5 Mistakes to Avoid When Using CBD Oil
Originally posted on https://cbdoilusers.com/5-mistakes-to-avoid-when-using-cbd-oil/
If you’re new to using CBD oil, it’s easy to make mistakes. If you’re not getting the results that you hoped for, it’s very possible that you may be doing something incorrectly.
Have no fear! Correcting these 5 common mistakes may be just what you need for the best possible CBD experience.
Taking Too Much Too Fast
It may seem counter-intuitive but taking too much CBD at first can do more harm than good. In fact, you may find that you start experiencing the exact opposite of what you’re trying to achieve. With CBD dosing, “low and slow” is the motto that you want to adopt.
By starting low-dose and slowly increasing over time, you gradually introduce CBD into your system without overloading it. This method will allow you to more easily find your “sweet spot”, which can also save you a lot of money in the long run.
Measuring Your Dose by Drops
Although it’s a very common approach, dosing by drop or dropperful (especially one lacking measurements) is one of the least accurate methods of measuring your CBD serving size. The common “20 drops = 1 milliliter” saying is rarely true. So if you follow that, you’re likely not taking the amount you think you are.
Dropper tip sizes can vary significantly by brand and drops from may not always be uniform in size or shape. This variation can lead to you taking significantly different amounts each time that you dose. With some concentrated oils, being just one or two drops off can raise or lower your dose by 10-15 milligrams. For those reasons, we recommend seeking out a one milliliter oral syringe and measuring your dose in milliliters instead of drops.
Misunderstanding Your Product
Knowing what full spectrum, broad spectrum, and isolate means is incredibly important. These CBD product classifications and the third party lab reports will tell you what specific cannabinoids and terpenes are in your specific product. Having a full understanding of what’s in the product will help you figure out why you may find one product more beneficial than another.
Additionally, being able to read the product label and understand exactly how much total CBD is in a product and its potency per milliliter is important when dosing.
Not Checking Batch Lab Reports
Products are typically produced by companies in batches. Each batch can vary slightly in potency and levels of cannabinoids and terpenes. So it’s a good idea to check the third party lab report for each new bottle that you buy.
The potency results will allow you to more accurately calculate your dosage as it varies between batches. Additionally, it can help you identify any significant changes within brands. Catching these changes early can save you from wondering why something may not be working as well anymore.
Expecting Immediate Results
Just like most pharmaceuticals and other supplements, CBD takes time to work. Only a handful of users experience immediate benefits, and often-times they taper off quickly. If you go in with the expectations for it to work immediately, you will probably be disappointed. This unfortunately leads to many thinking that CBD does not work at all.
Instead, give it some time. It can take up to a month or more, and the benefits are often subtle at first and come on gradually. You may first realize it’s working when you skip a dose and notice a recurrence of symptoms. With CBD, it’s often all about what you no longer feel rather than what you do feel.