Are you caught up in a credit card debt? Are you thinking about getting credit cards? Credit card debt can cause you sleepless nights, especially if you have several you cannot pay off.
One way to pay off your credit card debt quickly is to apply for a credit card consolidation loan. This means you have to calculate all your credit card debt, then get a lump sum loan to pay it off.
If you have a great credit score, getting a low-interest consolidation loan is easy. If your credit score is not good, do not panic. There are several ways to improve your credit score, so choose the one that suits you best.
Taking a consolidation loan to settle your credit card debt can be beneficial for several reasons.
Our take:Online marketplace to find you a personal loan offer that matches your needsAPPLY NOWCredit ScoreLoan Size/AmountLoan TermAPROrigination FeeAll can apply$100 – $15,0001 – 605.99% – 35.99%Varies by lender
- Interest rates will go down
- Fixed repayment rates for the entire loan period
- Low monthly payment
- Know when the loan is going to be paid off
Unlike debt settlement, debt consolidation allows you to pay your entire debt without posing any negative impact to your credit card. However, it’s advisable to always weigh other options before taking a credit card debt consolidation loan.
Factors to Consider Before Taking Credit Card Debt Consolidation Loans
Before taking a consolidation loan, there are various factors you should consider. These include:
Finding Out the Debt Consolidation Qualifications
Before taking a consolidation loan, find out what makes you eligible for the loan. Those qualifications may include a good credit score, proof of income, showing your financial stability, your age, and if you have a bank account.
Try Understanding How You Got into Debt in the First Place
Paying off your credit card debt using a consolidation loan doesn’t completely get you out of debt. To manage your debt, find out how and why you got into debt in the first place so you don’t repeat the same mistakes.
Terms and Conditions of the Consolidation Loan
A loan is a form of a contractual agreement, and once you sign, it becomes binding. Therefore, before putting down your signature on the loan papers, read and understand the terms and conditions of the loan. If something is unclear, seek help from financial experts.
Find the Best Debt Consolidation Companies
With the high number of debt consolidation companies in the market, you’re likely to fall into the hands of the wrong creditor if you don’t study the market first. Make a list of all the best companies. Go through their loan limits, interest rates, repayment period, and terms and conditions.
Our take:Online marketplace to find you a personal loan offer that matches your needsAPPLY NOWCredit ScoreLoan Size/AmountLoan TermAPROrigination FeeAll can apply$100 – $15,0001 – 605.99% – 35.99%Varies by lender
Choose the company that provides higher loan limits with reasonably low-interest rates, favorable repayment period and terms and conditions that you can easily comply with.
Pitfalls to Avoid When Getting a Credit Card Consolidation Loan
A credit card consolidation loan can simplify your finances, but make sure you avoid these pitfalls when you apply for one.
1. Not Doing Any Research
Before applying for a debt consolidation loan, thorough research is necessary to avoid committing financial suicide. The research will help you analyze the loan market and understand what will work best for you.
Also, you may get professional assistance from resource centers. Here, you’ll get help on matters personal finance, the factors that affect your credit score, what next if your loan is declined and many more.
2. Avoid High-interest Rate Loans
One goal of getting a consolidation loan is to pay off your credit cards to avoid paying high-interest rates. Having good credit will enable you to secure a low-interest rate loan. If you have bad credit, work on improving it before applying for the loan.
You may also opt to seek a loan from financial institutions that don’t focus too much on credit scores but provide low-interest rate loans.
3. Using Personal Assets as Collateral
When shopping for a consolidation loan, it’s advisable that you consider applying for unsecured loans as they do not require collateral. If you don’t get the unsecured loan, apply for a secured loan but never use your assets such as a house, car, or land as security for the loan. The financial institution may claim it if you do to recover the loan when you’re no longer able to pay.
4. Failure to Plan
Ever heard of the saying that failure to plan is planning to fail. Before taking a consolidation loan, have a plan to repay it. Come up with a monthly budget for everything you would like to spend on. Only buy what you need to make sure you remain with a considerable amount to repay your loan.
Come up with ways to earn extra income by getting a side job, starting a small business, and so on. Also, look around your house and gather everything that you don’t need and sell it to get some extra coins.
When making a plan, consider the mistakes that led you into debt in the first place and avoid them.
5. Not Having a Saving Plan
Having a savings plan will enable you to avoid getting into more debt as you will have an alternative whenever the need arises. You may also set aside an emergency fund to help you cover unexpected expenses such as sickness.
An emergency fund ensures that you won’t be forced to withdraw from your retirement account. With an emergency account, you can buy when everybody else is selling. This puts you in a position to make money in good and bad financial times.
If you want your savings plan to succeed, you must have a goal why you’re saving the money. Whether you’re saving for your kid’s college education, travel, or to cater for emergencies, ensure you write your goal down. Place the written goal in a visible place to act as a daily reminder.
6. Bad Spending Habits
Getting in debt doesn’t happen overnight and it’s neither an accident, nor a coincident. It results from certain bad spending habits.Unless you recognize these habits, you may never get yourself out of debt.
Changing your spending habits will not be easy at first but it’s necessary if you want to be free of debt. You also need to learn how to consolidate debt and apply for the consolidation loan to clear your credit card debt.
To successfully curb bad spending habits, you may have to attend financial management classes, make a budget whenever you go shopping, and cut down on unnecessary trips and treats and seeking professional guidance.
7. Getting into More Debt
Did you know that paying off all your credit card debt automatically makes it possible for you to use them again? Do not get excited yet. Remember the money you used to pay off your credit card debt?
Yes, that money was a consolidated loan that you must pay. Credit card debt can turn your life upside down. Hence, paying them off by using a consolidation loan shouldn’t make you feel all rich again.
Even if it means burying those credit cards to avoid getting into more debt, it’s a good idea. If you don’t, your life will become a cycle of debt, and it will get to a point where you can’t take it anymore because creditors will be trying to collect the money owed all the time.
Debt can be very frustrating, and that’s why you have to clear them and stay away from anything that can prompt you to get into more debt.
8. Not Knowing Where to Find Help
Is getting a consolidation loan the only option you have to help you pay off your credit card debt? What if you’re denied the loan? What next?
Being denied the consolidation loan won’t be the end of the world for you. First, find out why the loan was denied and whether the reasons can be fixed. If not, find alternatives as this is a debt you must pay no matter the conditions. Here, you’ll find options for when your debt consolidation loan application has been denied.
Your being denied a loan is not the only problem you might encounter. Difficulties you may encounter include:
- Getting the correct credit score
- Finding low-interest-rate loans
- Negotiating for a loan that suits your budget
- Interpreting your credit report
In case a problem arises, or you need credit counseling, be armed with information on where to find professional assistance.
Planning on Getting a Credit Card Consolidation Loan?
The above 8 pitfalls to avoid when getting a credit card consolidation loan will help you make healthy long-term financial choices. If you don’t know how credit consolidation works, seek professional guidance or even research before going ahead with it. Credit card consolidation will only serve you well if you set your priorities right and commit to paying off your debt on time.
Did you know that debt consolidation loans are also known as personal loans? If you found this article helpful and would like to learn more about credit cards, installment loans, bad credit loans, and payday loans, among others, kindly visit our blog.
If you have questions related to finance, ask as we always create time to answer all your questions. Also, we offer all kinds of loans, whether secured, unsecured, or student loans and credit cards. You will also be able to find resources and a learning center, so come and let’s grow together.