7 Signs That You May Need Window Repair
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Originally Posted On: https://www.cutrateglass.com/7-signs-that-you-may-need-window-repair/
On average, windows should last you anywhere from 15 to over 30 years. Of course, it’s common to run into problems during the lifespan of your windows, which means you’d need to get some repairs done to get the most use out of them.
But how can you tell when you need a professional to come and take a look?
Here are 7 signs that you may need window repair.
1. There’s Water Coming Through
If you’ve got water coming through your windows, then this is a huge sign that you need glass window repair.
For instance, when it rains, do you get droplets coming through into your home? Then that means you need to call a professional straight away.
Obviously, any water that isn’t where it belongs can cause mold issues. But that’s not the only problem you’ll have if water is coming through.
If your window’s not properly sealed and fixed, then it can cause cracks and other weaknesses to it. Not only that, but it’ll do so to your walls too.
As you can see, it’s vital you have your window fixed in this case, as it can cause significant structural damage, as well as health problems.
2. Your Windows get Foggy
Usually, it’s normal for your windows to get foggy every once in a while. But if they’re clouding up all the time, then that may indicate an issue.
If your windows are working properly, they should be good at keeping outside drafts where they belong: outside.
But if they’re not operating as well, then your windows might allow some outside air in. As a result, your windows will fog up; this is due to gaps in them.
You can always get a glass repair expert to take a look at it. But sometimes, it may be better to just completely replace them with more energy-efficient windows.
While this may cost you more upfront, the money you’ll save on your utility bills long-term will be worth it. It’ll pay for itself very quickly.
3. Your Windows Are Hard to Open (Or Close)
Your windows should open and close with ease. If they’re getting very difficult to move, then they may have warped a little.
Not only will this make it harder to open and shut windows, but it’ll also cause gaps and cracks in your windows. As a result, you may be losing valuable heat from your home through these holes.
A window repair professional can take a look at your windows and determine if they’re fixable. If the warping is really bad and it’s letting lots of airflow in the house, then you may have to consider a complete replacement.
4. Your Utility Bills Keep Increasing
Now that we’re getting out of wintertime and into spring, your utility bills should be decreasing as the temperature outside gets warmer. But if you find that they’re staying about the same, or even increasing, then there’s definitely something wrong.
Your windows not only let you get a good view of the outside world, but they also keep your home well-insulated. Remember how we said above that windows can have a lifespan of over 30 years? Well, this is only possible if you keep them maintained and working.
Every once in a while, you should inspect them to ensure everything’s sealed and working properly. If you notice anything seems off, then you’ll need to have a pro inspect your windows and make the appropriate fixes.
5. You Don’t Feel Comfortable
Your home is your haven, so you should be able to feel comfortable whenever you’re inside. But if you find yourself making frequent trips to the thermostat and you just can’t get warm or cold enough, then your windows might be the culprit.
Of course, it can always be a broken thermostat. But if you’ve inspected it and it’s working fine, then again, you need to look to your windows. Sometimes, all it’ll take is a simple repair job for your home to feel comfy again.
6. More Bugs Are Getting in Your Home
It’ll always be a fact of life that you’ll get bugs in your home. They want to seek shelter, after all, and your home is nice and cozy.
But if you’re noticing more and more bugs getting inside, then you probably have an issue with your windows; more specifically, the screens.
If you have wood frame windows, then they may shrink. And if you have vinyl or aluminum windows, then they may warp. Either way, it’ll affect how your window screens work.
Do you suspect your screens are causing more bugs to move into your home? Then get window screen repair to make everything alright again.
7. You Have Cracks in Your Window
Last, but not least, if you have cracks or chips in your window, then that’s a clear sign you need to get it repaired.
Not only is it not very aesthetically pleasing, but it’ll also let in air and moisture. It can also start spiderwebbing and turn into a bigger problem, so if you notice any small cracks, it’s best to get them taken care of ASAP to prevent larger issues from cropping up.
Schedule Window Repair Promptly
Now that you know some key signs to watch out for when it comes to your windows, you’ll be able to spot any trouble early on.
It’s vital you schedule window repair promptly. If you catch issues while they’re small, not only are they easier to fix, but they’re also cheaper to rectify.
By putting off repairs, you’re not doing yourself any favors. So make sure to quickly call the window experts at Cut Rate Glass for a repair job if you notice anything amiss. We’ll provide you with complete window care.
Think you need your windows repaired? Then get in touch with us now to schedule an appointment. We give free estimates!