7 Bipolar Symptoms and When to Seek Help
Originally posted on https://hosbeg.com/7-bipolar-symptoms-and-when-to-seek-help/
Bipolar disorder is a form of mental illness that afflicts millions of people around the world. This is a condition marked by extreme mood swings, including periods of mania and depression.
Symptoms of bipolar can surface in the teen years, or early adulthood, and have also been known to appear in children as well.
The key is to diagnose bipolar symptoms as quickly as possible. This article takes a look at the most recognizable symptoms of this mental disorder. Keep reading to learn the facts so that you can seek help.
1. Feeling Restless or Impulsive
Bipolar disorder causes severe mood swings. This means that an individual will experience periods of extreme highs followed by extreme lows. During the highs, they will often become restless and exhibit impulsive behavior.
These periods of restlessness make it hard to focus, thus they will have difficulty concentrating on tasks at work or school. In fact, it can feel impossible to focus on anything at all.
The internal state during these periods is chaotic, making the feelings of restlessness a challenge to cope with.
2. Talking Very Fast
The chaotic nature of bipolar disorder also results in racing thoughts. The mind becomes a swirling storm of conflicting thought patterns, causing the individual to talk faster than normal.
During these periods of mania, the individual may become paranoid or delusional, and even believe they are seeing things that aren’t really there.
The scattered thoughts caused by this mental disorder can also cause spikes in erratic behavior, thus the impulsive need to speak in a way that sounds hyperactive and abrupt.
3. Easily Distracted
Again, it’s common for anyone suffering from bipolar disorder to have an inability to focus. They are easily distracted. The act of sitting in one place for any period of time can often feel impossible. As the mind races, thoughts will constantly jump from one thing to the next.
Because of this, bipolar is often confused with Attention Deficit Disorder. Although they do share similar traits, these two conditions are quite different.
The inability to focus can make normal day-to-day life is frustrating, especially for anyone with a busy and demanding schedule.
Sitting at a desk, trying to complete work or attempt to do anything productive while battling a mind that is constantly distracted, can feel like a total nightmare and become a major disruption.
4. Engaging in Risky Behavior
A person with bipolar disorder might also begin engaging in behavior that could be considered risky by those around them.
The key is to remember that normal rational thought can be difficult, making it hard for the person with this disorder to understand that their behavior has become questionable.
For anyone with a loved one engaging in behavior that is out of character, this can be a clear sign that something is wrong. These are moments when it’s important to not dismiss the change in behavior, but rather to pay close attention, and ask questions in an effort to gain insight into the true nature of the situation.
Keep in mind that a person who is bipolar likely won’t understand what is happening within themselves, and won’t have any desire to draw attention to their mental illness.
When a loved one begins to show signs of bipolar disorder, it’s important to encourage them to seek help from residential mental health rehab.
5. Feeling Hopeless for Extended Periods of Time
While mania is often a clear symptom of bipolar disorder, there is also a flip side. An individual who is bipolar will also suffer periods of depression and hopelessness.
Anyone who has ever experienced even a minor form of depression understands how painful it can be. It’s like a gray fog that settles over the mind. There’s nothing pleasant about it. And though many people suffer from depression, it’s hard to explain the experience to anyone who’s never felt it first-hand.
The depression experienced by someone with bipolar can be dark and debilitating. After all, falling from a manic episode into hopelessness is such an extreme that the mind simply cannot process what is happening.
The highs and lows of bipolar can feel crippling, and without proper medication, your thoughts and actions can feel like they are beyond your control.
6. Severe Fatigue
The mental and physical extremes of bouncing from highs to lows can often lead to severe fatigue. After all, neither the mind nor body is designed to experience such an existence.
Again, anyone going through depression can describe how it produces fatigue that feels impossible to overcome. Depression floods the mind, creating helplessness that robs you of joy, leaving you unable to see beyond the bleakness of the current moment.
Bipolar takes depression to another level, robbing the mind and body of the energy to get out of bed, and often even the will to want to continue to live.
7. Feeling Suicidal
For most people, the notion of suicide seems ridiculous. After all, life is precious and every moment we spend on earth is a gift to be savored. Unfortunately, those with bipolar are often robbed of joy, and many of them view suicide as an escape from the misery of living.
Keep in mind that the extreme ups and downs of bipolar can feel like an endless roller coaster. This experience is exhausting. Thus suicide indeed seems like a desirable option for ending the pain. That’s why seeking treatment is so important for reestablishing the chemical balance needed for good mental health.
Common Bipolar Symptoms to Watch For
There’s nothing more important than good mental health. After all, the mind is very powerful and can dictate how you feel about yourself. Fortunately, this article can help you recognize bipolar symptoms so that you or your loved ones can get the necessary help to live a long and happy life.
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