5 Unique Fall Baby Shower Ideas
Originally posted on http://theurbanhousewife.com/5-unique-fall-baby-shower-ideas/
Baby showers have evolved considerably since colonial women ate “groaning cakes” during birthing parties. Yes, child labor used to be a group activity of sorts.
Parties after the birth tended to be a bit bigger than ones beforehand. That was partly because labor and delivery was riskier for both mother and child. But in the modern era, baby showers are a big deal.
They’re often not as gendered nowadays. The themes are also getting more elaborate with each passing year. Fall baby shower ideas are as plentiful as falling leaves in October. Keep reading for five of the best ones.
1. Pumpkin Carving
Fall baby shower decorations will often include pumpkins. So why not bring out some actual pumpkins and have your guests carve them? If you’re worried about knives at a baby shower, ask people to decorate the pumpkins instead.
You can also make a lot of pumpkin references for the invitation. A phrase like “Help us prepare for our little pumpkin” is perfect.
2. Something Sporty
This is perfect for the parents-to-be who love sports. Fall is mostly focused on two sports: football and baseball. If the parents’ favorite team is in the playoffs, go for a baseball theme. Refer to the baby as “little slugger,” for instance. Get a cake shaped like a baseball.You can also do something similar for football-themed baby showers. As a bonus, give away prizes related to the local team.
3. A Fall Carnival
One of the most unexpected places to hold a baby shower? A fall carnival. Even if you can’t crash a local fall festival, you can still recreate one in someone’s backyard.
Talk to the expectant parents about what kind of carnival games they most like. Games like a bean bag toss or balloon pop are easy to set up.
Since it’s fall, don’t forget an apple-bobbing contest as well. You can’t have a carnival without people dunking their heads in water and searching for fruit.
4. Comfort Foods
In most places, fall equals cooler, crisper weather. People start wearing scarves and sweaters. They also start craving certain comfort foods.New moms know all about cravings. That’s one reason why having a comfort-food themed baby shower makes so much sense.
Think of dishes like macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, and grilled cheese sandwiches. There are plenty of comfort foods that are both easy to prepare and delicious.
Don’t forget sweets as well. Chocolate is always comforting, and you can get personalized candy bars from the Candy Wrapper Store.
5. A Costume Party
This can have a high degree of difficulty. But if you’re throwing your own baby shower and have guests who love Halloween, feel free to invite them to a costume party.
The costumes can be as simple or as elaborate as you want. You may ask people to dress up like babies, for instance. To kick it up a notch, offer a prize for the best baby costume.
More Fall Baby Shower Ideas
The above list is only a sampling of fall baby shower ideas. There are a few more fall-themed country baby shower ideas, but you can easily have an autumnal baby shower for a city dweller as well.
A baby shower is all about celebrating before the baby arrives and the hard work begins. If you’re expecting, make sure to bookmark our site. We’ve got parenting tips that will get you through those hectic early days.