7 Promotion Strategies to Promote Your New Content
Looking for a few new promotion strategies?
Did you know that on WordPress alone, users create over 77.4 million new posts new posts each month? More than 4.9 million people view over 20.7 billion pages each month. That’s a serious competition.
So how do you rise above the millions of competitors?
The simple answer is you work for it. The accurate answer is you build fabulous content that your audience wants to read, and you let them know it’s available. That’s where we’re going to spend our time today.
In the piece below, you’ll find seven handy strategies for promoting that fantastic content you build. By the time you’re finished, you’ll know exactly what you need to build a new promotion strategy. One which takes your crawling promotion-strategy into a first-place sprint to the finish line.
Read on.
Promotion Strategies 101
Expert marketers use all of the strategies listed below plus a few of their own. If you’ve never promoted your content, start with one or two of the following strategies. Master them before you move on.
Look for ways to diversify your marketing tactics. Imitate the experts. Don’t get bogged down in the same old approach, especially if it isn’t working.
New Links – Old Posts
When search engines compare your website to others, they focus on a few critical pieces of information. They look at how much time visitors spend on each page. They check out your page format and keyword content.
They also keep close track of the number and quality of links to and from your website. These are called inbound and outbound links, respectively. For now, let’s focus on the links which connect one page of your website to another page of your same site.
The most common example is linking one article in your blog to another article in your blog. Guess what? If you’re wondering how to market your blog, this is the quickest easiest method.
First, use an analytics program of your choice to discover which of your articles have been your audience’s most favorite. We recommend BuzzSumo.com to analyze the most read content, and Social Crawlytics to determine the most shared content.
Just pick the top articles and create a link in each of those archived articles to your new article. And just like that, your readership will increase.
Note: If you write your own articles, consider the possibility that they aren’t up to snuff. Learn from the pros, and read expertly crafted articles. They can be from any niche. Examples include The Art of Non-Conformity, UCANNTECH, and Zen Habits.
Flaunt Social Media
You’re probably not using social media adequately. Don’t worry; most people aren’t.
For some bizarre reason, novices approach promotion with a the-more-the-merrier mindset. If you’re one of these people, stop. Please, for the love of all things good and holy, stop.
Promote your content only on platforms which are frequented by your audience. Make sure you’ve established a reliable connection with others on that platform who have an interest in the type of content you create. Then and only then should you focus on your article or video promotion.
Also, include shareable snippets in your content. Tools like Click-to-Tweet make it simple to create bite-size pieces viewers can share with the click of a button. Each social media platform has similar tools.
Reformat Your Content
So your articles aren’t making a big hit? Why not turn the same piece into a podcast or YouTube video? Same piece, different format.
Your audience may love your material, but prefer to digest it differently. It opens up new avenues for search engines to find your stuff. You can also use the opportunity to link those new videos and audio files back to your website.
Email Exposure
If you’ve created scads of content, you’ve likely also created an email list for your viewers. Now’s the time to use it. Reach out and let them know you have something fabulous to share.
When it comes to emailing, less is more. Only a marginal percentage of your email list will show up if you send out a new email every single day. You lose their trust when you proclaim every day that your latest piece is your best yet.
Contact them only during occasions you have something valuable to share. Examples include time-sensitive offerings and best content creations. Remember, if you abuse that link, you’ll end up in the spam folder.
Reach Out to Your Sources
This is probably the most effective strategy. Unfortunately, it requires a lot of legwork.
The first step is to link from your content to your sources. Give credit where credit is due. Unless you’ve worked in a field for twenty years, or already have a million followers, chances are some of the ideas come from other people.
And that’s ok.
It’s even preferable. When you link out to your sources, you create a perfect opportunity for those sources to link back to you.
But how do they know your stuff exists?
You tell them, of course. You contact them through email or send them a direct message through LinkedIn. Use whatever means you can to let them know you created a stellar piece of content which mentions them.
Domain Authorities which link back to your site shoot up your page rankings overnight.
Content Community Submissions
This is a long term strategy. Content Submission communities, like Triberr, put your content in front of established audiences. It’s an easy way to get seen.
It’s also competitive. Your stuff needs to be top notch. You also need to establish yourself as part of the community before you submit. It’s one of the best ways to get noticed, but you must be patient.
Contact Your Influencers
Don’t confuse influencers with sources. A source is a person who creates words or ideas which you later regurgitate. An influencer is someone in your field which is a leader or a thought provoker.
Influencers typically have websites with a high domain authority (DA). Search Engines use DAs as a way to rank a website’s authority and popularity. You can find out a website’s DA with tools like the MozBar.
If you’re writing an article, reach out to an authority and ask them for a quote. If you’re making a podcast, ask an influencer for an interview. If you’re filming your next YouTube piece, ask a thought provoker for a guest appearance.
If you use people who already have a following, you’re guaranteed a healthy readership.
What’s Next?
Well, did you restructure your promotion strategies? Which one do you think will work best for you?
We know you’re raring to promote that new piece of content you finished. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have landed on this page. Remember to be patient. Mastering any new strategy takes time.
If you enjoyed this piece, head over to our site and browsed our other great marketing articles. Do it now, while the thought is still fresh in your mind.
So long and good luck!