5 Undeniable Benefits of Email Marketing for Book Promotion
There’s never been a better time to write a book. With numerous channels to reach potential readers worldwide, you can grab an audience that would make Mark Twain jealous with a few simple tools.
But there has never been more competition to get it right. There is 1 new book every 5 minutes on Amazon alone.
If you employ the benefits of email marketing you’ll be more likely to pull those readers in and get them to buy. The power of email marketing goes beyond initial sales as well.
You’ll be building a career around core readers once you understand how powerful email contact is.
1. Give Them What They Want
On the first day of Composition 101, many of us were faced with a question: Who is your audience?
Knowing your audience is essential to writing. You will craft a much different letter to your grandmother about your plans last weekend than to your best friend.
Or your parole officer, depending on how things went!
Great writers pull along audiences and give them what they want. And nearly 75% of people prefer to receive promotional content over email.
When starting a long-term relationship with your reading audience it is important to work around their desires. That way they will keep coming back for more.
2. The Trouble With Facebook (and Social Media)
Too many writers and publishers have shifted from print and traditional advertising entirely and focused solely on Facebook and other social media.
While it’s true that social media offers a great way to reach a targeted audience there are flaws. Mainly, you can’t control what people see on their newsfeeds.
For writers that means the latest update, you posted to your Facebook page may have gone unnoticed. As Facebook tinkers with their timeline algorithms, you may also find a heavy investment in social media doesn’t pay off down the road.
On the other hand, you can be much more sure your emails will be received. With Facebook and other social media, it’s a guess.
3. Reach a Wider Audience
There are nearly 5 billion email accounts worldwide. Creating an integrated marketing campaign using emails means you can hone and target a wider and wider audience.
Amazon has made it easier to reach a global audience of shoppers. You can capitalize on this audience with email marketing campaigns.
Rather than relying on Facebook or other social media channels–or testing the limits of traditional media– you can target people effectively.
The power of email marketing isn’t just reaching that audience though. The best part is that email brings better conversions.
Getting Them To Buy
What good is reaching a wider audience if they don’t buy your goods or services? When it comes to writing, you’ll be wasting time and energy by sending out marketing if it doesn’t result in book sales.
But the good news is that email doesn’t just find that bigger audience. It gets them to buy.
Email drives more conversions than other forms of marketing. For writers building a readership through regular online content, this situation is invaluable.
You’ll be regularly promoting your own content and driving conversions. There’s no reason to believe you won’t be selling multiple books to the same customers!
Getting them to buy is the purpose of email marketing.
4. Knowing Your Audience Better
The undeniably successful and great David Sedaris has made audience participation a fine art. During his reading tours, he tries out new material and makes notes as he goes.
Trying out new material on an audience in an interactive setting allows you to notice imperfections and discover what people respond to.
You can do the same with email marketing campaigns. This doesn’t just mean testing out your new manuscript.
You can see what influences your readers to open an email, respond to a CTA (call to action) and visit other web content.
The best writers write with their audience in mind. You’ll be getting to know more about what your readers love every time you reach out.
5. The Best Return on Investment
All business people need to measure the cost of their marketing campaign against their returns. Unless your ROI, or return on investment, is positive you should discontinue your campaign.
Gone are the days of traditional marketing campaigns when you simply built awareness. You need to know that every dollar you spend on marketing will result in income.
There’s no need to waste time on things that don’t work. And email marketing provides the best digital channel for ROI.
This doesn’t mean you will get instant returns if you send out a bland email. But by crafting content that is interesting, managing your subscriber list, and using best practices you will get the best return from email.
The Right Tools
When it comes to building an audience and staying in touch with readers it can be difficult to manage. Writers need time to write their own content.
Adding in the technical writing of emails, digital content, and managing marketing strategies can take people away from their core business.
If writers don’t have time to write what will they be selling?
That’s where the right tools come in. Once you know the importance of email marketing the next step is to make the process as easy as possible.
You should learn more about CRM and automate your email campaigns. That way you’ll have time to master writing and email marketing.
Moving Beyond The Benefits of Email Marketing
If you have a solid plan for email you can boost sales for your book. The benefits of email marketing will lead more readers to your digital platforms.
But after you get those visitors to your sites and stores then what? You need an integrated plan that can turn visitors into readers.
Building your brand means integrating social media, email, and content strategies to drive conversions.
You want people buying your book and then buying it for their friends and family! Make sure you are creating new content and promoting that content regularly.
Master the basics of marketing and you will create an audience. So come to find out more about the right publisher for you.