7 Local SEO Tips to Conquer Your Local Market
The SEO market is rapidly approaching the $80 billion market line and for good reason. By simply incorporating the right local SEO tips, you can dramatically increase the amount of traffic that goes to your website and even increase product sales.
If you don’t know where to start, don’t worry. By implementing the following local SEO tips you’ll get started on the right foot. Quick Web Designs will also be happy to assist you.
What to Know Before Applying These Local SEO Tips
Local SEO can be a powerful tool. However, you want to make sure that you’ve done the necessary research prior to trying the following tips. This means knowing exactly who your audience is, and what it is that they’re looking for.
The more defined your target audience is, the easier it will be to find keywords that suit their needs. If you live in a small town, you’ll find that by simply including the name of your town along with your SEO keywords you’ll experience a dramatic increase in traffic.
Do an SEO Site Audit
Hopefully, by now you’ve built a website for your business. If you have, it’s important that the SEO use on your website is properly executed. This means that you’re using SEO tactics that are not going to be penalized by Google or other search engines.
Since Google analytics change on a somewhat regular basis, it may be difficult to stay on top of what is and isn’t accepted.
In this case, it may be best to hire a professional SEO agency like Quick Web Designs, they can keep you up-to-date on what methods are allowed and should be made to your website.
Look through your website to see where local SEO can be used. An easy organic place for local SEO to be applied is your contact page where visitors are expecting to find your location and details anyway.
Start a Blog
One thing that Google hates is websites with overstuffed keywords in an almost spam-like manner. For this reason, many business owners turn to blogs as a way to easily incorporate keywords without getting flagged.
Sample topic for a Blog
- Focus on local happenings.
If your business holds events within the community, volunteers, or even teach courses at local schools, this is a great way to incorporate your town’s name along with some SEO keywords without it feeling too forced.
Not only will this give you additional opportunities to apply some local SEO, but it will also show your audience that you care about your community and that you are involved in making it a better place.
Back End SEO
While the majority of SEO tactics focus on front end content and copy, many are surprised to find that your back end is another valuable place to feature SEO keywords.
That’s because every file name associated with an image or video on your website becomes an integral part of your websites code.
You can use this tactic by making sure all of your file names and visual media content have some form of relevant local SEO. For example, if you run a computer repair business and you are uploading a photo of a broken computer, simply rename the file something along the lines of Raleigh computer repair.
When someone goes on to Google searching for Raleigh computer repair, Google will find the filename embedded into your websites code and is more likely to point them in your direction.
Local SEO in Advertising
Sometimes, driving extra traffic to your website means investing in advertising.
If you’re looking to get a stronger rate of return on the money invested in your advertising campaigns, we suggest incorporating local SEO into your marketing budget.
This is an ideal option if you’re using Google ads or even Facebook ads, as both will target users looking for other businesses. Remember the larger your town or city the more money you want to invest to have a larger audience. This also means more competitors, so take the time to analyze and create a smart marketing budget.
On the contrary, if your business is based in a small town with a population in the low hundreds, a small investment will go a long way.
Incorporating More than One City
Often, your city will be one of several that make up a known area. For example, those looking for businesses in “The Triangle” or “The Research Triangle” area will often include cities like Raleigh-Cary, Durham-Chapel Hill and the Dunn Micropolitan Area.
Take a moment to analyze the local cities around you, and how residents of these cities would be willing to drive to your location.
If you find the distance is within 20 to 30 minutes of driving, it’s wise to include the city names in your local SEO strategy.
The Marketing and Design Tips You Need
Applying these local SEO tips is a strong step in the right direction for boosting traffic to your website.
However, in order to get the most out of this new abundance of traffic, you’ll need your visitors to want to stay on your page long enough to make a purchase.
This is achieved by using the right logo design, responsive website, and visual content that makes a strong impression.
If you’re looking for responsive web design, local SEO marketing or simply need to create a fresh look for your brand, contact ustoday to see how we can help.