5 Must-Know Tips on How to Sell Your Structured Settlement Fast
Were you awarded a structured settlement in the aftermath of a personal injury case or a wrongful death lawsuit?
You might love the idea of collecting payments from it for years to come. It’s a good way to ensure you don’t spend all the money from a settlement at one time. It can also provide you with tax benefits when you stretch out your settlement payments.
There are, however, some people who can’t wait around for years to collect a structured settlement. They need the money owed to them in the form of a lump sum payment as soon as possible.
Do you fall into this category? If so, you can sell your structured settlement and get cash for it.
Here are five tips that’ll help you sell it fast.
1. Read Up on the Different Structured Settlement Companies
There are lots of different companies that will pay you for your structured settlement. Before you choose one and start working with them, learn as much as you can about the companies offering cash for structured settlements.
The company that you choose should be:
- Experienced
- Friendly and willing to answer all your questions
- Reputable
- Affordable
- Reliable
Do your homework and track down the best companies in your area.
2. Find Reviews for the Various Companies
Outside of reading about different structured settlement companies on your own, you should also see what other people have had to say about them.
Use the internet to locate reviews for each company you’re considering. You can get a better sense of what the various companies are all about by browsing through their online reviews.
3. Decide How You Want to Sell Your Structured Settlement
In addition to researching all the different companies available to you, you should also spend some time thinking about how you want to sell your settlement.
Do you want to do a:
- Straight purchase?
- Partial purchase?
- Lump-sum purchase?
You’ll need to pick one of these methods prior to reaching out to companies for quotes.
4. Obtain Quotes From Each Company
Once you’ve decided how you want to go about selling your structured settlement, touch base with the companies you’re thinking about using. Ask them to provide you with a quote that shows how much they’ll give you for your settlement.
The more quotes you can obtain, the better! Your goal is going to be to pit these companies against one another to get the best deal for yourself.
At the end of the day, you should go with the company that brings their A-game by providing you with a great quote.
5. Make Sure You Make the Sale Official
Before you can officially sell your structured settlement, you’ll need to go back to court and stand in front of a judge. It’s an easy process, but your settlement sale can’t move forward until you go through with it and have the sale approved.
Work with your lawyer to sell your settlement for good. It’ll allow you to get immediate access to the money you need now.
Sell a Structured Settlement Today
Selling a structured settlement isn’t nearly as difficult as some people make it out to be. The key is to find the right company to buy your settlement.
You can do this by using the tips listed here. You’ll be able to uncover the best company to buy your settlement in no time.
Want to find out more ways to get your hands on money fast? Read our blog to learn how to pad your bank account in a hurry.