7 Key Things You Should Always Wear on a Plane
Air travel has become a familiar part of life for many people. It saves time getting from city to city, it’s often fun and exciting, and it definitely beats spending days in a car fighting traffic.
Traveling by plane can also become a bit uncomfortable. After all, you’re seated in limited space with at least a hundred other people for an extended period of time. That’s why it’s so important to know how to dress for the flight.
This article takes a look at how to dress when taking a plane to your destination. Because dressing comfortably can make all the difference. Keep reading to learn some useful travel tips.
1. Comfortable Slip-On Shoes
The typical traveler spends a lot of time on their feet. This is a simple fact of life. Even though you’ll be spending an hour or more seated on the flight, you’ll have to get to the airport, shuffle through security, and then march across acres of airport terminal to find your gate. This can be an exhausting process.
That’s why it’s important to wear comfortable shoes. This will make your day much more pleasant. Another good tip is to wear slip-ons, which will help expedite your trip through security.
And for women who prefer to wear heels, go ahead and bring them along, but stow them inside your bag so that you can change out of your comfortable shoes after you’ve reached your destination.
2. Dress in Layers
Everyone has a different internal thermostat. Some people run hot, while others run cold and easily get chilly.
Experienced travelers quickly learn the value of dressing in layers. This travel tip solves the problem of dressing too light or too heavy for a flight.
After all, how many times have you worn a T-shirt and starting freezing the minute you boarded the plane? Or you wore a heavy sweater, and thus sweated profusely the entire flight.
Dressing in layers allows you to adjust your clothing based on your comfort level throughout the flight. Regardless of how you’re dressed when you board, you can make adjustments as you heat up or cool down. The key is to bring along a light jacket or cardigan, or even a wrap or sweatshirt.
These types of items are easy to put on or take off so that you’ll always remain totally comfortable while in the air.
3. Breathable Fabrics
Clothing made from breathable fabrics will help you stay comfortable. Fabrics like cotton, silk, or linen allow air and moisture to efficiently pass right through rather than absorbing it.
This is especially crucial for anyone with a tendency to sweat a lot.
Wearing breathable fabrics will help keep your body dry, which will help make your flight as pleasant as possible.
If you’re looking for comfortable clothes for your next flight, shop this product online.
4. Wireless Bra
Next, let’s spend a moment talking about comfort for the ladies. Spending time on a crowded plane isn’t exactly the most comfortable situation, especially if you’re in business or economy class.
That’s why it’s important for women to look for every way possible to maximize comfort. This includes the type of bra that you wear on the flight.
Wearing a wireless bra is a travel tip that you need to put at the top of your list and underline twice. Because even though you might want to look your very best at all times, it’s hard to put a price on personal comfort during a long flight.
Underwire bras might not be the most popular fashion choice, but we recommend exploring the back of your dresser drawer for the type of undergarments you might save mostly for the weekend.
Keep in mind that you can always change into something a bit more fashionable and supportive when you land. This might not seem like a big deal, but give it a try and you can thank us later.
5. A Backpack
Whether you’re traveling for business or pleasure, a small backpack makes the perfect carry on for a flight of any length. Small packs are great because they can be easily stowed in the overhead compartment or beneath your seat.
This way you don’t have to check your bag, which saves both time and money. Plus it’s easy to carry around. A backpack also provides extra pockets for storage, a place to keep your neck pillow, books, or electronic devices for the flight.
They also make boarding the plane a breeze, because you can hook a strap over your shoulder to keep it out of the way as you shuffle down the narrow aisle.
6. Clothes with Plenty of Pockets
It’s easy to forget stuff when traveling. And it’s usually the little things that you can’t live without. Like charger cords, cash, passport, keys, reading glass and other such items.
So try to make it a point to wear clothes with lots of pockets. This provides plenty of places to keep things handy so they’ll always be within reach when you need them.
7. Be Stylish
And lastly, always make an effort to look your best. Dressing stylishly for a flight will make you feel confident because you’ll look great, and it’s a sign of respect to your fellow travelers.
Yes, you want to be as comfortable as possible during the flight, and yet comfort doesn’t have to translate to looking like a total mess. So skip the tank top, shorts, and flip-flops, and dress like a mature adult instead.
The Way to Dress on a Plane
Some people enjoy air travel more than others. It’s the most efficient way to get around, and with a little effort and the right attitude, taking a plane rather than driving really is a pleasure.
The key is to dress so that you’re comfortable and have everything you need for the trip. The travel tips contained in this article can help make your next trip an enjoyable adventure rather than a chore.