50 Content Prompts to Connect to your Brand Emotion
Originally Posted On: https://www.lisapezik.com/site/blog/2020/05/29/50-content-prompts-to-connect-to-your-brand-emotion
I remember picking the bold black and outdoor alive green for my Lisa P’s Quick Fitness Brand….. FREEDOM.
The ocean blue, bright as gold, with feminine touches of pink for my Lisa Pezik brand…..POWERFUL and FEMININE.
Branding for me has always been about emotions.
You can pick your logo, font, colors, plan your product site, master tech with websites, funnels, and ads, but it doesn’t all come together until you figure out the emotions you want people to associate you with your brand.
When you know how you want people to feel you can speak directly to a person in your copy, content, video work, stage presentations, and ads.
The best place to start is finding the themes in your stories. Your stories will reveal who and what you’re all about.
“But what if I don’t have a story?
What if my story isn’t impactful?”
The truth is that we all have stories, we all have impact. Maybe you’ve never thought about it.
Here are 50 story telling and content prompts to get you back in tune with your brand emotion:
- My most favourite childhood possession was……
- The first thing I ever had to sacrifice was…
- My parents taught me that money was…..
- I was so afraid to tell my parents that….
- My first pet taught me that…..
- Something that’s really special about my hometown is….
- If my home was in danger, I’d try to save…
- I’d be so upset if I lost….
- My first kiss was with.. and it was…..
- The riskiest thing I’ve ever done is….
- The assumption people make about me is….
- One of my secret survival strategies is…..
- Being the new kid made me realize that…
- Trying to be liked made me……
- I consider myself a feminist because…
- I consider myself a leader because…
- The worst lie I ever told was…
- The first time I realized I was different was…..
- If I had my own talk show, I’d interview…
- The worst text I ever received was….
- The most inspirational song I ever heard was….because….
- My favourite move is.. because…
- If any actor could play me in real life move, it would be…..
- The first time I REALLY lost my temper was……
- When I grew up, I wanted to be a……….
- The most influential teacher I had in my life was… because…
- I remember my prom as…….
- The worst job I ever had was.. because…
- Money can buy me happiness because…
- Money can’t buy me happiness because….
- When I turn 100 I want to be…
- I want my obituary to say…
- The worst breakup I ever had was….
- I had to walk away from a friendship because…
- I express loyalty to people by….
- The worst vacation I’d ever been on was….
- The oldest thing I own is…..
- The best second hand thing I ever received was….
- The worst cooking experience I ever had was…
- The worst Halloween costume I ever wore was….
- I’d risk my life for…..
- I’d tell my younger self that….
- The lesson I learned the hard way way…
- The first time I truly felt paralyzing fear was….
- My worst nightmare that came true was….
- If I won the lottery, I’d…
- The hardest thing I had to overcome was…..
- The most unexpected thing at my wedding was…..
- The most useless thing I’ve ever bought was……
- The best lesson I taught my kids was….
Use this as your content game plan for the next 60 days.
The most impactful story has a teaching point at the end. It’s perception, strategy and implementation tool that people want the most from you. So don’t just write an underdog feel good story. Attach an action game plan with it.
Take the time to deep dive into this work, and if you feel so inclined, share your story and plan with me. I’d love to hear what the best prompt was for you.
For the first time in 3 years, I’m opening up 5 spots for 1:1 coaching for 12 weeks. We cover self-talk, story, and strategy. The complete package to help you dominate and scale in your industry. Will you be one of my five? Check it out here!