, companies and organizations use these Internet events to advertise their wares. They invite well-known bloggers and other influencers to host or participate.
As part of the bargain, influencers gain extra exposure from their participation. They are also sometimes associated with the company thereafter.
7. Develop An E-Mail List
Some people don’t check social media often. Others aren’t willing to get online just to check your blog for new content. The best option to keep those people invested in you is developing an e-mail list.
That way, you can send them alerts when you publish new content. You can also follow up with readers who were maybe on the verge of engaging but held out for whatever reason.
E-mails feel personal, especially when they come from an individual and not a company or organization. A small nudge in e-mail form from you likely will be all it takes to entice those readers into engagement.
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