5 Reasons You Don’t Want to Wait to File a Worker’s Compensation Claim
Originally posted on https://www.accidenthelpzone.com/5-reasons-you-dont-want-to-wait-to-file-a-workers-compensation-claim/
Why You Shouldn’t Wait to File Claim
Did you have an accident at work? Filing a claim to your employer can mean the difference between paying your own medical bills and getting them covered by worker’s comp. Learn more about the five reasons you shouldn’t wait to file a Worker’s Compensation claim right away. You don’t want to lose money that your work owes you for your workplace accident.
1. Limited Time to File Claim
There is a time limit on how long you wait between the work accident and when you report the accident to your employer. In the state of New York, you only have 30 days to report work injuries to your employer. Of course, every state has different limits on how many days you have before you are no longer eligible for any worker’s comp benefits. After this, you might not be able to receive any kind of workman’s compensation for your injury.
This is why everyone should report their work injury to their supervisor right when it happens. Worker’s Compensation is available for a reason, so don’t miss out on your chance to take advantage of this insurance. It can help you in the future in case your injury becomes a disability, and you can no longer work the same job you had.
2. Rejections Can Occur
There are several ways a person can get rejected from their Worker’s Compensation claim. The period between work accidents and notifications to your supervisor can be one of the most crucial parts that could make them reject your request. This is because they won’t know for sure if your work injury is related to the accident that occurred at work or from something that happened while you weren’t working. By waiting too long, you could potentially have less of a chance at getting the benefits you need for the work injuries you obtained while working.
Other ways you can be rejected is if you have some type of mental illness. This could be harder to receive Worker’s Compensation since it’s harder to prove that your job is responsible for your condition.
However, in some instances, you can appeal after you receive a rejected claim. This could take a lot longer to get those benefits you might need right away, primarily if you can no longer work the job you had. It’s always easier to just report your work injury right away when the accident occurs. This way you won’t have to wait for any appeals or anything else that could derail you from getting those benefits.
3. No Paid Time Off
Imagine a workplace accident occurs one day, and you don’t report it to your supervisor. You might have injured your arm, and you might only think it’s bruised. A few weeks later, you can barely move your arm, let alone do your job. If you waited too long to notify your employer or supervisor, you might not be able to receive those benefits worker’s comp insurance could have given you.
One of those benefits includes time off from work and the ability to work little stuff you are able to at your workplace. Instead, you are out of luck, because you didn’t file a report about your work-related accident. This is why filing a Worker’s Compensation claim is essential to getting the benefits you need to get back to work and receive the time off you need to recover from your injuries.
4. Paying for Your Medical Bills
Do you want to be responsible for a pile of medical bills from workplace injuries? No one wants to pay for medical bills when they can take advantage of Worker’s Compensation. This is why you shouldn’t wait to file a Worker’s Compensation claim right after the workplace injury.
Your case will become stronger if you have medical evidence to back up your claim. Therefore, seeking medical attention after the workplace injury can help further your claim. Workplace injuries such as repetitive motion can cause tendonitis and bursitis. By getting the benefits of worker’s comp, you don’t have to worry about paying those pesky medical bills yourself.
5. Safety Enforced for Everyone
Most people don’t think about the safety of your other co-workers when you are in an accident. By filing a report right away of the workplace accident, you can save another co-worker from the same type of disaster in the future. Your employer is supposed to investigate your claim by law and figure out if there are any safety issues they need to fix to prevent future injuries and accidents. Safety to everyone in the workplace is crucial for any business, so helping your co-workers stay safe is essential. Even if your workplace accident didn’t give you an injury worthy of seeking medical attention, your co-workers might have the same type of accident and hurt themselves more than you did. It’s always good to know if they’re anyways to enforce the safety of everyone in your work further.
Hire an Experienced Lawyer
If you are being ignored or denied by your employer, you need to consider hiring an experienced lawyer. They can help you figure out what your next steps are and if you are eligible for a lawsuit against your employer. Having an experienced lawyer can make it easier for you to get the benefits and money for your medical bills. However, not everyone is eligible for a lawsuit. Sometimes your Worker’s Compensation claim could be rejected based on mental illness, drinking or drug use while working, or other reasons they can legally deny your claim. Remember, to always report your work-related injury to your supervisor right away and to seek medical attention.
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